May 2022
We are delighted to welcome Bab Freiberg as our new Executive Director of Ashby Village!

Bab has a wealth of knowledge that will bring depth and experience to our Village when she joins us later in June. Learn more about Bab and read the exciting announcement here!
From Our Interim Executive Director:
Moving Forward to a Promising Future
First, I am thrilled that Ashby Village has found an outstanding person to become our new Executive Director! In getting acquainted with Bab Freiberg, I have already found her to be wise, warm and conscientious, bringing a depth and breadth of experience that she’ll surely draw upon as she guides the village into the future. Major kudos to Search Committee Chair Steve Lustig, Board Chair Andra Lichtenstein, and everyone else who persevered with a thoughtful and thorough recruitment process, persisting until the right candidate was found. Clearly it takes a village to hire an Executive Director!

Meanwhile, all our activities continue to move forward: welcoming new members and volunteers, providing services every day, producing excellent programs, and extending our reach throughout the East Bay. One recent focus has been to clarify questions regarding volunteers’ access to Ashby Village programs and services. We are all deeply grateful for our amazing village volunteers and want to make sure that they are fully valued and appreciated. We are also deeply grateful to all those who join as members, contributing their financial resources toward dues that sustain the village and entitle them to specific member services. I believe we have crafted a policy that honors the commitments made by both members and volunteers. Once staff has worked out implementation details, we look forward to getting the policy out to all of you.

During my time at Ashby Village, I’ve found myself wondering about the terms we use to describe various groups among us. Some of us are members, some are volunteers, some are supporters – some are all three! All of us, along with staff, are part of this precious community. In a recent Program Leadership Team meeting, I was musing about this issue, and someone brilliantly suggested that we call ourselves “villagers ” when referring to all of us in this community. I like it! I believe it captures the spirit of all of us being in it together: essential, valued, and deeply interdependent.

So here’s wishing all you villagers a healthy and promising spring, as we cautiously shift toward a period less defined by the pandemic and more defined by our hopes and dreams.

Avi Rose ([email protected])
Ashby Village Interim Executive Director
Check the Ashby Village Calendar to see what's happening this month.
May Board Column
Get to know our Board members a little better!

This month, Ashby Village co-founder Patricia Sussman reflects on how our village began nearly 15 years ago, sparked by a New York Times article and a conversation between friends looking for a better approach to aging in community. 
Read Pat's full story, including a few of the visionaries who were involved, here.
*Special Announcements*
May is Older Americans Month!

The theme this year is Age My Way -- a sentiment at the core of our mission at Ashby Village.

In April 1963, a meeting between President John F. Kennedy and members of the National Council of Senior Citizens resulted in designating May as “Senior Citizens Month,” which later became “Older Americans Month.” Historically, this has been a time to acknowledge the contributions of past and current older persons to our country, in particular those who defended our country. In fact, every President since Kennedy has issued a formal proclamation asking that the entire nation pay tribute in some way to older persons in their communities (read President Biden’s Proclamation from May 2021).

Locally, the Oakland Mayor's Commission on Aging (for which our very own Board member Bryan Ricks is the Chair) and Aging & Adult Services will celebrate Older Americans Month and Age-Friendly Cities at a Special Meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 10am to 12pm! Find more information, including how to join, here and the meeting agenda here.

Join with those across the country to celebrate this special month of recognition by taking a moment to honor your own life experiences, being of service to your fellow members by volunteering with Ashby Village, or introducing a neighbor to our programs and services. Because Aging Better. Together. takes a village!
Events Spotlight
The Social Hour Team Presents:
Friday Afternoon at the Movies Monthly Film Series: The Meyerowitz Stories

When: Friday, May 6, 4:00-5:00pm
Meeting ID: 890 3363 0718
Passcode: film
Welcome to our monthly film discussion series, where we first see the selected film on our own and then get together via Zoom to discuss what we thought about it. So plan to watch The Meyerowitz Stories on Netflix before our discussion group meets on Friday, May 6th.

The Meyerowitz Stories is an American comedy-drama film directed and written by Noah Baumbach. The film stars Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Elizabeth Marvel and Emma Thompson, and follows a group of dysfunctional adult siblings trying to live in the shadow of their father. Read more, access the film's trailer, and RSVP to join us here!
Do you have any feature films for our series to recommend, which are either on Netflix or Amazon? The Events Planning Team welcomes your ideas and suggestions! Please email Arlene ([email protected]).
Downsizing Made Easy

When: Tuesday, May 10, 10:30am
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley) on the patio outside Julia Morgan Hall
Open To: Ashby Village Members with up-to-date vaccinations

Back by popular demand: Are you thinking about downsizing, or planning to move in the near future? This workshop will give you the tools, techniques and resources to begin to go through your years of accumulated things and determine what you would like to keep, what should be donated, sold or consigned, and where to take or distribute them. Learn the five easy steps to downsizing.

Registration is limited to 25 participants, so register early!
Creating Inclusive and Equitable Communities–A Call to Action, Presented by ING (Islamic Networks Group)

When: Thursday, May 12, 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
Open To: Ashby Village Members and Volunteers
The Intercultural Speakers Bureau (ICSB) works from the well-established social science principle that face-to-face education and engagement are the most effective ways to dispel stereotypes and prejudice. Panels include group discussions with the audience and conclude with calls to action to counter hate and to build an inclusive society based on mutual understanding and solidarity.

*Advance registration is required* After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
A Green Refuge in the Heart of 450,000 People

When: Thursday, May 12, 3:00-4:00pm
Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Passcode: science 
Clayton Anderson is a Naturalist working in the field of Environmental Education for the past 15 years. Clayton will join us to talk about the history of how the current “Lake” Merritt came to be, cover some of its wild inhabitants, and talk a little about its current state.

Please RSVP to Joseph Evinger ([email protected])
May Virtual Living Room Chat

When: Sunday, May 15, 2:00-3:00pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about Ashby Village membership and volunteer opportunities? Please join us for our next Virtual Living Room Chat!

Come learn more about Ashby Village - what we do, who we are, and how we are helping our community to continue Aging Better. Together. Please register to join us!
Jumi Kim: Listening Guide to Classical Music 10, Celeste Solo Ensemble: Beethoven "Fate"

When: Wednesday, May 18, 11:00am-12:00pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 884 5803 4260
Passcode: music
Soprano Jumi Kim, designed a course – now in its second year – for Ashby Village members interested in classical music that will feature a brief lecture accompanied by a description of the repertoire to be performed by Jumi or other guest artists. Read more, learn about Jumi and other guest artists, and register to join us here!
MAY TECH WORKSHOP: Apple Watch, The Basics*

When: Thursday, May 19, 1-2:30pm
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley) in the Julia Morgan Hall
Open To: Ashby Village Members and Volunteers
PLEASE REGISTER by emailing the [email protected]
Are you considering an Apple watch? Or have you recently acquired a watch and need tutoring in basic functions and features? We’ll meet in small groups at separate tables for personalized hands-on introduction to the Apple watch. For people considering a watch, we’ll cover models and features. For people who recently acquired a watch, we’ll cover basic functions and applications, focusing on communication and health apps that are important to older adults.

*This event is a repeat of our (very popular!) April workshop.
Oakland Recycles

What do I do with this? Confused about what can be recycled and composted? Wonder what happens to all that stuff after it leaves your bin?

Join the Oakland Recycles team for a joint presentation with Ashby Village and the Downtown Oakland Senior Center. While all are welcome, each city has its own rules, so the information will be specific to Oakland. Representatives from the City of Oakland, California Waste Solutions (CWS) and Waste Management (WM) will be presenting.

When: Thursday, May 19, 2:00pm
Where: *IN PERSON AND ON ZOOM* at the Downtown Oakland Senior Center, 200 Grand Avenue

Seats are limited, please register here to ensure a place or to get the Zoom code. Masks and proof of vaccination are required for in-person attendance.
A Conversation with Judith Masur on Art, Monotypes, Sculpture, Poetry
Presented by the Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group

When: Sunday, May 22, 1-2:30pm
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
The Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group is honored to present Judith Masur, Ashby Village member artist, poet, and performer.

In conversation with her brother, actor Richard Masur, Judith will give us a visual tour of her artistic journey, from pen and ink to printmaking to clay, from black and white to color to form. Judith will talk about her creative process: where her art and poetry spring from, what nudges and encourages her attention in one direction or another, what stands in the way and what gives her permission, power and the desire to make art. She will share insights into how to take a chance on doing something new creatively, especially the need to tolerate being a beginner.

RSVP to join us, read more about Judith's artistic journey and get a preview of some of her creations here.
LightHouse Connection: An Exciting New Workshop for Ashby Villagers with Changing Vision
Rehabilitative Services & Life Skills

When: Thursday, May 26, 2:00-3:00pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
A new collaboration between the LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Ashby Village is offering a series of free one-hour virtual sessions.
This month, the Rehabilitative Services & Life Skills session will talk about Independent Living Skills—things people need from the minute they wake up in the morning until bedtime. Everyday situations will be discussed, like how to organize mail, cooking in the kitchen, and performing tasks in a non-visual manner. The discussion will also include Orientation & Mobility with a hint of how GPS and tactile maps can be useful. Finally, come see how Braille can make a difference in your life. This topic will be offered again in September.

To register and/or arrange for assistance accessing Zoom, email Sheri Albers, Community Outreach Coordinator for the LightHouse, at [email protected] or call her at 415-694-7331.

The LightHouse Connection sessions are not intended to replace Ashby Village’s Low Vision Support Group meetings. Contact [email protected] for more information about the AV Low Vision Support Group.
*Save the Date*
The Stonewall Generation: LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Aging
Sponsored by Village Movement California, Ashby Village, Pasadena Village, and San Francisco Village

In the Stonewall generation, coming out took courage. It was a turbulent time, a time of fear, a time of secrecy. Intimate lives hidden in the shadows. And yet, in the midst of it all, the Stonewall Generation has continued to fight for freedom, for rights, for love, and, yes, for sex.

Author of the book The Stonewall Generation, Dr. Jane Fleishman, will join with Dr. Imani Woody, an African-American Same Gender Loving woman, who has been at the forefront of LGBTQ elders rights for decades.

When: Tuesday, June 14, 2:00-3:15pm PDT
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
Caregiving: Challenges and Lessons Learned
A Conversation with Dave Iverson
An Ashby Village Arts & Culture Series Presentation

When: Sunday, June 26, 2:00-4:00pm
Where: *ON ZOOM* 
Dave Iverson was a 59-year-old KQED broadcast journalist and filmmaker when he decided to do something he’d never imagined. He moved back into his childhood home when his 95-year-old mom could no longer care for herself. Dave’s new memoir, Winter Stars: An Elderly Mother, An Aging Son and Life’s Final Journey, is the story of their 10-year caregiving odyssey, lasting until his mom’s passing at the age of 105.

In this Ashby Village program, Dave will talk about his new book and our growing eldercare crisis. Join us for an intimate, unvarnished conversation about the challenges, choices and unexpected rewards of caring for someone during life’s final journey. More details and registration information to come!
Volunteer Training This Spring!
The upcoming Volunteer Training Session is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, May 14th on Zoom and we are looking forward to welcoming new volunteers to the Ashby Village community.
Our volunteer base is constantly evolving and growing. If you know someone who is looking for an engaging and rewarding opportunity and would be a great Ashby Village volunteer, please encourage them to submit an application today. Click here to learn more details about the upcoming training sessions.

For more information or questions about the volunteer program, please contact Jessica Sterling ([email protected]), Volunteer Services Coordinator.
Healthier Aging
Health and Wellness Spring Lecture, in Collaboration with Kaiser Permanente

When: Tuesday, May 17, 12:30-1:30pm PDT
Where: *ON ZOOM*

Join us to hear Dr. Sharma of the Bernard J Tyson School of Medicine Fracture Prevention Program and Dr. Janet Lai, Internist at Kaiser Permanente Oakland, for an informative presentation on the prevention and treatment of bone loss. Hear more about the various treatments and their efficacy and safety, as well as have an opportunity to have some of your questions answered about this important subject. Learn more and register here.
Good News!
Some Fitness Classes Starting In Person
Tai Chi Chi

When: Friday, Date TBD, 10-11am PDT
Where: *IN PERSON* at Epworth Church

Epworth Church will again be opening up their Tai Chi Chi classes to Ashby Village members in the very near future. This was a very popular class that many of us at Ashby Village enjoyed. It is also an excellent form of exercise for fall prevention. If interested in joining this class, please email Roberta Pressman at [email protected] if you would like to register and be notified when the class will be starting.
Stretch, Strength and Dance

When: Wednesday, May 4, 10-11:30am PDT
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley) in the Julia Morgan Hall
Anne Aronov will start an in-person class in the Julia Morgan Hall at Ashby Village. You can still register for the class which meets until the first week in June. Register through the Berkeley Adult School here. The fee is $25.00 for the remaining classes. If you're already registered for the class, join us in person on May 4th.

*Proof of Vaccination plus one booster is required for entrance to the class. Please bring your vaccination card with you when attending class.
Spring Yoga Series with Nancy Yates continues on Zoom. It is not too late to register. Read details and register here.
Nature Walk:
Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve
Round Top Loop Trail with options - good for all!

When: Monday, May 16, 1-3:00pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Sibley Staging Area, 6800 Skyline Blvd, Oakland
This is classified as an easy walk which should be good for all skill levels. It is paved with some elevation and some shade, and the loop is under 2 miles. We should have alternative trails for more challenge, as well. We will have several walk leaders to accompany walkers and accommodate various levels of distance and walking pace.

We have started using our forum group for reminder emails and updates. Please let Jeanette know if you want to be included (or if you want to opt out) [email protected]. Register and read more information and directions here.
Articles of Interest

Since the onset of the pandemic many of us have reported having increased sleep difficulties. Read this interesting article on the pros and cons of various sleep remedies:

Science says you may need less exercise than you think to live a long and healthy life:

Ashby Village Member, Artist Spotlight:
Peter Sussman's Photo Exhibit
“The Attentive Eye,” a large solo exhibit of the photographs of member Peter Sussman, will open on May 6 and will run at least through the end of the year.
Open weekdays from 10:00am to 5:00pm at Alliant International University, 1475 66th Street, Suite 104, Emeryville. Read more about Peter and his exhibit and access a virtual tour of his photographs here.
Tech Tips
Apple Watch, The Basics*

When: Thursday, May 19, 1-2:30pm
Where: *IN PERSON* at the Ashby Village office (1821 Catalina Avenue, Berkeley) in the Julia Morgan Hall
Open To: Ashby Village Members and Volunteers

See Events section above for more details or click here.
*PLEASE REGISTER* by emailing the [email protected]
Tip of the Month

If an application isn’t working on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, something as simple as a restart might do the trick. Shutting down and restarting can fix many problems, but if restarting doesn’t work, ask for a volunteer!
Request Assistance From Technology & Electronics Volunteers!

Tech Volunteers can help you with a wide range of devices, applications, and features, for example:
  • setting up, learning how to use, and maintaining devices
  • updating operating systems
  • installing and learning applications
  • setting up backup systems
  • installing and learning password managers
  • reorganizing your computer desktop
  • deciding whether you need a new device
  • modifying your workspace for better ergonomics
In-Home support has resumed for members and volunteers with up-to-date vaccinations. Visit current information on Village Services and Programs here, and then email [email protected] or call 510-204-9200 to request assistance.
Resources on Technology Topics

Resources on a wide range of technology topics are posted on the Village TECH TIPS & RESOURCES page.
What We Are Reading
Curated by Volunteer Pat Hom

by Melanie Radzicki McManus, CNN, 08/06/2021

by Kimberly Goad, AARP, 09/20/2021

by Kavitha Cardozo, NPR, 09/28/2021

by Judith Graham, CNN Health, 10/17/2021

by Jeanne Cooper, SF Chronicle, 10/24/2021

by Morley Stettner, Market Watch, 12/24/2021

"100 years old and still golfing..." submitted by member John Lau
by Ron Kroichick, SF Chronicle, 4/17/2022
Reflections on Past Events
“Make noise. Ask for what you need.”

This was the advice offered to elders by Doctor Louise Aronson in her recent engaging and informative presentation for Ashby Village. The March 27 webinar, on the subject of “Aging, Ageism, and the Future of Elderhood,” was co-sponsored by Ashby Village 2022 Arts and Culture Series and the Health and Wellness Series. It was notable as being one of two Ashby Village online presentations attracting over 350 attendees!

Read more about this impactful event and watch the recording here.
Bulletin Board
Member Offer: New Pair of Hearing Aids at a Discount

A new pair of Atom hearing aids by Audien Hearing are being offered at a discount by new member John Lau. Find more information about the product here, and contact John at [email protected] if interested.
The following Bulletin Board posts are being provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement by Ashby Village of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Ashby Village bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content. Please contact the posting individual or organization for answers to questions regarding its content. 
From Susanne, a Senior Seeking Housing

I am seeking either a room rental in a house or a guesthouse with reasonable rent. I am educated, clean, neat, quiet, responsible, a non-smoker, and will treat your place like her own with loving care. The ideal person to have at your place with excellent references. If you don’t have a housing situation for me, perhaps you know someone who does.

Please email Susanne at [email protected] or call (415) 690-3400. Thank you for your kind attention, your help is appreciated.
POM (Peace of Mind) Beta Testing Opportunity
Tellus is an AARP Age Tech Collaborative member, and the latest investment from the AARP. Tellus is expanding and selling in Japan and bringing their product, POM, to market in the US next year. The Founders, Tania and Kevin, developed POM, 'peace of mind' as an unobtrusive wall-mounted device (no wearables or cameras), to gauge a user's habits, alerting a designated friend/buddy if there seems to be an unusual incident, like if one has not made it back to bed or is stuck in the bathroom. Functioning as a safety net for those aging in place, especially elders living alone, it can even foster community building.

Are you interested in beta testing? Please fill out this form. For questions, please contact Tania at [email protected].
Submit an Article!
Would you like your event or notice to appear in the next Village Voices Newsletter? Use this simple form to submit your material. Please submit by the 15th of the previous month. Late submissions are not guaranteed placement in the next newsletter.
Thank you to the Ashby Village members, volunteers, and staff who contributed to this issue of the Village Voices newsletter!