Upcoming Liturgies
May 21, 2023
4:30 PM
on Zoom

Community Celebration

June 4, 2023
4:30 PM
on Zoom

Presider: Mike Corso
Zoom details will be provided in the invitations to the liturgies and presentations that are emailed the Thursday prior to the event.

We invite everyone not only to join our liturgies but to actively participate! Please let us know if you would like to be a reader or present the Eucharistic prayer.
Sister Peggy O'Neill's Presentation

Unfortunately, technical glitches prevented us from seeing Sr. Peggy, but the good news is that you can hear her presentation here.
Summer Hiatus

VOTFNJ will be on summer hiatus after our June 4 liturgy. We will be back again in September. Accordingly, we will be resting our "Voice" e-newsletter until August. We wish everyone a peace-filled and joy-filled summer!
Other Virtual Liturgies
You can join Sophia Inclusive Catholic Community, the "sister" community of VOTFNJ, via Zoom for liturgies. Contact Mike Corso for more information.
Call to Action's Alternative Liturgies Directory provides a space to share information about spiritual communities that meet outside a traditional parish setting. These gatherings include online prayer services, Intentional Eucharistic Communities, churches presided over by women-priests, Call To Action chapter liturgies, and more.
VOTFNJ Family on the Web

"Beyond Boundaries," Dick Rento's Blog
"Mike Corso's Religious Views," Mike Corso's Blog
"Faith Seeking Understanding," Ken Lasch's Website
VOTFNJ Family News
Journeying together as family through sadness and joy...
Praying Together...

We rejoice that the biopsy of swelling on Michael Corso's face showed no cancer. Michael is Mike and Teri Corso's son and is recovering from facial surgery and reconstruction.

We cheer on Carol Jenkin's recovery from surgery and Tish Dickinson's recovery from a knee replacement.

We continue to pray for Tish's son, Paul, and Juanita's brother, Greg, as they are treated for cancer.

From Mike Corso and Sophia Inclusive Community:
Please keep Sandra and her family as well as Kathleen in prayer as Sandra enters hospice.

Carl Yusavitz is the Northeast Regional VP for the Federation of Christian Ministries. Carl and his wife Mary were in a car accident and he is in ICU being monitored for a brain bleed. Carl already has Parkinson's.  Let's send positive energy and healing love to Carl and Mary.
Sharing Together...
VOTFNJ Coordinating Team member Carol Jenkins is exhibiting at the above event.
Carole and Leo Rogers recommend reading A Theology of Migration, The Bodies of Refugees and the Body of Christ.Drawing on accounts of migrants and refugees around the globe, the book explores the relationship between faith and justice, theology and migration, and Christian spirituality and the challenges of the modern world. From a theological perspective, it is about the God who first migrated to our world in the Incarnation and the God who calls people to migrate back to our spiritual homeland as citizens of the Kingdom.
by Sal Umana
...Joe Matthews was famous in this part of Florida for making people feel good about themselves: the seniors at “Stretch and Tone” three times a week. The servers and checkout personnel at Publix, BJ’s, Costco, Subway Sandwiches, the Silver Dollar Golf Course and Clubhouse, the Senior Tennis and Pickle Ball Group at Westchase. They and many others were very lucky people who were greeted by name, and with an encouraging quip by Joe Matthews. Sounds a lot like Ted Lasso.
Please email if you have news to share or need community support and prayers. We are here for each other!
Membership Drive
A huge "Thank You" to everyone who renewed their Voice of the Faithful New Jersey membership and a special "Welcome" to our new members!

VOTFNJ is FAMILY even in social distancing! If you need anything at all, supplies, a ride somewhere (with safety precautions), or simply someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here for each other!
Donation Basket
VOTFNJ's online presentations are free for all to join, but we still give honorariums to our presenters. When we met in person, we had collection baskets to help defray our costs. Please consider sending donations to help VOTFNJ continue to provide excellent programs for all. Please send your contributions to:

VOTFNJ c/o Robert Pipchick Treasurer, 107 Lincoln Ave. E, Cranford, NJ 07016

Thank you for your generosity!
The Synod
Confronting Systemic Racism
On May 9, Call To Action will host Indigenous writer and activist Sarah Augustine, author of The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery. Augustine will present on topics related to her critically acclaimed book and Indigenous organizing. A facilitated Q&A session will follow, in which participants may ask questions and engage in further discussion.

Registration with a $5 fee is required. Once registered, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.

The VOTFNJ Coordinating Team has compiled a resource list on the subject of systemic racism, offering theological readings as well as historical and political perspectives. Download it here.

VOTFNJ is a founding member and supporter of Refugee Assistance Morris Partners. RAMP is proud of its work sponsoring refugee families from the Middle East since its founding in 2016 thanks to the ongoing support of its deeply dedicated volunteers, faith-based organizations, and generous donors. RAMP partners with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and welcomed a new family from Afghanistan to New Jersey this past March and is welcoming another family this month.

John Oliver covers proposed U.S. asylum ban

In April 2023, John Oliver covered President Biden's proposed asylum ban, which would prevent many people fleeing violence and persecution from finding safety in the U.S.

"[President] Biden should at the very least be held accountable to the promises that he made," says Oliver, "but the problem is when it comes to asylum seekers in particular, you are talking about a group of people for whom those promises are among the easiest to break"

Seeking asylum is legal, and a human right. Take action today to ask the president to reverse this ban. 
Supporting Survivors
Road to Recovery, Catholic Whistleblowers, and US News
Vatican and International News
VOTFNJ has developed an Action Packet of useful steps you can take to confront the abuse crisis in our Church.
Financial Accountability
Supporting Priests of Integrity
Structural Change in the Church
The Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause lecture series provides Catholic prelates a platform to engage people of goodwill in common cause with the Church on important issues facing us today. The Hank Center welcomed its 2023 Bernardin Lecturer - the Most Rev. John Stowe, O.F.M. Conv., Bishop of Lexington, Kentucky. Rev. Stowe's talk, "The Common Good and Synodality: The Vision of Pope Francis", was followed by a Q&A session.
View more videos on Synod-va.
Women in the Church
Living Laudato Si'
Happy Mother's Day!
To the Moms Who Are

To the Moms who are struggling, to those filled with incandescent joy.
To the Moms who are remembering children who have died, and pregnancies that miscarried.
To the Moms who decided other parents were the best choice for their babies, to the Moms who adopted those kids and loved them fiercely.
To those experiencing frustration or desperation in infertility.
To those who knew they never wanted kids, and the ways they have contributed to our shared world.
To those who mothered colleagues, mentees, neighborhood kids, and anyone who needed it.
To those remembering Moms no longer with us.
To those moving forward from Moms who did not show love, or hurt those they should have cared for.
Today is a day to honor the unyielding love and care for others we call 'Motherhood,' wherever we have found it and in whatever ways we have found to cultivate it within ourselves.

- Hannah Kardon, Pastor at Elston Avenue United Methodist Church