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News from Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna

Whats in this issue......

Dear Friends and Neighbours

Ward 6 May Drop-In Dates….Have Your Say

Ward 6 News

3402 & 3416 Appleby Line Update

Maderna Rd Basement Flooding Mitigation Program 

Notice of Construction - May 2023 to May 2024

City News

Pre-building Approval Process New on-line Tool

Council approves 2023 Tax Levy Bylaw

City Exploring Options to Enhance Windrow Snow-Removal Program

Short Term Accommodations Bylaw

Celebrate Spring with Two Free Twin-City Events

Burlington Urban Forest Master Plan Engagement, Phase two

Burlington Named Tree City of the World

Community Gardens 2024 Applications

Halton Region News

Notice of Road Closure – May 12 - 15 and May 26 – 29, 2023

Appleby Line from Upper Middle Road to Heron Way & Upper Middle Road from Heron Way to Broadleaf Crescent/Imperial Way

Compost Giveaway

Household hazardous and electronic waste Burlington drop-off 

Halton Waste Managment Site Sundays

Halton Region Police News

HRPS Annual Police Day Event

HRPS Now Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 Youth Advisory Council

2023 Paint the Town Event

Community Events & Programs

Spring High Tea & Vendor Market

Live at the Appollo 2023 Summer Event Schedule

Mega Used Book Sale

Breakfast at the Bistro

Burlington Food Bank

Participate in Halton Newcomer Strategy Survey

Service Burlington is Ready to Help!

Dear Friends and Neighbours

Spring has arrived and Ward 6 has been busy.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Earth Day cleanups and the Ward 6 tree planting events at Millcroft Park and Norton Park in Alton Village.

Volunteerism has always been a wonderful asset here in our Ward which makes our community welcoming and provides valuable community resources.

I look forward to seeing many of you on my travels in and around our neighbourhoods this spring and summer season.  


Ward 6 May Drop-In Sessions….Have Your Say

I am continuing to host Ward 6 drop-in meetings throughout the summer.

I invite residents to drop by for a coffee and chat about what’s on your mind. I welcome your input and feedback on what is important to you. 

Drop-in schedule:

May 12, -10:00 - 11:30 am - Starbucks, 3051 Walkers Line (Farmboy plaza)

May 18, - 10:00-11:30 am – Fortinos, 2025 Guelph Line (Food Court)

May 24, - 6:00 – 7:30 pm - Fortino, 2515 Appleby Line (Food Court)

If you are not available to attend a drop-in, you are welcome to email your questions or concerns to me at angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca or call me at 905-335-7600 ext. 7592.  

Ward 6 News

3402 & 3416 Appleby Line Update

The Panattoni Development Company initiated a development plan for the property at 3402 & 3416 Appleby Line in 2022. You may recall a public pre-application meeting was hosted by the developer in February 2022 to receive input and comments from residents in the immediate neighbourhood.


The proposal is for a single building with a total floor area of approximately 26,000 square metres for the intended use of warehousing and office area. The building will be oriented towards the Palladium Street frontage with landscaping and design elements to create an active streetscape. Site access will be provided by two driveway connections to Palladium Way with all truck loading, truck parking and staging areas located to the rear of the site. Currently the property is zoned for Agriculture.


Planning staff have advised that a new Zoning By-law Amendment application for 3402 & 3416 Appleby Line was submitted and is now deemed complete as of Friday April 28, 2023.

A public notification will be circulated to the nearby residents via mail in the coming weeks. A development webpage has been created on the City website and can be found on the following link http://www.burlington.ca/3416appleby.

If you have any questions or concerns contact:

Mariana Da Silva

Planner II

Community Planning

(905) 335-7600 ext.7536


Maderna Rd Basement Flooding Mitigation Program 

Notice of Construction - May 2023 to May 2024

Beginning in May 2023, Halton Region will carry out improvements to wastewater mains,

laterals and maintenance holes on various streets throughout Burlington, including Maderna Road in Ward 6.


These improvements are part of the multi-year program to increase the resilience of

the community’s wastewater collection system and help reduce the risk of future basement



The contractor for this project is Aqua Tech Solutions Inc. with project administration by GHD

Limited. The majority of construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2023, with

restoration to follow in spring 2024.



To help you plan ahead for construction activity, please read the project related information

below. Wherever possible, mitigation plans will be put in place to minimize disruptions.

Dust and mud: There may be increased levels of dust and mud near the work site. The

contractor is required to manage these impacts.


Driveway access: Direct access to your driveway may be restricted for short periods of time.

We will provide advance notice of any planned restrictions.


Lawn irrigation system: If you have a lawn irrigation system within the public road allowance,

please locate, disconnect and remove any sprinkler heads prior to the construction work

commencing. Halton Region will not be responsible for damaging irrigation systems that are

located within the public road allowance.


Noise: You may experience noise as a result of Regional improvements. We will schedule

work in accordance with local noise by-laws.


Preconstruction condition survey: In the coming weeks, a preconstruction condition survey,

including photos, will be performed of the project site before the construction begins.


Property restoration: Final property restoration will be completed towards the end of the

construction project (weather permitting):


If your driveway will be impacted by this work, the contractor will inform you in advance of the

driveway restoration work to allow the vehicles to be removed from the driveway or out of the

garage as required. The section of your driveway that is impacted will be restored.

If your lawn or landscaping has been impacted by this work, new sod will be placed. This work may be delayed, depending on weather, to improve chance of the sod surviving.

Sanitary services: The contractor may ask you to restrict your water usage at specific times

during the course of construction. This should only last for a limited amount of time while they

rehabilitate and/or replace your service.


Tree removals: It may become necessary to remove some trees and shrubs if construction

occurs within the “tree protection zone” (an area around each tree where the roots are critical

to its survival). When work within this area is extensive, the resulting negative impacts to a

tree’s root zone may result in the tree dying. Construction activities and their proximity to trees and their root systems will be reviewed on site in order to determine if there will be negative impacts to the tree roots (i.e. excavation for a new sewer). If that’s found to be the case and the tree has a high risk of dying over the following years, it will be removed and a new tree/bush will be replanted in accordance with Regional and local policies.


Truck traffic: You will notice occasional increases in truck traffic around the ongoing work.

Please be aware and use extra caution while driving.


Vibration: You may experience some vibration due to ongoing work. As a precaution, we

recommend that you remove or secure objects on shelves and walls.


Waste collection: Your garbage and recycling will continue to be picked up on your regular

scheduled collection day. The contractor is responsible for moving your garbage and recycling to a location where our collection vehicles can pick them up. Please mark your house number on containers or bins to help with identification.


Water and wastewater disruptions: There may be some disruption to your water services

during the course of the project. Halton Region will provide at least 48 hours advance written

notice of any scheduled shutdowns.


For more information visit: Basement Flooding Mitigation Program

City News

Pre-building Approval Process New on-line Tool

The City has updated its pre-building approval process and launched a new online self-serve tool called MyFiles. These improvements will help speed up when applicants can apply for a building permit.


The new MyFiles tool lets applicants check on the status of their pre-building approval application in real time. It allows them to follow along as their application goes through each step in the review process.


While applicants are still welcome to contact staff with questions, they can now login to this new portal to access information they may need about their application, if they prefer. MyFiles can be used by residents who have applied for Pre-Building Approval after April 24, 2023.


Once an account has been created, applicants can check the status of their files for applications related to:

  • decks,
  • accessory building or structure like a shed or gazebo,
  • renovations such as additions or
  • build a new house.


Process Updates

The process has been updated by separating the review of the Zoning Bylaw, Grading and Drainage Bylaw, and Tree Bylaw so that:

Council approves 2023 Tax Levy Bylaw

At the May 4 Council meeting, the 2023 Tax Levy Bylaw was approved by Council. The bylaw allows the city to bill 2023 property taxes and set payment due dates for final tax bills on June 21 and Sept. 21, 2023. Final tax bills will be mailed in late May.


The City of Burlington collects taxes for the city, Halton Region, and the Halton district school boards. For each residential dollar collected, 48.9 per cent stays in the city, 33.3 per cent goes to Halton Region and 17.8 per cent goes to the Halton district school boards.


Property tax payments can be made:

  • by cheque and debit at the Service Burlington counter, temporarily located at 390 Brant St. on the third floor
  • at your financial institution in person, by telephone, or online
  • by placing a cheque in the City’s blue deposit box outside 390 Brant St. at the Elgin Street entrance, across from City Hall 


The City offers pre-authorized payment plans. Residents can apply for this option. Pre-authorized payments can help distribute property tax payments over several additional months during the tax year. For more information, please visit burlington.ca/propertytax.


The City also provides several property tax rebate programs, together with Halton Region. These include charity rebates, heritage rebates, the Older Adult Property Tax Deferral Program, and the Low-Income Seniors Rebate program. Please visit burlington.ca/propertytax to see if you qualify. 

City Exploring Options to Enhance Windrow Snow-Removal Program

For many years the city has had a windrow clearing program for seniors and persons who are physically unable to clear the windrows left at the bottom of their driveway. The program is limited to 175 to 200 spots, but there is always a demand for more. There is a cost of $61.84 plus HST per driveway each season.


This past winter, the Mayor and Councillors’ offices received a significant volume of complaints from residents regarding windrows left in their driveway after they had already shoveled, and then their street was plowed. This was partly due to the wet and heavy snow which created large, heavy piles at the end of the driveway when the plow had passed. Residents shared that the size and weight of the windrows made it very difficult for them to shovel a second time and remove the windrows.


At the April Council meeting, a motion memo from the Mayor and Ward 5 Councillor Sharman was approved by Council to direct staff to explore options for how we can expand and enhance our windrow-removal program.


To view a copy of the motion memo click on the link here: CPRM-04-23 Motion Memo – Windrow Clearing.

Short Term Accommodations Bylaw

In the past, I have received emails from residents expressing concerns with short term rental properties or Airbnb’s that may be operating in their neighbourhood.


At the April Council meeting, Council members approved a motion memo put forward by Councillors Stolte and Galbraith, directing staff to develop and implement a city-wide, short-term accommodation (STA) compliance/licensing program.


In undertaking the development of a short-term accommodation (STA) by-law program, the following elements will be included:


  • Research on leading GTHA and other municipal practices related to STA by-laws, regulations, compliance and licensing regimes;
  • Establish a Community Task Force to assist in the development of options and recommendations for a ‘Made in Burlington” STA by-law, compliance and licensing regime;
  • Identify potential zoning requirements through Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review; and
  • Identify any ongoing resource requirements in the multiyear 2024-2028 budget forecast.

Celebrate Spring with Two Free Twin-City Events

You're invited to celebrate spring with two free events on Saturday, May 13 that have been organized by the Burlington Mundialization Committee, and honour our twin cities, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands and Itabashi, Japan


Canada Netherlands Friendship Day


May 13, 2023 at 10 a.m.

Burlington Performing Arts Centre, 440 Locust St.


The Canada Netherlands Friendship Day will celebrate the 18th anniversary of the city's twinning agreement with the City of Apeldoorn. It will also recognize the 78th anniversary of the Netherlands liberation by the Canadian Armed Forces during World War 2. The event will include:

·   Canadian and Dutch national anthems

·   Greetings from Consul General of the Netherlands, Harman Idema; Elizabeth Witmer, former Deputy Premier of Ontario; Mayor Ton Heerts of Apeldoorn; and Mayor Marianne Meed Ward

·   Artwork on display from Bruce T. Lindley Public School and Trinity Christian School 

·   Art presentation from Nelson High School

·   Presentation by Community Pathway Program

·   Music from Burlington Teen Tour Band


Sakura Festival

May 13, 2023 at 1 p.m.

Burlington Performing Arts Centre, 440 Locust St.


The Sakura Festival celebrates the arrival of the Japanese cherry blossom trees that can be seen blooming each spring in Spencer Smith Park and at Royal Botanical Gardens. The festival also recognizes Burlington’s 34-year friendship with its twin city, Itabashi, Japan. The event will include:


·   Greetings from Consul General of Japan, SASAYAMA Takuya and Mayor Meed Ward

·   A Japanese drumming performance from Do Kon Daiko 

·   A demonstration from Shudokan Family Karate

·   Burloak Aikikai Aikido martial arts demonstration                                 

·   Japanese dance by Suzuran Odori

·   A Koto performance from Logan Scott 

·   A singing and shamisen performance from Ten Ten Canada, featuring TAKAHASHI Aki

·   A performance from dance group Sakuramai 

·   Taiko (drum), flutes, and shamisen by Nagata Shachu

Burlington Urban Forest Master Plan Engagement, Phase two

Public engagement for the Burlington Urban Forest Master Plan will begin on May 23, 2023. The engagement objective for this engagement phase is to consult community members on the draft Plan to refine it and inform implementation priorities.


We want to hear from you! You will have the following opportunities to provide your input on the draft Urban Forest Master Plan:


·       Survey: open from May 23 to June 30, 2023

·       Review the draft plan: open from May 22 to June 30


Hybrid in-person and online Public Information Centre:

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 – 7:00 pm, presentation at 7:30 pm

Tansley Woods, 1996 Itabashi Way

Or register at this zoom link to join online at 7:30 pm

For more information visit: Urban Forest Master Plan | Get Involved Burlington

Burlington Named Tree City of the World

Burlington has been named a Tree City of the World by the Arbour Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Foundation of the United Nations for our work to protect, care for, plant and promote trees. Congrats to staff, volunteers and community partners!


This is the first time the City of Burlington has been recognized for this prestigious status for leading the way in urban and community forestry.

To earn Tree Cities of the World recognition, a city must demonstrate its commitment by meeting five program standards: establish responsibility for the care of trees, set rules to govern the management of forests and trees, maintain an updated inventory or assessment of local tree resources, allocate resources for a tree management plan, and hold an annual celebration of trees to educate residents.


Learn more about the City’s forestry program at www.burlington.ca/forestry.

Community Gardens

Applications are now open for the 2024 community garden season and will remain open until December 15, 2023.


In Ward 6, the community garden is located at Ireland Park. The features of the gardens are:


The plot permit fee is $56 which includes insurance, plus applicable taxes. Plots are assigned by a lottery draw for each season and due to the high demand, applicants must submit a new lottery application every year. Notice of the lottery outcome is communicated in January 2024.


For more information visit: Community Gardens

Halton Region News

Notice of Road Closure – May 12 - 15 and May 26 – 29, 2023

Appleby Line from Upper Middle Road to Heron Way & Upper Middle Road from Heron Way to Broadleaf Crescent/Imperial Way

To maintain the Region’s infrastructure in a state of good repair, Halton Region is making improvements to Appleby Line, from Upper Middle Road to 50m North of Heron Way, and to Upper Middle Road from Heron Way to Broadleaf Crescent/Imperial Way, Wards 4, 5, & 6, in Burlington.


Further to our Notice of Construction dated October 19, 2022, we would like to inform you that Upper Middle Road will be closed from Broadleaf Crescent/Imperial Way to Ironstone Drive on Friday, May 12 at 8:00PM to Monday, May 15 at 5:00AM and on Friday, May 26 at 8:00PM to Monday, May 29 at 5:00AM as part of the Road Resurfacing Program.


The purpose of this road closure is to improve worker and motorist safety during active construction and minimize the impacts to local residents and businesses.


Appleby Line, from Upper Middle Road to 50m North of Heron Way, will remain accessible to motorists during the same time periods, with a minimum of 1 lane maintained in each direction.


Emergency Access will be maintained along Upper Middle Road at all times. Through vehicle traffic will be detoured along Mainway and motorists should expect delays when travelling through the area. Motorists will be directed by temporary signage to follow the approved detour route. We will make every effort to complete the construction work as quickly as possible to minimize the impact of the road closure.

For more information visit: Halton - Road Resurfacing Program

Compost Giveaway

The Region processes all of the collected yard waste and leaves into nutrient-rich, natural compost that it gives away to residents in the spring and fall.


Dates: Monday, May 8 to Sunday, May 14, 2023

Time: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (only until Noon on May 14)

Location: Halton Waste Management Site, 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton


What you should bring:

  • shovels - you're responsible for shoveling and bagging your compost
  • containers or bags - yard waste bags, garbage bags, reusable containers, pick-up bed or trailer for hauling


You can take home up to seven bags/containers of compost per household.


Please consider making a donation of clothing, textiles and household items that are in good condition and fit for resale at the Reuse Depot, located within the Halton Waste Management site.


Household hazardous and electronic waste Burlington drop-off 

Drop off your hazardous materials and electronics at the Burlington Closed Landfill site.


Date: Saturday, June 3, 2023

Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Location: 291 North Service Road, Burlington


Visit the Halton Waste Management Site web page for a list of acceptable household hazardous materials.


Halton Waste Management Site Sundays

To help with your spring clean-up, the Halton Waste Management Site will be open every Sunday from May 7 to June 24, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 


Halton Region Police Services News

Halton Region Police Annual Police Day

Join HRPS for an afternoon celebration of free, family fun, activities and learn about policing through a series of interactive displays and presentations. The theme for the celebration is “Helping Build Safer Communities”.


The annual Police Day event returns on Saturday, May 13, 2023 from 12pm - 4pm, at Police Headquarters, 2485 North Service Road, West, Oakville.


See you there!

HRPS Now Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 Youth Advisory Council

HRPS is now accepting new applicants for its Youth Advisory Council for the 2023-2024 school year.


In recognition of the impact youth have in the community, not only among their peer groups but in using their voices to bring about positive change, HRPS created its Youth Advisory Council (YAC) in 2020. This youth-driven, volunteer committee is comprised of 15 high school-aged students from a wide range of backgrounds who work closely with HRPS members to ensure the needs of young people in Halton Region are heard and considered.


Youth with diverse perspectives on policing who are interested in making a difference through YAC are invited to apply now through the HRPS website (www.haltonpolice.ca under Staying Safe -> Youth Engagement or by clicking here) from now until Wednesday, May 17, 2023.


The HRPS will review applications in May, and interviews will be held in June, if required.

2023 "Paint the Town" Event

The Halton Regional Police Service, Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation and student partners are pleased to announce that “Paint the Town” will be held Thursday, May 25, 2023 between 6:00pm – 7:30pm at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School, 2333 Headon Forest Drive, Burlington, ON, L7M 3X6. The student art pieces will be auctioned off with funds going to support Mental Health & Addictions Program at Joseph Brant Hospital. This year’s theme is “FLOURISH”.


The “Paint the Town” project was created in 2009 as an opportunity to have local students showcase their artistic talent. Each year a new theme is selected and given to the local high schools to encourage students to participate in the project. Students can earn volunteer hours for their efforts.


In 2018, the Halton Regional Police Service partnered with the Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation (JBHF) and added a fundraising component in support of the Mental Health & Addictions Program at Joseph Brant Hospital (JBH). To date, the students have raised over $9,000 in support of mental health & addictions programs at JBH.


This event is open to the community. We would encourage those wishing to attend to register in advance at the link provided here:  https://paintthetown2023.eventbrite.ca

Community Events & Programs

Spring High Tea & Vendor Market

Saturday, May 13

Two seatings: 12 noon to 1 pm

                      2:00 to 3:00 pm

Grace United Church, 2111 Walkers Line


Adults $15

Children 12 & under $10


For tickets call 905-335-0090 or email office@graceunitedchurchburlington.com

For more information visit: www.graceunitedchurchburlington.com

Live at the Appollo 2023 Summer Event Schedule

Mark your calendars….it is back again this summer. Live music from 7 to 8:30 pm at the corner of Appollo and Wentworth. This is a free family event. Bring your lawn chairs and join your neighbours. Bands play for tips.


Summer band line up:

May 26 - The Ramblin’ Band

June 9 - Billboard Nation

June 23 - The Killin’ Time Band

July 7 - Mike Branton Band

July 21 - The Dirty Pioneers

August 4 - Brisco’s Blues Review

August 18 - Freedom Train


We are excited this summer present a new event in Ward 6. Mark your calendars for…

Music in the Park featuring “Sonny Boy Mick Band”

August 26, 2023

2 – 3:30 pm

Ireland Park, 2315 Headon Forest Dr.

Mega Used Book Sale

Friday, June 9, 4 – 7 pm

Saturday, June 10, 9 am – 1 pm

Grace United Church, 2111 Walkers Line


Large selection of gently used books. Bring a bag and stock up…hardcovers $3, paperback $2.


For book donation info call 905-335-0090 or email office@graceunitedchurchburlington.com

For more information visit: www.graceunitedchurchburlington.com

Breakfast at the Bistro 55+

The next Breakfast at the Bistro will take place on Sat, June 24 at the Burlington Seniors’ Centre.

Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and tea service, breakfast will be served from 9 to 9:45 a.m., followed by musical entertainment 10 a.m.


Space is limited so please pre-register online or call Customer Service at 905-335-7777 prior to the event.


Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2285 New St.

Cost: $6.90 plus tax for residents 55+ and $18.90 for non-residents 55+

Register ahead online (space is limited): Breakfast @ the Bistro 55+ (perfectmind.com)

Burlington Food Bank

Did you know that the Burlington Food Bank delivers? If you are not able to go to the food bank in person, the Burlington Food Bank offers a delivery service. For more information visit www.burlingtonfoodbank.ca or call 905-637-2273.


Or Drop-off Drive through food collection:

Every Wednesday, 10 am to 1 pm

at St. Matthew’s Church

126 Plains Rd. E.


For a list of “most needed items” visit: www.burlingtonfoodbank.ca

In Ward 6, Andrea Florian and her team are continuing with their weekly porch pick-ups in support of the Burlington Food Bank & Salvation Army! The Burlington Food Bank has said they are struggling to keep the shelves stocked due to high demand.


Can you help?

The team will pick up every Friday starting at 10am. Porch Pick up and your donation goes straight to: Burlington Food Bank & Salvation Army & that very same day!

Just send them an email at hello@florianrealtyteam.ca with your name and address and leave the non-perishable food items on your front porch Friday morning. their pick-ups begin at 10am!


Thank you to everyone for your continued support!

Participate in Halton Newcomer Strategy Survey

New to Canada and/or live in Halton Region? The Halton Newcomer Strategy wants to hear from you.


The Halton Newcomer Strategy Steering Committee is a community-based collaborative group that works to ensure Halton is a welcoming, inclusive and supportive community where newcomers can live, work and thrive.

This month, the Steering Committee is doing a survey with Environics Research to gather residents’ perspectives on services, quality of life, and sense of belonging in Halton Region.


The survey seeks to gain a better understanding of newcomers’ settlement experiences in Halton. Your input will help to ensure that future strategic planning continues to meet newcomers’ needs.

Click here to take the Survey

If you have any questions, please email HaltonNewcomerStrategy@halton.ca

For more information about HMCconnections visit: HMCconnections.com 

Service Burlington is Ready to Help!

Speak to a live City of Burlington staff person weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.by calling (905) 335-7777.

Alternatively send an email with your request for service to city@burlington.ca with your city request.

Let's Keep in Touch
In compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation, recipients of this newsletter may unsubscribe at any time. Many residents have contacted me or provided me with their email addresses during the campaign period and I thank you for signing up to receive updates. Please feel free to forward my newsletter to your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues so they can sign up as well.

Please add angelo.bentivegna@burlington.ca to your address book so my correspondence will be sure to land in your inbox. You may unsubscribe at any time.
As always, you may contact me through email, phone, social media or by attending Ward 6 public open house meetings or drop-in sessions.
Angelo Bentivegna
City of Burlington & Region of Halton
Councillor, Ward Six
Ph: 905-335-7600 ext. 7592
Fax: 905-335-7881
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