May | 2023

Ebenezer United Church of Christ

Worship Service @ 8:45 a.m. every Sunday!

Communion offered the first Sunday of each month.

This Eagle is Sponsored By:

The Geiser family

in memory of:

Elmer "Butch" Sohrwiede

May 2 would have been Butch's birthday here on earth-- we send our birthday wishes for him to the heavens! May his memory live in our hearts.

Pastor's Corner

April was a month filled with special services! We gathered for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and finally two Easter services. Thank you to Elaine Hessil, Linda Hau and Jill Sipple for bringing inspiring music to our Lenten and Easter services. The music was wonderful! During Lent we followed Jesus as he approached Jerusalem and then we watched helplessly as he faced the religious authorities in that great city. We cried as he was arrested, convicted and then crucified. We were struck with awe and confusion when Mary returned from the tomb and declared it to be empty. And when Jesus appeared to his disciples we shouted with joy!


It can be comforting to look to the past, revel in the memories, relive the moments of triumph. But we are an “Easter people.” Being an Easter people, we know that we aren’t limited to the past. We can see the future with its unlimited possibilities. We see hope where others see only hopelessness. We feel love where others feel hate. We know that with the risen Christ we are called to be more, we are called to live in the present with a hope and grace filled future awaiting us. I believe we will need to live with grace and love as a summer filled with unknowns awaits us here in Wisconsin.


Summer ushers in vacations, time at the cabin, visiting relatives, family reunions, ball games and sometimes just sitting in the backyard enjoying the songbirds. Wherever you go this summer remember that all about you are the blessing of our Lord. These blessings are not only at the destination they are along the path. All you need to do is look about, listen, take in the smells of the woods or an open field.


If you encounter someone consumed in the politics of the day, filled with pain and suspicious of the future, say a prayer for that person, ask for a quiet heart so that person may find peace and rest. There will be plenty of political stress later this year and next summer. Be at peace this summer let nothing come between you and the peace of Christ.


Throughout the summer never lose sight of the fact that we are an Easter people. Always remember; there is nothing in all Creation that can separate us from the love of God through Jesus Christ. This is what we learned on Easter morning.

Shout with joy each and every day that Christ is risen and we are saved. This is a good way to greet the days of summer.


Peace and grace,


Pastor Mike

***Someone left a dart case at the Reed St. entrance. It is on the table in the Narthex to reclaim.***

MAY 4, 2023 -

Let us all pray as a nation for the people who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and rights in this country and let us us pray that we as a nation are able to keep these freedoms and rights and let us incorporate the Gospel teachings back into our nation to a greater extent than we have ever known. Amen.

Ebenezer Brass will be playing on Sunday, May 14th, for the last time this season. Please join us as we celebrate our 2 graduates, Caitlynn Paulson and Claudia Brown, during the service. We are so proud of these two young women, and we wish them all the best - and they can come back anytime!



Ebenezer Brass Handbell Schedule:

May 3:

Practice at 6:15 p.m.

May 10:

Last Practice/Bell Cleaning/Celebration

6:00 p.m.

May 14:

Play at Ebenezer- 8 a.m. Warm Up

Notes From the Music Corner

Pastor came down the aisle at the beginning of Easter worship asking “Have you heard the news – Christ has risen”.  As that was proclaimed the Handbell choir rang forth with “Easter Hallelujah” that set the atmosphere for the remainder of the service. Thank you to Claudia and Caitlynn for scrambling to the balcony to add bells to “Alleluia” as the congregation sang “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”. Thank you to the bell ensemble for adding a descant to the hymn, “The Day of Resurrection”. All of the bell additions helped proclaim “Christ has risen”! Thank you to Karen for adding the bell melody for the refrain of “Peace I Leave With You My Friends” for April 16 worship service. All of these truly add to the spirit of worship. 

During Lent the term “Alleluia/ Hallelujah” is not uttered or sung in worship, however, Easter is when those terms are exclaimed. Therefore, “Halle, halle, hallelujah” (Hymn #236) is used in place of the Doxology as choral praise for Easter and Sundays up to Pentecost, May 28. Don’t forget to wear red for Pentecost to represent the Holy Spirit among us!

I really appreciate any comments about the worship, whether positive or negative, are always constructive!

We’re looking forward to recognizing the graduates on May 21 for Baccalaureate Sunday.   


  1. Who wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament?
  2. God asked Abraham to make a sacrifice to Him on Mount Moriah. What was it?
  3. How many people were aboard Noah’s Ark?
  4. How many plagues did God send to Egypt?
  5. What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings? 
  6. What does the word Israel mean?
  7. What is the eighth commandment?
  8. Which woman washed Jesus’ feet?
  9. How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
  10. Name the shortest verse in the Bible?

(Answers at end of newsletter) Good luck!!

*Pictured: Kelly Weibel

Welcome Our Newest Member!

As of April 16, Kelly Weibel has joined our congregation family! Her birthday is June 20 and she has one daughter (Graylin) and two step-daughters (Zin & Emma). We welcome you to the family whole-heartedly, Kelly!

We are so glad your are here!

*Pictured: Pastor Mike, Kelly and Karen Cmejla

With Summer quickly approaching-- this is your reminder that all Sunday School classes, Confirmation classes, Handbell practices, and group breakfasts will take a much needed break for the Summer starting in May. Classes and practices will resume again in Fall.

*Watch weekly bulletins for updates*

Have a safe and enjoyable Summer break!

Monday, May 29, 2023

*Office will be closed*

Free Car Seat Safety Event at Vande Hey Brantmeier in Chilton—May 17, 2023


Stop in at Vande Hey Brantmeier, 614 N. Madison Street, Chilton, and get your child’s car seat checked for safety on Wednesday, May 17th, 3-6 PM.

No appointments are needed.

Certified child passenger safety technicians will check car seats for recalls and for proper installation. Bring your child, car seat, car seat instructions, and vehicle owner’s manual to the event. This safety event is sponsored by Vande Hey Brantmeier, Fox Valley Safe Kids, and Calumet County Public Health.

Summer Youth Camps

Daycholah Center 2023 Summer Camps UCCI youth camps take place at Daycholah Center on Green Lake. Week-long youth camps run from Sunday through Friday. Activities and adventures include traditional camp activities like campfires, time in/on the water, arts and crafts, games, and delicious meals.

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Elaine P




Jeff S











Samantha Mitchell May 1

Don Pingel May 1

Ralph Schmid May 2

Henry Kolbe May 2

Ken Lisowe May 3

Jennifer Pringle May 4

Barb Pautz May 5

Stacey Sabish May 7

Joel Propson May 9

Connie Waldvogel May 11

Breanna Cook May 12

Emily Kolbe May 12

Teagan Sabish May 12

Maddie Mueller May 15

David Miller May 20

Johanna Bechlem May 24

Jackson Gasch May 25

Lynn Merio May 30

April Council Meeting Minutes


May Calendar of Events

*Click on image to enlarge*

Office: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (920) 849-4331

Pastor: Rev. Michael Sanford-Kennedy (920) 286-1956

Council President: Mark Rusch (920) 213-5557

Council VP: Don Pingel (920) 849-2062

Council Secretary: Karen Cmejla (920) 375-0244

Council Treasurer: Dino Papendieck (920) 439-1246

Kristi Schnell (920) 464-1060

Judy Mattes (920) 853-7109

Amy Kuhn (920) 418-0929


  1. Who wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament? MOSES
  2. God asked Abraham to make a sacrifice to Him on Mount Moriah. What was it? HIS SON, ISAAC
  3. How many people were aboard Noah’s Ark? 8
  4. How many plagues did God send to Egypt? 10
  5. What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings? A COAT OF MANY COLORS
  6. What does the word Israel mean? PREVAILS WITH GOD
  7. What is the eighth commandment? THOU SHALL NOT STEAL
  8. Which woman washed Jesus’ feet? MARY MAGDELENE
  9. How old was Jesus when he started his ministry? 30
  10. Name the shortest verse in the Bible? "JESUS WEPT" (John 11:35)

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