May 2021
May 3rd-7th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9th: Mother's Day
May 31st: Closed for Memorial Day

Computer Trouble
As many of you may know, we have been having some technological difficulties over the past two weeks. While we now have access to the internet, the rest of our server is still completely down. What this means for you:
  1. We do not have access to our typical email system. If you need to contact us through email, please use the following email address until our server issues are resolved:
  2. We do not have an updated version of our quickbooks file which means we are unable to view your current balance or statement. This should be rectified over the next few days, but will require a lot of data input on our end first. So please be patient with us as we work to fix this issue.

Water Days
Summer is almost here! We will be having water days this summer starting June 1st. Please watch for further information including the schedule for water play. In the meantime, please make sure your child is prepared with the following items:
  1. swim suite
  2. water shoes (no open toe shoes or crocs!)
  3. towel
These items can be left at school during the week and will be returned on Friday's for cleaning.

Garage Sale Finds
Along with Summer, comes garage sale season. If you are out and about and happen upon the following items, we would greatly appreciate donations!
  1. Our preschool classrooms are looking for spare clothes. They are in particular need of girl and boy pants in sizes 3T, 4/4T, 5/5T, and 6.
  2. We would like some durable items for our sandbox outside such as old pots and pans, metal buckets, strong but child safe shovels, etc.

Teacher Appreciation Week
May 3rd - 7th
Thank you so much for all of your generosity! Our teachers enjoyed the week we planned, and we could not have done it without you!
Hours of Operation:
Please Note: As of March 1st, our hours of operation will be 6:45am to 5:30 pm. All drop off and pick up procedures will remain the same.

Mask Policy: All adults and children 2 years and older are required to wear masks. Masks must be worn by children at all times tolerable except during meal times, nap time, and while playing outside. Katie's Kids REQUIRES all family members who drop off and pick up children to wear a mask. Please also maintain a 6 foot distance from others as you wait. These procedures are set to keep your family, other families, and our staff safe and healthy.

Family Pledge: Please continue to be mindful of your pledge to KKLC. We can not keep our children safe without you and your dedication to health and safety. You can help by doing the following:
  1. Continue to take precautions to limit your exposure as you move about in the community.
  2. Wash your hands often and wear your mask in group settings.
  3. If your child or someone in your household shows sign of illness, please use a cautious approach when deciding to send your child to school.
  4. If someone in your household shows signs of COVID-19 and needs to be tested, please keep your children at home until the results are known.
School Age...
School Age Summer Camp will begin on June 1st. Please watch for further information in the coming weeks.
Getting Healthy...
At Katie's Kids Learning Center, we are committed to providing the best possible nutrition to you and your family. We hope you enjoy the following recipe:
Baked Sweet Potato Bar
Ideas for home...
Shadow Activities
Now that the weather is nicer, you may be spending more time outside. What a great opportunity for your child to discover his/her shadow! Here is a list of shadow fun activities for you to try at home.

Share your positive moments!
Do you have any positive moments you want to share about our staff? If so, we want to hear and share them! Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and submit.
Help spread the word of Katie's Kids!
Do you have a friend, neighbor, or colleague looking for care? For every family you refer to Katie's Kids we will apply a $50 credit to your account after the family has been with us for 90 days.
Connect to Our Class Page: 

Class Code: PQGXH

May's Book Recommendation
Jabari Jumps is a book about a young boy who faces his fear of jumping off a diving board.
Accredited by the National Accreditation Commission
Katie's Kids LLC I Website

Accredited by: National Accreditation Commission