CCEI May 2021 Newsletter
Family-Teacher Conferences
Let’s face it, things look a lot different in 2021 than they have in the past. There is an eagerness to return to the way things were, without social distancing, masks, and restrictions on gatherings. Despite all of the changes, the importance of family communication and engagement is as important as ever. Learn More
Things to Do Before Conferences
Things to Do During Conferences
Things to Do After Conferences
Director's Corner:
Supporting the Process
CCEI Additional Articles
CCEI Special Offers
Blooming with Savings!
If you've never purchased a CCEI annual training subscription, there's no better time than NOW! Training plus FREE School Supplies! It's a win win!
(Offer not valid on subscription renewals.)

CCEI Poll Results: April 2021 Newsletter
When is the last time you used elements of the Scientific Method with children in your care?

A. Today - 142 responses or 30.6%
B. Within the last few days - 117 responses or 25.2%
C. Sometime in the past month - 100 responses or 21.6%
D. I am not sure - 105 responses or 22.6%

Total: 464 responses
How often does your program offer family-teacher conferences?
A. Quarterly
B. Twice a year
C. At the end of the year
D. Only when requested or required due to concerns
E. The program does not offer conferences
F. I do not currently work in a program/I am not sure
CCEI Student Spotlight
Meghan Croft
Natick, Massachusetts
I completed the Director’s Certificate Program through CCEI at the end of last year. I thoroughly enjoyed the program and working with my Education Coach. I highly recommend the Director’s Certificate Program to anyone looking to learn about administrative opportunities in early childhood. I hope to use my Director’s certificate one day in the future to take on a combined administrative and classroom teacher role.

Virtual Family-Teacher Conferences | CCEI

The May 2021 newsletter is all about preparing for and conducting family teacher conferences. In the newsletter, we provide a number of strategies to consider when holding virtual conferences, but there is so much to consider, we want to share...

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Ready to Get Started? 
It's Not Too Late! Take CCEI's No-Cost Trial Course Today!
CCEI offers CCEI3022: Parent-Teacher Conferences asno-cost online child care training course to new CCEI users
May 1-31, 2021.

This is a one-hour, beginner-level course and grants 0.1 IACET CEU upon successful completion. CCEI professional development courses are available to account holders with an active, annual individual or center-based subscription, or can be purchased individually.
Watch how CCEI has helped childcare providers in their professional development journey just like you.

CCEI students have completed nearly 7,000,000 online course hours and over 19,000 early childhood professionals have graduated from CDA and other certificate programs. CCEI also maintains excellent student satisfaction scores and 99.4% of students say they would recommend CCEI to others.