Issue 8

May 2022


A Southern Baptist Association
From Your Associational Mission Strategist

CAMP SEASON IS HERE! I am excited about our upcoming camps over the next two months and can’t wait to see what God is going to do! There are several camps that will be taking place in June and July. I mentioned these camps in last months newsletter and I want to continue to encourage everyone to pray for these camps. The goal for each camp is to reach children with the Gospel and to encourage those who have a relationship with Christ to grow in their walk with Him. Prayer is vital for each of these camps. We also need individuals to volunteer to help with the camps. The “Connect Camp” which will be held on June 6-10 at the old middle school is still in need of volunteers. This camp is a community effort by many churches in Crisp County. I want to encourage especially our Crisp County Association churches to get involved with this camp. This is the second year this camp will be taking place. Financial support as well as volunteers are needed. This camp has the potential of reach over 200 children, and I would pray that our churches will get behind this effort of reaching these children with the Gospel. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Christy Saylor at First Baptist Church of Cordele!

We are also gearing up for our association camps that are held at our campground. We need several camp missionaries from 9th grade through adults to help us! God has richly blessed this ministry of our association and I believe God is going to do a great work again the lives of the children who attend our camps. The applications for camp missionaries and for campers can be found on our website. I also mailed applications to each of our Pastors. Please be in prayer for each of these camps.

The Annual National Day of Prayer will be taking place on May 5th at 12:00 noon. In Crisp County the event will be held  on the lawn of the Courthouse. There are several ministers from our county who will be leading us in the prayer time. There will also be a prayer event in Vienna as well at 10:00 am at the City Square.

I trust that you will join others in these places and pray for God to move in our families, our churches, our businesses, our schools, our military, and our Government.

It’s a blessing to serve our great Pastors and Churches and I am grateful what God is doing and will continue to do as we pray for one another and join together in reaching our communities with the Gospel!

Bro. Gary

Church News

The South Central Baptist Network also Welcomes Pastor Mark White to Harmony Baptist Church and Pastor James Kelley to Smyrna Baptist Church!

Harmony Welcomes New Pastor

Harmony Baptist Church is excited to announce the selection of our new Pastor, Rev. Mark White and his wife Lorie. Pastor Mark comes to us from Corinth Baptist Church in Hawkinsville where he had served as Pastor since 2018. Pastor Mark is originally from Byron, Ga and Lorie is from Unadilla, GA.

When asked about his new position, Pastor Mark said: “We are so excited to be part of the Harmony Baptist Church family. We believe our mission is to see people come to know Christ and to know Him better. We are excited about what God is doing at Harmony and we look forward to doing all we can to reach others for Him through the ministries of this great church. We would welcome everyone to come out to visit and see what God is doing at Harmony”

Please join us in welcoming our new Pastor and his family to Harmony Baptist Church and to our community. Harmony Baptist Church is located at 5925 Pinehurst-Hawkinsville Road in Unadilla, GA. You can find us on Facebook by searching for Harmony Baptist Unadilla.

Please pray for

■Associational Missionary Gary Leutzinger

■Church planters Drew and Shannon Cunningham, Santa Cruz Area, California

■ Daybreak Pregnancy Care Center

■Lost and unchurched people

■Revival in SCBN churches

■Unity in our churches and unity among our churches

■Churches without pastors

■TV ministries of Cordele First, and Pinecrest churches 

■Our schools, teachers and students

■All the events and activities mentioned in this newsletter

Church positions available

Smyrna Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Pastor, please send resumes to

Byromville Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Youth/Children's Minister. Please contact Pastor Reed Benson- 404-886-6898

Morningside Baptist Church is seeking a Director of Family Ministries. This position will be a part-time position and will work closely with the pastor to lead and shepherd young children, youth, and their families. In addition, this role may grow over time to include other responsibilities based on gifting, experience, and ministry needs. Please contact Stan Bowen at 229-938-4022.

Please contact the SCBN Office at 229-273-4127 if you would like to feature an available church position in the monthly newsletter.

If you would like your church news or events featured in the Newsletter please send it to


coming up

South Central Baptist Network events are printed in bold. 

Tuesdays Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 8:00 am at Denny's Cordele

May 1 Special Night of Worship, Byromville Baptist Church, 6:00 PM

May 5 National Day of Prayer

May 8 Mother's Day

May 14 Charity Golf Tournament, 8:00 AM, Lake Blackshear

May 19 Minister's Meeting, SCBN, 10:30 AM

Camp Volunteers are needed please fill out the Camp Missionary application or call 229-273-4127 for more info

From the Director

The Pregnancy Care Center has offered help and hope to those facing unplanned pregnancy in Crisp, Dooly, Wilcox and other counties. The truth is we are seeing more pregnant clients than ever who are homeless, living in their car, or couch surfing from friend to friend… clients who have dropped out of school, are not working, and are living off whatever public aid they can. We have made a difference in each of our client’s lives. With the support and help from our staff at Daybreak, the support of our churches, and donors, these women and men have captured a vision for a different life and are empowered to overcome whatever obstacles are in their way so they can finish high school, pursue additional education, secure jobs, become independent, contributing members of their community without relying on government assistance. Their children will be raised in Christian homes that are more stable, secure, and healthier. They will have less unplanned pregnancies and break generational cycles of poverty and impact both the lives of the mothers and their children. We want to sincerely thank our Churches for their continued support!!!

What to do with all those old Sunday School books? 

Don’t throw them away–bring them to SCBN Office

Bring your old SS literature to Houston Baptist Center. Chad Harris will take it to a Edwin L. Hodges Ministries collection site to send overseas. ELHM is a Christian literature ministry that collects donated Bibles, books, magazines, tapes, and tracts from American Christians and ships them to Bible schools, churches, missionaries, and ministries overseas. ELHM is a non-denominational, nonprofit, evangelical ministry.
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