Volume 22 | Issue 5 | May 2022


CSS Corner

Pride Parade 2022

National Energy Barg

Exec Elections 2022

Blood Services


Last Laugh


594 Swag

Nathan Kraemer
Recording Secretary:
Ryan Shillingford
Kaleena Baulin
Negotiating Chairperson:
Shaun Jenkins
Maintenance V.P.:
Karl Dahle
Process V.P.:
Wade Schnell
Administration V.P.:
Tasha Lang
Kurt Haakensen
Chief Shop Steward:
Richard Exner
Information Officer:
Ashlyn Heintz
Brandon Mang
Sergeant at Arms:
Nic Skulski
Amy Wisniewski (20)
Daryl Watch (21)
Kevin Geiger (22)


Another Turnaround is almost in the books and that generally means its time to relax and enjoy the Spring/Summer. For the Chief Shop Steward, it usually means that grievances and meetings that are put on hold during the hecticness of shutdown, fire back up again.

Here is a quick rundown of some hot button issues and their status:

Shift Supervisor Step Up Pay - A few paydays ago some of our Process members would've noticed some amount of back pay for any shifts worked in which they performed a range of supervisory duties. This was the outcome of several discussions with the Company that was able to find a resolution without a grievance being filed.

Savings Plan - As you may recall we have filed an application for Judicial Review of the Arbitrator's decision some time ago. We continue to work through the case management steps of the pre-trial process. This includes collecting the arbitration record which has encountered some unfortunate delays. Next steps include a court date to sort out any other preliminary matters and set dates for the hearing.

LOU 61 - On the topic of Turnaround, Arbitrator Hood's decision that upholds the Company's interpretation that permanent employees from outside the Maintenance Department are not entitled to priority work assignments ahead of contractors during Turnaround will also be headed to Judicial Review. Our lawyers are just putting the finishing touches on our application and we expect that it will be filed shortly. In the meantime, we have filed another grievance for 2022 Turnaround as a means of preventing the issue from going stale. It is important to our members, and the long-term success of the refinery, that our highly-skilled & competent permanent employees are made a priority over contractors.

Traffic Tickets from the Lockout - This last month saw our team wrap up the last of the traffic tickets that were issued to our members during the lockout. At the end of the day, all but one of the traffic violations were withdrawn by the Crown. This gives legitimacy to our position that the original issuance of tickets to 594 members for participating in peaceful protests was politically motivated from the outset. It's nice to finally tie up another loose end from the lockout.

To be continued...



Karla Hanson


Debbie Bourassa &

Mitch Bloos

Building Maintenance:

Garth Wendel


Mike Pelzer


Sam Seibel


Corey Strass & Colin Waldie

Fire & Safety:

Daryl Watch

Information Technology:

Cory Frederickson


Shane Thompson


Dave Mushynsky &

Jaret McCloy & Chris Szala


Luke McGeough &

Brandon Mang


Andrea Jordan & Mike Fink


Derek Kups & Karter Diewold

MRP: Garth Wendel

PDD Loading: Jamie Wolf

PDD Warehouse: Vacant

PDD Office:

Christal Mymryk


Jeremy Lukomski

& Dan Ross


Ryan Dzioba


Nelson Wagman

Section IA:

Dean Funke

Section IB:

Charles Brittner

Section II:

Chad Gettle & Jason Sharp

Section III:

Josh Hollinger

Section IV:

Pat Pilot

Section V:

Andrew Murray


Nathan Fafard


Scott Wicklund


Return to Work Grievances - This month also saw a settlement reached with the Company on ten grievances filed on behalf of individuals who were suspended anywhere from 5-7 days for violating the agreed upon RTW post-lockout. It is a fair compromise over a disputed claim that brings closure to a significant number of grievances. 

Grievance Backlog - Speaking of grievances, we still have approximately 140 active grievances. In early April we met with representatives from HR & LR to discuss a mutually beneficial way to tackle the backlog in a quick and efficient manner. While some of the specific details still need to be ironed out, we feel there is buy in from the Company to put to bed some long-standing issues and move forward with the collective agreement as bargained. The next step in the process is for our Executive to caucus with our legal teams and prioritize the active grievances. We will be engaging with Shop Stewards and individual grievors throughout this process.

Master Operator ULP - Hearing days 11, 12 & 13 took place April 27th-29th over WebEx with the Labour Relations Board (LRB). The Company continued to present their case through (former) FCL Director of Labour Relations Trent Rowsell. His evidence and subsequent cross-examination took up the entirety of the three scheduled days. With the Company stating that they have at least one more witness, we have booked May 30th & 31st for the hearing. Additionally, June 20th is set aside for closing arguments. It will be at that time the LRB panel will deliberate and write their decision. We anticipate that process could take up anywhere from 3-8 weeks given the length and complexity of the hearing.

We just want to thank everyone who has worked so diligently on all the above-mentioned issues and the patience of the membership as we work to bring satisfactory conclusions to these very important matters.

In Solidarity,

Richard Exner


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The 2022 Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2022 in Regina. Unifor 1S will be entering a float, as they do every year. 

If you are interested in helping to build the float or join the parade,  please contact Nathan Kraemer for more details as they become available:

[email protected]


We may have become a bit comfortable in the downtime between negotiations, especially with the 7-year Me Too agreement that we ratified in the last round of negotiations, but it is already time to start thinking about the National Energy Pattern.

The National Energy Bargaining Program is something that we have historically and consistantly been a part of at Local 594. It allows us to use the collective bargaining power of over 40 different locals in the energy sector. It is also something that we worked into our Me Too portion of our last contract that we ratified in June of 2020. In that agreement, we accepted a 4-year term, as was negotiated nationally, plus an additional 3 year term where no negotiations needed to take place and our wage increases would be the negotiated 2022 national pattern, or 1% per year over 3 years, whichever is greater.

As a local, we have the ability to vote whether or not we intend to be a part of the pattern. Being apart of the pattern automatically includes paying into, and receiving the benefits of, the supplementary defense fund. Every local participating in the pattern will pay into this fund. Once a national deal is ratified, that money is returned to the locals providing it was not spent in a labour dispute arising from national pattern issues. Whether or not we choose to be a part of this pattern will be something we all will vote on in the next month or so. We all need to understand what that means, especially this time around with our Me Too agreement we are currently in. If we opt out of participating in the national pattern, we are effectively accepting 1% raises for 2023, 2024, and 2025.

Our Negotiating Chair, Shaun Jenkins and I both went to Montreal at the end of April as the two voting delegates that Local 594 is allotted based on our membership numbers. While we were there we elected the bargaining steering committee for this round of negotiations, and that committee then put together our proposals for this round.

We ended up with an 8 point proposal package:

  1. 2-year term
  2. 7% wage increase in year 1, and 7% wage increase in year 2
  3.  Improvements to vacation language
  4. Create language surrounding domestic violence and paid domestic violence leave
  5. Create women’s advocate language
  6. Create racial justice advocate language
  7. Create indigenous advocate language
  8. Create framework to support discussion around Just Transition

As with any negotiation, these 8 points are a starting proposal and almost certainly not what we end up with as a final deal, should we elect to be a part of the pattern. We also still do not know who the “target” company will be. There is always one company that steps up or is appointed to bargain the pattern agreement on behalf of every employer in the pattern. Traditionally, this has been Suncor, but it has yet to be determined. That is the next step in this pattern bargaining process.

With all of that said, I want to say that I believe we absolutely should be a part of that pattern as we always have been. There is strength in numbers. This program and the collective bargaining power has always served us well. We are in a special position this round with our Me Too agreement. This time around, not participating in the energy pattern is accepting 1% increases for the next three years. 

Please bring forward any questions, concerns or input to the executive. Even as we bargain nationally, we bargain with 594 members interests at the forefront.


In Solidarity,

Nathan Kraemer, President


Congratulations to all members on any new positions, or continued positions and thank-you to those that have put many hours into the last couple of years on the executive. As of the May 24th General Membership Meeting, the following members have been nominated and accepted into the following Executive positions:

Two-year term:

President: Nathan Kraemer

Maintenance VP: Karl Dahle

Administration VP: Tasha Lang

Sergeant At Arms: Nicolas Skulski

Chief Shop Steward: Richard Exner

Information Officer: Ashlyn Heintz

One-year term:

PDD VP: Kurt Haakensen

Recording Secretary: TBD by vote: June 2 **

Three-year term:

Trustee: Anton Skulski

**There will be a vote held on June 2, 2022 for the position of Recording Secretary. The two candidates are: Ryan Shillingford and Ellen Foley. More information on the voting procedure will be sent via email.

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For more information on the scholarship, visit: Assignment Saving Lives | Canadian Blood Services

to the following 594 members:

Lorne Leibel- Stores (May 1, 2022)

Kerry Agar - Lead Hand Carpenter (June 1, 2022)

Lee Stocker- Instrumentation (June 1, 2022)

Les Bonkowski- Electrical (July 1, 2022)

Warren Huber- Laboratory (July 1, 2022)

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Employee & Family Assistance Program
The Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is through Homewood Health and is available 24/7/365. Call 1-800-663-1142 or reach out to a trusted confident, friend or co-worker if you aren't feeling like yourself.
594 SWAG
Are you interested in sporting Unifor 594 Swag?
Check out our list of swag at: