Volume 5 I May 2021
Welcome to our special AGM Newsletter Edition!
We want you to be prepared for this Sunday's Annual General Meeting, so we have provided all the resources needed for you to be ready for our Annual General Meeting.

In this edition, you will have the information on how to attend the meeting and how to vote. You can view and read the AGM Brochure online and we have a FAQ link for any questions you may have.

To view the AGM Brochure, please click on the below image.


Click on the icon to watch how to attend our AGM.
Click on this icon to watch our video on how to vote.
Your vote counts!
Acquaint yourself with the list of nominees below for the Board of Directors, Credit Committee and Supervisory Committee.
The PSCU Credit Union’s Board of Directors is responsible for propelling the strategic direction of the Credit Union, establishing policies and overseeing management’s performance. The Board bears fiduciary responsibility in ensuring that all regulatory and statutory requirements are met and that the organization is well positioned for continued growth and stability.
Click on the question mark for AGM FAQs
The Supervisory Committee observes the Credit Union’s functions and daily operations in keeping with the Bye Laws, Policies and Procedures of the Institution. Where necessary, recommendations are made to strengthen the capacity of the Society to protect the assets of the membership.
The Credit Committee consists of five (5) members elected by the Credit Union membership through a democratic process at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The committee shall inquire carefully into the financial position of borrowing members and their endorsers, so as to ascertain their ability to repay fully and promptly the obligations assumed by them.

Thank you for your donations!

PSCU Credit Union, together with its membership, made a generous contribution to assist our brothers and sisters in St Vincent and the Grenadines in this time of need. Water, non-perishable items and cleaning supplies were all packaged and sent to St Vincent. Every donation is critical as St. Vincent is in the process of attempting to restore normalcy.
These generous donations would go a long way in assisting our brothers and sisters in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Ms. Samantha Peters, our PR/Communications Officer, gives a social distanced 'elbow bounce' to  Mr. Kelmore Hadaway, representative of Synergy TV and ITNAC.
Mr. Kevon Serrette, PSCU's Office Assistant, was hard at work loading your contributions. 
Cleaning supplies, water and food are all critical contributions. 
Let us help you create a plan to save.
Call, visit and click on www.pscutt.com TODAY!
PSCU Credit Union Cooperative Society Limited