Regular Meeting
Dawn Livingston, President, recognized the efforts of the school community to provide a consistent in-person educational experience this year. She noted that she is aware of the various perspectives surrounding the usage of masks, particularly for students. Ms. Livingston provided a legal perspective on why masks are mandated in schools through the end of this school year, per the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health. If the District does not abide by this mandate, consequences could be enforced by the Illinois State Board of Education (the District's governing authority). These consequences include the risk of licenses of educators being revoked, the ability of schools to remain in-person, and/or the enforcement of expansive quarantines. Ms. Livingston noted that the District has been advocating for increased local control over health mitigation matters in the future. Additionally, she noted that the District anticipates being able to move forward with a more typical school experience in the fall, hopeful that mask guidance will evolve and not be an issue come fall.
Ms. Livingston welcomed CFO, Brad Goldstein, who recognized the efforts of the District's Custodial and Maintenance Team this year. Mr. Goldstein thanked this team for going above and beyond to help keep the school community safe during the pandemic. He highlighted that many sacrifices were made by this team to ensure significant additional work was completed this year. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent, noted that District schools are in the midst of enjoying year-end traditions, like Pioneer Day and Field Day. She thanked the many families and staff who contributed valuable feedback in recent focus groups and committed to directly addressing many of the themes that emerged, such as supporting the social/emotional and academic needs of our students this coming year. She acknowledged the District's 2021 retirees for their tremendous efforts on behalf of our school community.
Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent, Stephen Fujii of Battelle for Kids, and Members of the Strategic Planning Design Team (Lauren LeBoyer, Victor Cooper, Jen Fiegan, Andrew Fenton, Kelly Tess, and Brad Goldstein) presented on the Strategic Planning process and recommended a revised mission, vision, Portrait of a Graduate, and Priority Areas. The Board is anticipated to approve this work at its June 22 meeting. In the fall, District administration will present draft objectives and strategies to the Board for approval and then begin the implementation of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.
Barry Rodgers, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning and Beth Martin, Director of Student Services, provided an overview of planning that has taken place for the upcoming school year in the areas of summer services, early literacy, social and emotional learning, professional learning and curriculum prioritization. An overview of spring assessment results, along with SEL planning were also shared and presented. Families will be provided with summer resources to support building a reading life.
Informational Items Educational Master Facility Plan (EMFP) AdvancementAn update was shared on the May 11 Citizens Task Force Meeting. A fourth meeting was held on May 27, intended for the Citizens Task Force to prioritize a plan for which revised facility and funding proposal(s) should be tested with the community-at-large in the fall. The Board will receive further information on the group's recommendations at the June 22 meeting.
It was recommended (and later approved) that the Board hire four recommended candidates for certified positions. The 2021/2022 Staffing Plan reflects the FTE allocations and draft placements by building, as well as at the District level.
The Board approved transportation rates for the 2021-2022 school year. Round-trip rates will be $875 and one-way transportation will be $510.
The Before-School Care program, run by Right at School, was also approved by the Board. This program will be housed at Hubbard Woods, and students at other schools will be transported to their home school at no additional cost.
Apple iPad Refresh Lease
The Board approved a four-year lease with Apple for 1,370 iPads. This initiative is part of the 5-year technology refresh plan. The lease will allow for a refresh of 2nd-8th grade iPads and Resource Center iPads, as well as stock to provide for needed repairs throughout the year.
Brad Goldstein, CFO, recommended, and the Board approved the hiring of five full-time custodians through ABM Industries to address summer custodial needs. ABM Industries has been the District partner for high touch point cleaning and disinfecting during this past school year.
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) implemented a new consolidated plan in 2019 which all school districts must submit annually. The Consolidated District Plan allows grantees to answer one set of planning questions to meet requirements for all 12 of the federal formula grants that are available. The Board approved this annual plan which is an overview of Title I, II and IDEA grants.
Other news
The Board unanimously approved Mr. Lucas Livingston as the new Principal of Crow Island School starting July 1, 2021. District administration will work with Mr. Livingston over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition into his role. Mr. Livingston has a reputation for collaborative leadership and instructional knowledge, with a passion for child-centered education. He is currently the Principal at Cherokee Elementary School in Lake Forest District 67, and was previously an Associate Principal in Highland Park, a second and third grade teacher, and a Diverse Learner and Support Leader with Diverse Learner Supports & Services.
The following Action Items were approved:
- Principal Contract Crow Island School
- Transportation Fees 2021-2022
- Right at School - Before-School Care Subsidization for 2021-2022
- ABM Industries - Summer Custodial Services
- Resolution to Enter into Apple Lease Agreement
- Settlement Agreement and Release - Addendum
- Settlement Agreement and Release - Addendum
- Intra-District Transfer Request
The Complete Board Packets for the May 25, 2021 School Board Meetings are here.
Upcoming Regular Meeting Date
Regular meetings are open to the public and will be held at Carleton Washburne School through June 2021. Regular meetings begin at 7:15 p.m. Work sessions are also open to the public and may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. Discussion topics and times for work sessions will be posted on the District website 24 hours in advance. |
The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make a meaningful difference in the world.
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