Affirmation of Welcome
Reformation, a congregation of Christ's Church, welcomes everyone to join with us in a journey of faith. We are committed to providing worship, programs, ministries and pastoral care to all, regardless of religious background, age, color, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, or national origin. Everyone is welcome in this place, where the love of God is the foundation of all that we say and do!
The Reporter
Reformation Lutheran Church
ALL Are Welcome & Affirmed Here!
Worship Service Update
We have resumed the in-person worship service on Sundays at 10:00 AM. In addition to this, and in order to ensure the health and safety of our congregation, we will continue to broadcast the service online via Facebook Live. Please join us for worship online HERE.
Pastor's Perspective
We are in the midst of Easter, spring is breaking out before our eyes, pollen is in the air, renewal, resurrection can be experienced all around us, and summer is just around the “corner”. Reformation is also caught up in all this renewal and resurrection. Christ Mission Lutheran Church has joined us in worship, and they are bringing new life to the Annex as they move their ministries of outreach into the building. The ministries they bring are their Prison and Re-entry Ministries, their Children Ministries, and Summer Programs. As of this writing, we are still formulating what this all this means.
The synod has asked the leadership of each church to map out how and what is to unfold. As our Council President, Jim Prater said, we started out dating, and now we are cohabitating. My hope is that we will be able to receive members of Christ Mission as members of Reformation to assure their voices are heard as we move forward with this glorious endeavor. All this renewal and movement reminds me of Abraham's call, leaving his old life behind, not knowing where he was going, but he followed the Lord’s lead. Or Jesus expressing to Nicodemus that when the Spirit moves, we do not know from where it comes or where it is goes, but by faith, we open our sails to see where it carries us. Come Holy Spirit, come.
Our community of Earlewood is experiencing renewal as well. We are participating in the Open Streets event happening on May 1st from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. During that time River Drive will be shut down so that the whole Drive turns into a pedestrian walkway. We are hoping to reintroduce Reformation to the Earlewood community and beyond as Covid subsides. We are hoping to have games, popcorn, and other snacks while opening our doors to whoever would want to explore our facilities.
Come join us as we celebrate our amazing renewals and resurrections at Reformation.
Pastor Tim
Prayers of the Church
Sick and Homebound: Tracy Hamiter; Connie Pool; Bobbie Black and Beth Mayer.
Health: Emmy Reeves; Bobbie Prosser; Sarah Trani and Lynn Black’s brother, Bill Black.
Christian sympathy: To the Prosser family at the death of Barbara Prosser. Barbara passed away on Sunday, April 24. A memorial service was held on Thursday, April 28 at Reformation Lutheran Church.
Upcoming Events at Reformation
The Big Flea Yard Sale - Sat, April 30 - 8:00 am - Noon
The yard sale is in our parking lot as part of the annual Earlewood Big Flea. There will be several sites around the neighborhood hosting yard sales. The Neighborhood puts out a map of all the locations, which we are on. If you wish to have a table in our parking lot, they will be available for set up starting at 6:30 am. No reservation is required. No charge for the table. (You May wish to make a donation to Reformation after the sale)
We could use 3 volunteers at 6:30 to help set up and 3 at noon to take down. Call the church if you want to Volunteer.
The Open Street Celebration - Sun, May 1 - 2:00 - 5:00 pm
On Sunday, Reformation will be part of this Earlewood celebration. Streets in the neighborhood will be closed, so residents can safely stroll the streets. We have been asked to provide light refreshments and activities.
Refreshments will be popcorn, lemonade & tea and ice cream. We are calling all ice cream makers to make your best couple of flavors if you can. We will serve in small cups for Open Streets, but we really need to crown the Reformation Champ!
Games: Cornhole, horseshoes, coke bottle stand up, hula hoops. We have 2 cornhole sets, 1 horseshoe set, 1 coke bottle stand up. We could use 1 more cornhole set, 2 more wooden crates for coke bottles and 4-6 hula hoops.
Please consider volunteering! We could use 4-6 servers, 2 to help with cornhole, 1 for horseshoe and 2 for coke bottles. Please come out, have fun and meet our neighbors. Call the church office to let us know you can help.
Jim Prater
Council President
Special thanks from Reformation
We give thanks to God for the gift of music from Joshua Greer. We appreciate the many years of Joshua’s dedication to the music and worship committee at Reformation. Thank you for sharing your gift of playing the organ and piano. We wish Joshua well in all his career endeavors.
We give thanks to God for Jerry Huber, serving as Communications Chair at Reformation. He volunteered his time as the Webmaster and worked with Council and the church office to communicate news at Reformation. We appreciate the support and love from Jerry and Helen Huber and wish them well at their new church in Hartwell, Georgia.
Worship & Music Update
From Worship Committee Chair, Julia Prater
With much prayer and anticipation, we plan to continue full worship (COVID cooperating!). With that in mind, we have much work for all able and willing hands. The opportunities for service are many. Please review the following "job descriptions" and prayerfully consider where/how/when you would like to serve. Training can be provided for all roles.
Ushers: Greet worship participants, make sure they get a bulletin, offer the opportunity to sign in if guests, guide folks to the altar for communion. Ushers will no longer pass the offering plates; offerings will be placed at the altar during communion.
Assisting Minister: read the Creed, the prayers and assist Pastor in serving communion.
Lector: Read the first and second lessons (also the Creed and prayers when assisting minister role not filled)
Acolyte: Light and extinguish the altar candles; process the cross.
Altar Guild: prepare the paraments and communion service; clean up after service
VOICES to sing a joyful noise! Any and all who would like to join the choir are welcome and encouraged to do so.
Worship participants are needed for May. Reach out to Julia Prater for details on how you can get involved! Email -
May Usher/Greeter & Lector Schedule
May 1
Gary Parish & Jim Prater, Usher/Greeter
Julia Prater, Lector
May 8
Lynn Black & Eddie Ritchie, Usher/Greeter
Gary Parish, Lector
May 15
TBA, Usher/Greeter
Ben Bullock, Lector
May 22
Raymond Cook & Sam Ruff, Usher/Greeter
Carlotta Stackhouse, Lector
May 29
TBA, Usher/Greeter
Colleen Clark, Lector
Lector and Ushers volunteers are needed for the worship service. Can you volunteer? If you cannot volunteer on the scheduled day, please inform Julia Prater, so that a substitute can receive the worship materials in advance of the worship service. Contact Julia Prater - 803.360.7583 for more details on how you can serve. If you won't be able to make it to church on the Sunday you are scheduled, please coordinate a swap/coverage with someone else from the greeter/usher team.
May Celebrations
Marty White, May 1
Tracey Hamiter, May 1
John B. IV Clarey, May 7
Susan von Schenk, May 13
Lynn Barley, May 17
Kathia Valverde, May 17
Laura Quattlebaum, May 17
Marilyn Potts, May 20
Gary Parish, May 24
Sam Ruff, May 27
Jim Potts, May 31
Ross and Judy Jolly, May 5
Patrick and Maria Ashburn, May 19
Reverend Bill and Ginny Eiwen, May 25
Casey and Robert Byers, May 30
Annual Beach Retreat
It’s about that time to be thinking about this year’s Beach Retreat. However, I am unable to coordinate it this year, so I’m asking if there is anyone that might take this over for me. It’s not at all complicated and I have all the information. Please prayerfully consider this request. Contact me if you might be interested.
Join us June 12-14 in Charleston for our annual South Carolina Synod Assembly. Join us for Story Time. Join us!
Registration is open. Sign up during the early bird pricing to be good stewards and save your congregation money.
There will be NO onsite registration. After registering for the Assembly, you will receive a link to book your hotel room as needed. Payment is required at time of registration. If you cannot register online, contact Wendy at or call 803-509-8326.
Quote of the month
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
A kind message to Reformation Lutheran Church members
To Reformation Lutheran Church, thank you for making a wonderful difference. I honor how well you took care of me during my cancer.
Tracy Taylor, Columbia, SC
Asking God to refresh you in the love, power, and hope we have in the risen Christ. Thank you, Pastor Tim and Reformation!
Donna Jeffrey, Greensburg, PA
An excerpt message from
"The Way Back to our Center"
Presiding Bishop
Elizabeth Eaton
We have been in this pandemic for two years. We have been longing for the “Before Times” that in our imagination seem as magical as my grandparents’ house. The return to a post-pandemic world, like the return of circulation, is initially painful. We will need to rebuild those structures necessary for a healthy society—compassion, respect, sacrifice for the greater good, the celebration of diversity, justice.
And we will need the word of the Lord—the Word that calls us back to our center, which is the steadfast love of God, law and gospel, judgment and promise.
We will weep with exhaustion, relief, grief and hope. And there, drawn by God who is our center, we will find each other again.
Read the entire message
The 2022 schedule and listing of Zoom meetings and ID numbers are on the RLC website and updated as necessary.
Announcements and Reminders
Calendar Updates
Check the calendar on the church's web page ( for the latest updates, changes, cancellations, and postponements in church activities and meetings.
Adult Forum - formerly known as Adult Sunday School
Adult Forum will continue to meet virtually and in person at 9:00 am. If you're interested in joining, I've attached the steps to join us this Sunday below!
1. Go to
2. Click "Join a meeting" at top right of screen
3. Copy and paste or type meeting ID: 829 4130 3734
4. Click "Join"
Contact Steve Asbill, Adult Education Committee Chair
Cell: 803-528-7859
Keep in Touch with Your Church Family
Do you need a Reformation Lutheran Church Membership Directory? To request a copy, please contact Mikita at the Church Office at (803.252.1507) or via e-mail at
Updating Our Records
Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date with the church office. Our records include your birthdate and anniversary date (if applicable), mailing address, email address(s), phone(s), and family members. If there is any change, be sure the church office knows. If you want to check to be sure the records are up to date,
Reformation Lutheran Church Newsletter
The Reporter is published monthly at Reformation Lutheran Church and is sent electronically or mailed to members and friends who wish to have a copy. A link to The Reporter newsletter is also posted on the church website: and on Reformation's Facebook page. A mid-month newsletter is also published and sent electronically with timely information and updates.
The deadline to submit articles or items to be updated, announced, or published is the eighteenth of the month. If you have news to share, please send it to the church office. Please email to
1118 Union St. Columbia, SC 29201
Tim Bupp, Pastor