CORE Voice Newsletter, Issue 3, May 2021
In This Issue
- Why did the ELCA apologize for what its General Counsel wrote?
- How has the ELCA embraced Black Lives Matter?
- Why, like Daniel, must we repent for our nation?
- Have you watched our Video Book Review for May?
- What resources can CORE provide to your church?
- Confused by copyright rules? Help is here!
- What might make your in-church worship better?
- Winter surprise, summer hope.
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ELCA Support for the Equality Act: What Does it Mean?
Earlier this year, I noticed that ELCA Advocacy had given the Equality Act its full and unqualified endorsement. It also encouraged members of the ELCA to write their Senators, calling upon them to support the legislation. In doing so, the ELCA made reference to the social statement Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust (HSGT).
I wrote to Presiding Bishop Eaton, saying:
“The ELCA has declared its support of the Equality Act. It is also urging its members to write to their Senators in support of the Equality Act. What I am wondering is whether the ELCA has given any thought to how the Equality Act will affect those congregations who choose not to call partnered homosexual pastors, or who choose not to perform same-sex weddings.
“As you know, there is debate about whether the act will remove religious freedom protections from congregations and pastors. Has the ELCA considered this question? Is the ELCA prepared to defend the right of its congregations and pastors to act in accordance with their "bound consciences" as was promised in 2009?”
The response came …
Mountain Lion Cubs Do Not Stay Mountain Lion Cubs
Not too far from our home – in the Sonoran Desert outside Phoenix – is the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center. This wonderful facility cares for many desert animals that have been injured or orphaned. The goal is always to be able to return them to the wild. ... Some animals are brought there by people who naively thought that a mountain lion cub would make a great pet. But mountain lion cubs always grow up, and people come to realize that something they thought would be safe has become a threat.
I thought of people who mistakenly believe that they could tame a mountain lion cub when I read the April 16 letter from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton addressing racial justice. A link ...
Repenting of the Sins of Our Nation: Part I — Accepting the Call
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ —
Over the course of the past few months, I have gained a much greater appreciation for the Book of Daniel and the message of hope that it brings to the Church for the living of these historically challenging days. But on a more personal note, on this particular day as I move into my 66th year of living, I’d like to make a b-day wish in the form of a prayerful declaration: I want to be like Daniel when I grow up! Here I am, nearly 35 years into my call, and only now am I beginning to understand the extent of what it means — and what it might mean — to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
In Daniel 9:3-19, we hear this well-seasoned prophet pleading and imploring Almighty God to show mercy to His people, the Israelites. He begins, “Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking Him by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes. I prayed ...
Editor’s Note: This piece was written by a Luther Seminary student earlier this spring.
I can't tell you what spring is like in places beyond the Midwest — I’m sure they have it but it certainly pales in comparison to the spring that we enjoy in Minnesota. Saint Anthony Park and the ever-creaky Bockman Hall were covered in snow one day this week and basked in warm sun the next. Through open windows a new breeze blows in and with it the promise of a new age. A new age not held by the chains of ice and cold but one dominated by the warmth of the sun.
It is on to this odd state of transition that I cannot help but project my own faith. We as believers live in a time of ...
Resources for Congregations – Sermons, Clergy Connect, and Congregations in Transition
Lutheran CORE wants to be of support and assistance to orthodox, confessional congregations in every way that we can. Three of the ways in which we are seeking to do that are through a catalog of sermon resources, Clergy Connect, and Congregations in Transition.
I have spoken with lay leaders of congregations that are either too small or too remote to be able to find and call a pastor. Other congregations are in the process of calling a pastor, and at this point do not have an interim. Some of these congregations have a pastor who is available to come, preach, and preside at communion once or twice a month. Many times it is a retired pastor, or a chaplain in a nearby care facility, who is able to help out. I have spoken with some pastors who travel a great distance in order to provide care for the people of God. Because of the distance, some of these pastors will preach and lead worship one Sunday a month, and then write and send sermons which a lay leader in the congregation can deliver on the other Sundays of the month. There are many different kinds of situations, and many different kinds of arrangements that have been made. We want to thank all of the lay leaders of congregations who “step up to the plate” and ...
Navigating the Copyright Minefield when Live Streaming Worship
by Ken Coughlan, Media Director at Trinity Lutheran Church, Attorney, and Christian Apologist, Joppa, Maryland
When COVID hit last year, having an online presence (often including live streaming of our worship services) became a more common tool to help churches stay connected with their congregations. However, many people may have discovered the hard way that we can’t just put anything we want online. There are legal obstacles that need to be taken into account. Chief among these is copyright. As both an attorney for over two decades and the Media Director at Trinity Lutheran Church in Joppa, Maryland, this presented a proverbial dance that I was all too familiar with.
What is copyright? In short, it is . . .
Increasing (in-Person) Worship Attendance: "One Sunday at a Time"
From a Washington Post article on March 29, 2021: “Church membership in the United States has fallen below the majority (of the population) for the first time in nearly a century...First time this has happened since Gallup first asked the question in 1937, when church membership was 73%.” ...
Not surprisingly, the Gallup and Pew Research findings are being reflected in decreasing worship attendance. And this worship attendance decline was painfully evident in a majority of Lutheran congregations long before the current pandemic.
In the last issue of this newsletter I wrote of ways to improve what your congregation offers to online worshipers. And I do consider online worship as a needed outreach strategy in the years to come. However, do not think you can afford to give up on offering quality in-person worship. Those who already are — and soon will be — worshiping in person deserve your congregation’s best efforts. Below are some specific, practical suggestions regarding ...
Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance. Many thanks to Ken Coughlan, media director and director of international programs for Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and Christian School (NALC) in Joppa, Maryland, for doing this month’s video review. His review is about the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Greg Koukl.
Pro Ecclesia 2021 Conference
by Pr. Steve Shipman, Dean, Western Mission District of the Atlantic Mission Region, NALC, former Director of Lutheran CORE
The Pro Ecclesia 2021 Conference
sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology
June 7-9 (Monday evening to Wednesday noon)
Loyola University, Baltimore
Confirmed speakers include:
David Cloutier
Piotr Malysz
Marianne Meye Thompson
Brent Waters
Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
Topics include:
The Ethics of the Sermon
The Sermon as Both Law and Gospel
Is the Sermon Economically Realistic?
Preaching the Sermon
The Place of the Sermon in Matthew’s Gospel
And a special address by CCET board member Michael Root, "Is the Ecumenical Movement Over?"
Pro Ecclesia Conference - June 7-9, 2021. Click here. Register here.
NEXUS Course - July 11- 17, 2021. Click here.
Lutheran Week @ American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, TX - Aug 2-6, 2021. Click here.
LCMC 2021 Annual Gathering and Convention - @ Upper Arlington Church, Hilliard, Ohio - October 3-6. Click here.
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© 2021 Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
PO Box 1741 Wausau, WI 54402-1741
Lutheran CORE's mission:
- A Network for Confessing Lutherans
- A Voice for Biblical Truth
Our purpose can be summed up in two words– Network and Voice . As Network for confessing Lutherans, we support and connect Lutheran individuals and congregations who seek to live in accord with Biblical and confessional teachings and practices. As a Prophetic Voice , we advocate for Biblical authority and confessional fidelity among churches of the Lutheran community.
We support local gatherings and communicate Biblical truth through our newsletter, mailings, and various forms of social media.