How to automatically download Wintix updates

Clear your cache and cookies if you can't see Webtix updates right away

Run an Integrity Report to find out of balance sales

Hamlet asks: To move seats or not to move seats. That is the question.

Who is at which support extension number?

What is the best way to make sure your Wintix is automatically updated?

We are commonly asked:

"What is the best way to update our Wintix program? Should we shut down our computers overnight, so the update is automatic (when there is one) or do we manually update it when we receive the email notice?”
  • To make sure your Wintix automatically updates, right click on the desktop Wintix icon, and select Properties.
  • Make sure the target is StartWintix6.exe.
  • Do this for the icon on the desktop AND the icon on the taskbar.

Close Wintix at end of business. When you click on the Wintix icon and open Wintix the next day, it will automatically download an update if one is available.

If you need to manually download an update, go to Help | About Wintix | then click on the Download update button. Restart Wintix by running StartWintix6.exe.The old Wintix 6 will be renamed and the new Wintix 6 unpacked. You will be up to date.

Can't see your Webtix changes?

You may need to clear your browser's cache and cookies

All browsers hold on to elements of websites to make them quicker to load, then clear them out periodically.

If you've had a change to your Webtix page (like a new logo), you may not see the change right away in certain browsers.

If that happens, you will need to refresh your browser and clear your cache and cookies.

Here is also a link to a site instructing you how to do that.

Run an Integrity Report to find out-of-balance sales

When you run your daily sales report (you DO run a daily sales report, right?), what is the best way to find and correct out-of-balance sales?

Run an Integrity Report!

Integrity is defined as to be whole and complete. An Integrity Report shows you if there are any sales that need to be completed or fixed.

Learn how to run an Integrity Report here.

To paraphrase Hamlet:

To move seats or not to move seats? That is the question: Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous single empty seats or to allow Webtix to move selected seats, and by opposing end them.

To learn more about how to let Webtix move - or not move - seats, read further anon.

Do you know which support person is at which extension?

The support number is 831-920-1254:

David Hile - ext. 1

DJ (Don Johnson) - ext. 2

Peggy Dillon - ext. 3

Which extension should you pick?

David and DJ can help you with most technical and operational questions or issues. Want to know how to sell a ticket, how to print tickets, or how to solve a Wintix problem?

Pick Ext. 1 for David or Ext. 2 for DJ.

Need help with a seating plan, scaling the house, or a bounced/spam email notice you received?

Call Peggy at Ext. 3.