Child Care Education News from CCEI

The Industry Leader for Online

Professional Development

May 2023

Assessing Safety in Early Learning Environments

In this month’s newsletter, we will be focusing on strategies and program practices designed to keep children safe in early learning programs. The primary focus of all employees must be to create an environment that is safe for children to explore.

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Active Supervision

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General Indoor Safety Considerations

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General Playground Safety

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Maintaining Safety with Fresh Eyes

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Additional Articles

National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education | Caring for Our Children | Collection of National Standards and Best Practices

Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards | America’s Playgrounds Safety Report Card

Children's Safety Network at Education Development Center | Child Care Safety

Head Start | ECLKC | Safety Practices | Tips for Keeping Children Safe: A Developmental Guide


Who is primarily responsible for conducting safety inspections in your program?
A. The director and other administrative personnel.
B. The director and lead teachers.
C. All staff are responsible for conducting safety inspections in my program.
D. I am not sure who is responsible for conducting safety inspections.

Poll Results:

April 2023 Newsletter

Which of these employee relations topics will you prioritize first?

A. Building a Team Environment - 187 responses or 25.1%

B. Encouraging Effective Communication - 177 responses or 23.8%

C. Managing Conflict - 112 responses or 15.1%

D. Boosting Motivation - 146 responses or 19.6%

E. None of the above - 122 responses or 16.4%

Total: 744 responses

To view the April's Newsletter

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Creating Psychological Safety in Early Childhood

The May edition of the CCEI newsletter focuses on ways that program staff can create and maintain safe learning environments for young children. We can all agree that this is the top priority of the early learning workforce. Equally important, however, is the ability to create psychologically safe environments for children.

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Let’s Hear a Round of Applause

We want to take a moment to thank all early childhood education professionals for all that you do — both in and out of the classroom — to help your students grow and develop into successful learners and doers. We believe teachers should be celebrated all year long (and it’s not just because it’s a nice thing to do).

Please join us in a big virtual round of applause for our 2023 Teacher Appreciation Week winners for sharing how they’ve gone above and beyond in training to become the best possible educator for their students. Thanks again to everyone who entered! We value and appreciate all educators!

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Big Blue Marble Academy Partners with CCEI and StraighterLine to Educate the Next Generation of Early Childhood Learning Professionals

The program aims to help train the next generation of lead teachers and administrators by offering scholarship funds for BBMA employees to pursue a Child Development Associate ® (CDA) certification or a college degree.

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Ready to Get Started?

Take CCEI's No-Cost Trial Course Today!

CCEI offers CCEI900: Safety in the Infant/Toddler Classroom as a no-cost online child care training course to new CCEI users May 1-31, 2023.

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Take the Trial Course Now!

This course presents practices and recommendations for preventing injuries and reducing unnecessary hazards in the indoor child care setting. Participants will learn about various indoor health and safety risks, safe feeding and diapering practices, and the appropriate use of various equipment and materials in the early childhood environment.

Watch how CCEI has helped childcare providers in their professional development journey just like you.

CCEI students have completed nearly 9,100,000 online course hours and over 47,700 early childhood professionals have graduated from CDA and other certificate programs. CCEI also maintains excellent student satisfaction scores and 99% of students say they would recommend CCEI to others.

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