May 2023

Worship with Us

Christ Church is open for worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. The live stream of the 10:00 a.m. service can be found on our You Tube channel! You can watch it in real time or at your convenience. Find it here.

News from the Parish Office

We have a new email address! To reach Karrie in the church office, use To reach our priest, the Reverend Chris Streeter, use The previous parish email address will still be in service during the transition period.

Farewell Gathering

Thank You Celebration for the Reverend Tim Mulder

Join us on Sunday, April 30th, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service for a party on the patio and help us convey our best wishes and express our gratitude to the Reverend Dr. Tim Mulder for his service to our parish as the Interim Rector.

Christian Education

Christian Education for All Ages, Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

Sunday School

Children ages preschool through sixth grade are invited to participate in the joy of learning about God's immeasurable love by sharing the Gospel stories and actively engaging with the Holy Spirit, Sundays, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. on the playground or in the Sunday School rooms downstairs. Got questions? Contact Susie Mittelstadt at 973-600-7725 or email

Journey Youth Group

The Journey Youth Group invites students in grades 7 - 12 to participate in group discussion, outreach ministries, and fun activities. Contact Randy Parks, 862-266-0513 or, with questions.

Adult Bible Study with Father Chris

Want to reflect more on the day’s scripture lessons? Join Chris and others in Holley Hall at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday – we’d love to see you!

Parish Activities

Join the Christ Church Youth Choir

There is still time to join the Youth choir! We will be singing through mid-June, so why wait? Come sing with us! Contact Debbie Mello at or speak with her after church.

Acolytes & Crucifers Needed

Students in elementary school, middle school, and high school are invited to serve as acolytes and crucifers during the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services. Contact Karrie in the church office, or 973-383-2245 if you are interested.

Christ Church Women

The CCW meeting and potluck lunch will be held at church on Thursday, May 18th, 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact Diana Greene at

Christ Church Book Club

The Christ Church Book Club will meet on Wednesday, May 31st, at 7:00 p.m. The book has yet to be selected. New participants are always welcome.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 424 529 2224

Passcode: Y6bT9G 

For more information, please contact Lori Parks at 862-266-3059 or

Sunday Volunteers

Those who have volunteered to serve as Ushers, Acolytes, Crucifers, Altar Guild members, Coffee Hour Hosts, or Brunch in a Bag Sandwich Slingers can check their schedule on the Christ Church website.

Manna House Volunteers

Christ Church provides volunteers to Manna House at the First Presbyterian Church of Newton on the 4th Wednesday of each month. The next volunteer opportunity is May 24th. Those interested in volunteering are invited to call Laura Booker, 973-383-7635 or email

Manna House will host a spaghetti dinner on Tuesday, May 9th, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cost for adults, $5, children 5 - 12, $3. Children under 3 years of age are free. Proceeds benefit Manna House.

Christ Church in Stitches

The Christ Church in Stitches group meets on the second Thursday of each month; the next gathering will take place on May 11th, 11:00 a.m. This month, we will be creating red, white, and blue lap blankets for veterans. All those who enjoy crocheting or knitting are invited to join our merry tribe. We have plenty of yarn and supplies for you to start your own project or you can help by working with the group. 


If you know of ANYONE (family member/friend) who is ill, in need of, or would appreciate any of our gifts of comfort and love please contact Johanna Osborne (201)-788-6361 or at

Altar Guild News

Commemorative Altar Flowers

Parishioners are encouraged to contribute toward the purchase of the flowers on the altar in order to commemorate a special occasion or loved one; Sanctuary Lights or Candles, $20; Altar Flowers, $50. Contact Alex Zander at or contact the church office to offer flowers or to make a monetary donation.

Help Feed Our Neighbors

The Sunday Bag Brunch program offers a bagged lunch to approximately 50 individuals in need every Sunday. Seven dedicated teams of volunteers rotate Sundays to assemble sandwiches, fruit, and other items for distribution in the nave following the 10:00 a.m. service. Unable to commit to a regular schedule? Join our list of substitutes! If you’ve spied this dedicated group doing their thing in the kitchen or the nave or somewhere in between, we’d love you to join us! To volunteer, contact Geordie Compton at

Faith Community Nurse Available

Did you know that Christ Church has its very own Faith Community Nurse? Beth Batastini is available to assist you with healthcare issues, personal visits, and other concerns. Contact Beth at or 973-876-5579.

Organ Recital Benefits Christ Church Music Program

Renowned organist John V. Baratta will perform a concert at Christ Church, Sunday, May 13th, 4:00 p.m. Proceeds from a free will offering will benefit the Christ Church Newton music program as well as the Sussex County Oratorio Society.

A retired music educator, Baratta is the resident organist and director of music for the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in River Edge, New Jersey. He has also performed at New York's Middletown Paramount and Lafayette Theatres and served as the organist for the silent film series at The Grand Theatre in East Greenville, Pennsylvania.

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servants!
  • Randy Parks and Susie Mittelstadt for coordinating an area clean-up with the students in the Sunday School and Youth Group in recognition of Earth Day.
  • Laura Booker and the members of Christ Church who volunteer to prepare and serve meals at Manna House each month. A special shout out to the children in the Sunday School and all those who donated food or supplies to Manna House recently.
  • The members of the Christ Church Youth Choir - and their parents - for their spectacular performances and attendance during Holy Week.
Birthdays and Anniversaries

Happening in the Community

Water Gap Singers Spring Concert

The Water Gap Singers, under the direction of Joe Mello - and featuring many of those who perform in the Christ Church Senior Choir - will offer a Spring Concert, Sunday, May 21st, 4:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1 Main Street, Blairstown.

The music of John Rutter will be featured. For more information, see Joe or visit

May Art Exhibit Features Maureen Slamer

In recognition of "Mental Health Awareness Month” and to highlight the importance of visual, performing and literary arts and their therapeutic components, the Sussex County Community College through the Alpha Arts Institute and the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services have partnered to premier “Embrace the Elephant in the Room,” an original Visual Arts Exhibition event on May 3, 2023, 6:00 p.m. featuring fine Artist Maureen Slamer.  

This event is free, open to the public. Check it out in the Atrium of the Performing Arts Center at the Sussex County Community College, One College Hill Road, Newton, NJ.

Looking Ahead
  • Church Breakfast, Sunday, May 7th, 8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
  • Visit from the Right Reverend Carlye Hughes, Bishop of the Diocese of Newark, June 11th.
  • Parish Picnic on the Patio & Playground, June 25th, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service.

Who Wants to Sing in Paris?

Our very own Debbie Mello will be leading a group of singers from Montclair University to Paris during summer 2024 to perform John Rutter's "Mass of the Children" and YOU are invited to sing with them! Contact Debbie Mello,, with questions.

Church Calendar Online
Stay up-to-date with the events at Christ Church by checking out the calendar on our website .

Christ Church Newton | Phone: 973-383-2245 | Fax: 973-383-8077 | |

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