Infrequently seen inland Puget Sound, the T64Bs showed up inbound Admiralty Inlet with several other matrilines. Pictured here are T64B2, T64B1, T64B off Point No Point, Hansville.
IDs: Melisa Pinnow
photo by Jim Pasola, May 14, 2022
We are watching and visiting the whales in their home.
Please observe, love, and respect them from a distance.
Sightings through May 14 include:
Bigg's Killer Whales - T36 , T36Bs, T46Bs, T64Bs, T65 & T63, T65As, T73s, T75s, T75Bs, T87, T124As w/T124A1, T124A2s, T124C, T137s
Humpbacks - BCY1218 Kata, Divot, Zig Zag, Olympus, BCY117 - "Sparrow" & CRC-17917
Gray Whales - 21, 531, 2259, 2356, 2362, 2447
Orca Network's Give BIG ~ or little ~ for Flukes & Fins - Facebook Fundraiser
WE HAVE A MATCH! A very generous donor has agreed to help us meet our Give Big/Give Little Fundraiser Goal ~ we need to raise $3,500 which will be matched by this donor, to help us meet our Fundraising goal.
Any amount is appreciated and helps towards our goal. Your donations go towards supporting our Whale Sighting Network, Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Langley Whale Center, Campaign to return Tokitae/Lolita to the Salish Sea, and our Education, Events, and Advocacy efforts.
You can DONATE HERE at our Facebook Fundraiser event page. Facebook takes care of the donation processing with no fees.
Your support enables Orca Network to continue our work to connect people & whales, educate & inspire people to take action, and collect & disseminate data for research & education.
With Gratitude!
Orca Network
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype)
Sat, May 14 - Admiralty Inlet/Puget Sound (T36 & T36Bs, T65 & T63, T64Bs, T65As, T75Bs)
At 21:04 Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: orca whale 2100 5/14 Kittitas C/M reports one orca breached just near the vessel mid-channel. [Vashon/Fauntleroy/SW run]
21:05 - [orca] 6 or 7 South End of Blake view from Emma Schmitz SB two tight groups.
21:00 - [orca] 4 off Constellation close to shore SB.
Mary Hartman
20:39 - [orca] Passing Alki Point now, closer to the East Side.
Stephanie Raymond
19:50 - [orca] Multiple whales here. Spread out across the channel southbound fast.
Joey LaMarche
19:37 - [orca] They are moving southwest right by the tango buoy in the traffic lanes on the west side. Hard to see from Alki. [map shared approx.47.657270, 122,450695].
John Patrick Darmody II
20:16 - [orca] They are pretty far south now. Approaching Bainbridge Island ferry lane. Wenatchee fast approaching them.
20:00 - [orca] Now scanning from Old Creosote. Appear to be hunting. Lots of surface activity and seagulls! Just north of Elliot Bay. Seattle side.
19:20 - [orca] Watching from Rolling Bay on Bainbridge. At least 3 groups directly west of West Point Lighthouse. Traveling southbound. Large leader group approx. 10 Orca? Gorgeous night and easy to spot. King County side.
Kimberly Sylvester
18:54 - [orca] Some north of the green buoy north of Golden Gardens, appear to be on the west side of the channel. Viewing from Carkeek, too far for any other details.
Larry Benesh
19:07 - [orca] Still viewing from Golden Gardens. They are near the orange buoy and boat.
18:45 - [orca] Seeing blows and dorsals from Golden Gardens now. 1 group with 1 male following behind.
Aaron Berg
18:30 - Last one from me. The lead group of orcas looks fairly large, location is approx. out from Carkeek or south of, on the east side of the channel. The other two groups are as per my last update but just now a bit further south (but north and west of the lead group).
18:18 - Roughly one group orcas (includes male) general area of pin, [map shared approx. 47.686726, -22.432765]. 2nd group is southwest of them, too far for numbers. Total guesstimate up to dozen between the two. Blows and sometimes dorsals are visible in rough chop. All so still steady southbound. Gorgeous evening.
18:05 - Not sure which group, but at least half a dozen females/juveniles orcas loosely spread mid-channel between Richmond Beach Saltwater Park and Jefferson Head steady southbound. One male is on the east side of the channel.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
19:55 - [orca] Saw a large group mid-channel approaching the Bainbridge ferry line. Then they dove and I lost them. Still SB. Blows had been visible with the naked eye from the west side of the channel.
17:32 - [orca] One group approaching Kingston Ferry mid-channel. Hard to tell how many due to choppy waters and distance.
Ashley Whitman
17:50 - [orca] The last group also moved East cruise ship heading right for them.
17:35 - [orca] I see Whales in 4 different locations. Two nearer the Eastside and already to the South. Two now approaching Kingston near mid-channel to West of mid-channel.
17:22 - [orca] 1st group is really moving, almost to point Wells, more whales farther North.
17:14 - [orca] Whales North of Kingston. I’m on the hill above Kingston. white sailboat with them.
Jim Pasola
16:33 - [orca] Straight across Eglon beach.
Brigitte van Hovell
16:00 - [orca] Point No Point 16:00 SB. The babies were so cute!
Jasmine Speaks
Bigg's T64B2, T64B, T64B1, T75B off Point No Point, Kitsap Peninsula.
T64B1 and T75B4
IDs: Melisa Pinnow
photos by Jasmine Speaks, May 14, 2022
16:00 - [orca] 2 large groups just passed Point No Point 1 faraway 1 right close all appeared to be heading South.
Jim Pasola
T64B and either T64B1 or B2
T64B, T64B2, T75B3, T75B, T75B2
T75B4, T75B, T75B3, T75B2
Last two images surfacing sequence: T75B3, T75B, T75B2
IDs: Melisa Pinnow
Above nine photos by Jim Pasola, May 14, 2022
14:44 - [orca] Just saw one male from Point No Point heading south.
Julie Davis
14:24 - [orca] Just passed Point No Point, he took a dive haven't seen him since. Alone. [lead group]
Jim Pasola
T137A Jack southbound off Point No Point, Kitsap Peninsula
ID: Orca Network
back of camera photo by Jim Pasola
14:00 - [orca] Viewing from Lagoon Point; Port Townsend side orcas SB off Fort Flagler.
Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
14:27 - Faint Biggs calls. Back on the Bush Point hydrophone.
13:40 - Many T08 calls overlapping getting more intense!
13:25 - Hearing Bigg’s call repeated on the PT hydrophone!
13:04 - That’s a nice confirmation of ~5km detection range. Thanks for both listening and watching!
Scott Veirs
Cascadia Region Whale Sighting
Orca Sighting:
Sighting Time: Sat May 14 13:51:27 PDT
Sighting User Reported Location (Lat/Lon): 48.13571,-122.76060 [Fort Worden]
Number Sighted: 4
Reported Animal Status: Live
Submitted Comments:
Report Generated: Sat May 14 14:01:34 PDT 2022
Submitter Name: Rebecca Berger
Whale Alert App
13:39 - [orca] Calls still going. Lots of activity on Port Townsend hydrophone!
Haleigh Meacham
Incoming Admiralty Inlet Off Port Townsend
photo by Haleigh Meacham, May 14, 2022
T36, T36Bs, T65, T63, T64Bs, T65As, T75Bs, coming into Admiralty.
Yifan Ling
13:35 - There are 4-5 other KWs on the Fort Casey side southbound that are too far away for me to ID as we are leaving the scene. (“Looks like T064Bs too” - Brendon Bissonette)
13:18 - The T65As, T63, and some of the T36Bs are southbound mid-channel offshore from Point Wilson! T36 is further south with the T137s.
Bart Rulon, PSE
13:10 - [orca] Still hearing calls at Bush Point.
Edie Baker
12:39 - [orca] just heard 3 calls [BP hps]
Jennifer Fulton Carpenter
12:41 - [orca] Hearing louder calls now.
12:17 - [orca] Continued calls on Bush Point hydrophone!
T.L. Stokes
12:55 - [orca] Still hearing calls at Bush Point.
Nancy Eriksson
11:26 - [orca] Bush Point hydrophones. Lots of calls!!
Tia Bozzo
12:45 - Ts headed south slowly 2 miles south of Bush Pt
11:20 - [orca] Just heard GREAT calls on Bush Pt. hydrophones!!
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
11:15 - Orcas. Marrowstone side, active, southbound, straight out Lagoon point.
Rachel Haight
11:00 - T137s and T36s are southbound just south of Fort Flagler after making a kill!
Bart Rulon
09:30 - Vessel Redhead has killer whales southbound at Point Wilson in southbound shipping Lanes, slow.
Christopher Lewman
Encounter report from Bart Rulon: We had an epic experience with the T137 pod and T36 on Saturday with Puget Sound Express. This mixed pod of 6 Bigg’s killer whales was swimming into Puget Sound near the north end of Marrowstone Island when the Chilkat Express, and the Saratoga arrived. The pod spread out into stealth mode looking for prey in a prominent tide rip that often forms off Marrowstone Point. The moms, T137 (Loon) and T36 (Flapjack) were in the lead and Loon’s daughters, T137B (Tempest), and T137D (Wright) were in formation close by. Loon’s adult son, T137A (Jack) was trailing way behind by about a quarter of a mile and the rest of T36’s pod, the T36Bs, were even further behind socializing with members of other pods. We could tell the chase was on when the girls started porpoising (speed swimming) towards something out in front of them. The speed of their chase indicated their target might have been a harbor porpoise. It didn’t take very long before they slowed down and started circling. We never saw what they caught, but Jack’s exuberance from a quarter mile away helped indicate their success. He started celebrating/communicating with tailslaps first, and then he breached 4 times in the distance! We floated with the engines off watching the 4 girls circle around their prize as Jack swam in to catch up. Along the way he swam towards us and breached another 4 times in a row! Shortly afterward his sister Tempest answered his breaches with 3 breaches of her own and one of them coincided with mom spyhopping at the same time. Loon spyhopped a second time right as her son finally reached the breakfast zone! Later in the trip, after spotting a gray whale and a minke whale we finally found the T36B pod mixing it up with T65, T63, the T65A pod, and others near Point Wilson. I posted one of Jack’s full breach sequences on my instagram@bartrulon if you are interested in seeing it. All photos were taken with a supertelephoto lens and cropped, and all whale watching regulations were followed.
T137s Admiralty Inlet
photos by Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express, May 14, 2022
Fri, May 13 - San Juans – (T124As with T124A1)
17:20 - [orca] nearing Yellow Island northbound
16:43 - [orca] appear to be aiming north towards Friday Harbor after coming down Upright
Monika Wieland Shields [WSSJI]
At 16:20 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed to report: [MV] SAMISH Orca Report 5/13/2022 1602hrs: Vessel reports they have slowed due to 4 orca in Upright Channel, between Canoe Island and Flat Point. No particular direction of travel. Master reports they appear to be two adults and two juvenile animals.
15:49 - Orca pod, Upright Channel. (Ellie Sawyer: T124As with T124A1)
John Hinchcliffe [WSSJI]
May 13 - San Juan Channel/Cattle Pass (T87 and T124C)
15:45 - slowly approaching Cattle Pass
11:48 - Sounds like it’s T87 and T124C, two male Bigg’s killer whales, heading south.
Monika Wieland Shields, OBI [WSSJI]
13:15 - [orca] southbound in Griffin bay.
Fred Horn [WSSJI]
11:46 - Orcas in San Juan channel visible from Friday harbor labs
Jackson Page-Roth [WSSJI]
T124C and T87 San Juan Channel
photo by Fred Horn, May 13, 2022
Fri May 13 - San Juans/Rosario Strait
19:45 - Tiffany Waldner, Orca Network reports the pod was last seen headed west...
19:05 - at this time, no. They're on Lopez side.
18:35 - if I had to guess current location.
18:14 - steady southbound I see chainsaw!!!
18:10 - they're mostly right off Williamson rocks, lots of fins
18:05 - fins visible north of Rosario Beach so guessing still southbound, close to shore
Rachel Haight, Orca Network
At 17:23 Chad Saxton sent a video of large group of Bigg’s off Cap Sante, Anacortes earlier (around 14:30). Group included the T137s at least.
T137A Jack (right)
Frame grab from video by Chad Saxton, May 13, 2022
15:30-16:30 - We saw a pod in Guemes channel! They then traveled over and out towards Decatur Island. Spotted around 3:30, stopped watching around 4:30. Saw at least 7, and 3 were babies.
Maila Burgess
Confirm we have a photo of Chainsaw (pic to come, internet issues). ~13:00 on 5/13/2022 between Orcas and Cypress. Pod of 10+ including at least 2 males. S/V Belle.
Elaine Armantrout
Fri May 13 – Discovery Bay
12:39 - T46Bs and T124A2s are southbound, deep in Discovery Bay right now. [approx. 48.023295, -122.843771]
Bart Rulon
Wed, May 11 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs, T73s, T75s)
11:45 - [orca] Chilkat Express found the group west of Port Angeles eastbound 2mi north of Angela's Point T73s and 75s and 46Bs. When we left them, they were pointed southeast towards Port Angeles. I think you could see them from the [Ediz] hook.
Christopher Lewman, PSE
08:48 - Mark Millard, WDFW called to report a pod of least of 6-7 orcas (incl. male) one-mile offshore Crescent Bay in the Strait of Juan de Fuca heading eastbound.
(see photos by Jen Blaine below)
Bigg's Transients Strait of Juan de Fuca off Crescent Bay, WA
photos by Jen Blaine courtesy of Mark Millard, WDFW, May 11, 2022
May 11 - Haro Strait (T124As)
12:59 - If they are the same whales, they are out in front of Landbank, milling, with a whale watching boat.
Carol Kinkelaar Skully
12:00 - T124As were southbound in Haro Strait off San Juan County Park.
Monika Wieland Shields
Wed, May 11 – San Juans (Includes T101s)
15:15 - from the ferry just saw the T101s heading north up the east side of Blakely. There appeared to be more orcas heading north up Bellingham Channel
Monika Wieland Shields
At 14:38 John Miller, WSF Marine Ops emailed: SUQUAMISH Orca Report 5/11/2022 1424hrs: Vessel reports via 800MHz vessel 8-10 orca, .4 miles South of Reef Point, moving North.
Wed, May 11 - North Puget Sound
13:50 - [orca] 1 nautical mile of Richmond Beach southbound.
Christopher Hanke, PSE
09:45 - Two orcas southbound at Mukilteo Lighthouse Park, close to shore.
Joe Driemiller
Tuesday, May 10th – Saratoga Passage (T124A2s)
17:01 - They [orca] seemed to have headed over toward Oak Harbor, then last seen heading southeast...pretty much disappeared!
16:05 - [orca] Getting close to Long Point westbound.
16:00 - [orca] Distant view from Long Point...not sure of the direction.
Bonnie Gretz
15:23 - [orca] Mid channel pointed towards Penn Cove.
14:59 - [orca] Point Demock off Camano, bit offshore, on a kill surrounded by gulls.
Trevor Derie
13:30 - They [orca] trended south but are staying put, still displaying and easily visible from the boat launch. Heading out as gotta work… good luck!
13:00 - They [orca] are closer to Long Point than Polnell Point.
12:41 - Now multiple orcas, feeding on a kill in the same spot.
12:27 - [orca] Have eyes on a single individual from Maple Grove Boat Launch, mid-channel heading northbound towards Oak Harbor.
Patrick Palines
11:15 - Lots of activity Saratoga passage! 3-5 orcas south of Onamac.
Patricia Phillips
11:05 - Jim Sheehan called to report pod of orca off Indian Beach, Camano about 600 yds offshore milling about as trend north. Maybe half dozen in the group. He observed at least couple breachers and some tails when diving.
11:00 - Member of the T124A2s breaches north of Cama Beach.
photo by Aaron Gill, May 10, 2022
10:42 - [orca] Can see blows and a few fins from Hidden Beach now. Way closer to the Camano side. NB
Elizabeth Skinner
10:33 - [orca] Trevor Tillman Map shows location off Cama Beach State Park.
11:12 - T124A2s continuing north after a kill now angling out to mid-channel just south Onamac Point aiming toward Oak Harbor.
10:28 - MV Saratoga has the T124A2s northbound off Lowell Point, approaching Cama Beach.
Justine Buckmaster
08:45 - Watched three orcas heading northbound in Saratoga Passage towards Mabana from just south of there.
Peg Boley [CWW]
Mon, May 9 – Puget Sound
19:32 - Ts going on 7-minute dive, shallow surface. Slightly southeast of last surface. Grouped tight. Drifting south.
19:25 - After 6-minute dive (after 10-minute dive) Ts came up…shallow surface, logging, then under. Out from south end Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Trend Southbound. Not easy viewing. Super long down times.
19:05 - This trio of orcas is kind of dawdling mid channel out from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park transect north of Jefferson Head, Kingston. Direction changes trend southbound.
18:25 - Pod of orcas is directly off Kayu Kayu AC Park, Richmond Beach, and super annoying timing a train is going by blocking view. Steady southbound eastern shore.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
18:40 - [orca] Three steady southbound east of midchannel marker. Viewing straight west from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Long down times.
17:47 - [orca] Just outside the Edmonds dive park. Will be in path of incoming ferry momentarily. Really close in front of the ferry as it pulls into port. This was when they popped up after not being sighted for over an hour. I’ll just clarify that I don’t think the ferry could’ve done anything. Nobody knew they were there until they were RIGHT there.
Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
After going stealthy for an hour the T124A2s surface off Edmonds, ahead of the incoming ferry.
photo by Ariel Yseth, May 9, 2022
17:05 - [orca] Sunset Ave Edmonds, I’m seeing something probably just south of Cultus Bay, maybe a little west of Possession Point. Definitely blows and a fin.
Kristin Kreifels
16:05 - [orca] Passed Whidbey now heading southwest into Possession triangle.
15:44 - [orca] Passing by Chennault beach southbound. Long down time
Alice Thuy Talbot
15:43 - [orca] Three at Glendale now heading south.
Jodi Krause Poissant
15:50 - [orca] Southbound Whidbey side approaching Possession Beach
15:20 - I spotted one black fin for a hot second south of Clinton.
Our Wild Puget Sound
14:57 - [orca] Heading south just south of Clinton dock. Now milling.
Joe Dreimiller
15:50 - [orca] Viewing from Possession Beach Park - from my perspective they are mid channel, maybe slightly closer to Whidbey. Steady southbound.
15:24 - [orca] Passing Glendale still southbound, mid channel.
14:35 - [orca] Just north of the Clinton ferry dock, still southbound.
14:12 - [orca] Still southbound between Hat and Whidbey. Closer to Whidbey.
13:35 - [orca] Southbound right off Sandy Point. I watched them round the point fairly close to shore.
Dori Dace
T124A2s soutwhoubnd in Possession Sound
photos by Dori Dace, May 09, 2022
12:35 - [orca] I saw a group there [Sandy Point]. They were southbound in a hurry. Wonder if they circled back for a bit.
Cindi Crowder Rausch
11:06 - [orca] updated map [Pirate’s Cove, Camano Island] for T124A2s southbound, before we leave the scene.
10:30 - T124A2s southbound at [Country Club, Camano Island, Port Susan]
Bart Rulon
Cold day on the water with Puget Sound Express but so pretty! We caught up to 3 orcas, the T124A2's in Port Susan! They were in travel mode with long down times. …
Janine Harles.
top to bottom: T124A2As in Port Susan; T124A2; T124A2 & T124A2A; T124A2B
photos by Janine Harles, May 9, 2022
Name: Mike Fox
Date of Sighting: 5/9/2022
Time of Sighting: 9:44:0 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Off the east side of Camano Island. Due west of Kayak Point.
Direction of travel : South towards Camano Head
Orca’s viewed from Camano Island this morning. [T124A2s]
photos by Mike Fox, May 9, 2022
08:42 - [orca] A pod just north of Kayak Point. Video showed spyhop, lazy tail lob with trend of northbound travel.
Terry Gravel [PSWW}
Wed, May 11 - OR Coast
Name: Marina Richie
Date of Sighting: 5/11/2022
Time of Sighting: 3:0:0 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Cape meares
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: 2 moving south and one with a large fin (seen from parking area observation deck) and 10 minutes later spotted 6 hunting by the Arch rocks near sea lions. We think the 2 we saw joined those ? So that is the 6. Lots of splashes, dives, close circling
If orcas, any males?: Definitely one male…long fin
Any unusual markings?: One of the tails looked whiteish compared to the others when diving
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Time is estimated
Photos available?: No
Sat, May 14 – Juan de Fuca Strait
TODAY off Sheringham Lighthouse with two humpback whales. (BCY117 - "Sparrow" & CRC-17917) Our first for the season!
Paul Pudwell
Humpback underside fluke of CRC-20157 Sparrow (aka BCY1177)
photos by Paul Pudwell, May 14, 2022
Sat, May 14
One humpback (DIVOT) was up by Parker Reef. Two other humpbacks (ZigZag and Olympus) came through Active and down to Tumbo.
John Boyd [WSSJI]
Fri, May 13 - Admiralty Inlet
10:38 - One humpback whale is northbound a few miles south of Bush Point, Whidbey Island. [approx. 47.998557, -122.594463]
Bart Rulon, Puget Sound Express
Fri, May 13- Central Puget Sound
17:20 - [humpback] off SE Vashon traveling east.
17:00 - [humpback] off SW tip of Vashon. Just fluked for a dive.
Ashley Whitman
15:24 - [humpback] It quickly made it over to Dune Peninsula (unless there are still two of them out there) and made a close pass by shore as others commented. I had to leave so not sure where it is now!
14:18 - [humpback] From Ruston way looking towards the south side of Quartermaster harbor. Whale is heading towards the ferry terminal closer to Vashon.
Kourtnee Marr Lindgren
14:45 - "Kata" the Humpback, right off the shore of Dune Peninsula today 5/13 at about 2:45.
Shalane Ilene Smith (see photos below)
14:40 - [humpback] Viewing from The Dunes Peninsula an incredible close pass at around 2:40.
Cherie St.Ours (see photos below)
BCY1218 Kata off Dune Peninsula, Tacoma
photos by Shalane Ilene Smith, May 13, 2022
Humpback BCY1218 Kata keeping a presence Central Puget Sound
photos by Cherie St.Ours, May 13, 2022
14:27 - [humpback] Really close to shore at Dune peninsula right now, headed West toward the ferry terminal…So close we can hear him breathe
13:13 - Just saw him midway between Dune Peninsula and Vashon headed east
Johnny Collard
11:15 - [humpback] He was heading east 20 min ago. There was a boat that looked like it was keeping an eye on him that moved past my viewing into Commencement Bay so I suspect that is the current location. I'm viewing from the Point Defiance Marina.
10:32 - [Humpback] He's traveling east at the moment through the channel toward commencement bay.
10:19 - Humpback off the eastern south end of Vashon Island.
Kaelee Schoenneman
10:22- [Humpback] Still between anchored ship on Vashon side and Tacoma Yacht club. Yes. [milling] It's been in that area for the last hour or so. Doesn't come up too often but have seen him around three times.
09:39 - [Humpback] Just spotted in front of [Tacoma] Yacht Club
Anna Panasiuk Simmons
Thu, May 12 - Puget Sound
09:50 - Saw the baby humpback at 9:50 am NE from Dune Peninsula by Point Defiance in Tacoma!
Shauna Swanson
09:05 - Humpback spotted briefly in the ferry lane off Dune Peninsula Park.
Kristen Hohengarten McKillop [PSWS]
Tue, May 10 - Puget Sound
18:47 - [humpback] Right in front of the sandy beach across from the playground at Ruston.
Sajin Alcid
17:20 - [humpback] Tail in front of the Vashon doc off Dune.
Nora Prince
16:15 - [humpback] Circling just off Dune Peninsula Park.
15:23 - [humpback] westbound towards Maury near a small boat. [Whale location SE Maury Island].
14:04 - [humpback] East towards Browns Point. Watching from Dune [map shared approx. 47.309922, -122.470346].
Jason Cook
9:51 - [humpback] Heading north towards Maury from brown’s point. Easy viewing w binocs consistent surfacing.
9:31- [humpback] Just NW of Brown’s Point. Near the point. Viewing from above point Ruston.
Ed Rickert
08:30 - Volunteer Brooke Casanova called to report her humpback sighting which included breaching! From her vantage, it appeared the whale was just outside the entrance to Quartermaster Harbor, Vashon. Brooke was viewing from a distance and without binoculars from Owen Beach and hadn’t seen any more blows so isn’t sure direction of travel.
Mon May 9 - Puget Sound
17:40 - [humpback] Southeast side of Vashon near Harbormaster. Hugging the shore.
Jason Cook
10:45 - [humpback] He’s at southwest tip of Maury viewing from Ruston way
10:23 - [humpback] Out near Quartermaster Harbor no direction.
09:21- [humpback] Mid channel Owens beach heading east before ferry terminal.
Cherie StOurs
10:04 - [humpback] Just north of the red ship off Dune, still heading east..
09:44 - [humpback] East towards Dune & entering Commencement Bay.
09:36 - [humpback] Trending northeast towards Maury.
09:19 - [humpback] Right off Owens Beach, heading east towards ferry lanes.
08:27 - [humpback] Breach after breach after breach this morning! Near Quartermaster Harbor
Brooke Casanova
photo by Brooke Casanova, May 9, 2022
08:48 - [humpback] Spotted our humpback friend mid-channel in Colvos passage trending south towards the ferry lane. Long down times. Mouth of Colvos trending south past the Vashon Ferry toward Tacoma.
Mallory Piekarski-Rabinowitz
Sun, May 8 - Puget Sound
13:30 - Humpback Commencement Bay by Ruston way Tacoma.
frame grab from video by Brighton Fisher, May 8, 2022
07:56- Humpback off Dash Point currently. Heading northbound Vashon Island side.
Claudia Hoyt
Sat, May 14 - Admiralty Inlet
15:04 - Steve Olsen called to report a solitary gray whale in Oak Bay, milling around then heading north toward the Port Townsend canal (between Port Ludlow and Port Hadlock).
Steve Olson
11:40 - Grey whale within a 10th of a mile of Marrowstone Point. Seemingly milling in the rip.
Sam Kaviar
11:23 - Gray whale CRC2447 is circling right off Fort Flagler, Marrowstone Island. Viewing from MV Saratoga, Puget Sound Express.
Bart Rulon
Sat, May 14 - N Saratoga Pass
17:52 - Gray whale near Strawberry Point on eastern side north Whidbey for the last hour right on the beach…Near the end of Borgman road in Oak Harbor... [Whale kept presence 16:30-18:30]
David Carnes
photos by David Carnes, May 14, 2022
11:23 - Gray Heading East along Camano [map shared approx.48.258567,-122.513096].
10:35 - Gray leaving Polnell Point heading East. Maybe crossing over to Camano.
Terra Parham
Fri May 13 - E Juan de Fuca Strait
20:30 - I had no service while down on the beach, but as of 8:30 pm the gray whale was still there.
Jami Cantrell
14:03 - Grey whale feeding off West Beach, South of Joseph Whidbey.
Tim Schofield
Fri May 13 - N Saratoga Pass
14:13 - gray feeding in Polnell Shores.
Terra Parham
Thu, May 12 – Possession Sound
8:52 AM - Keeping the streak going and viewing a grey whale blow on the SE side of Gedney Island.
Danielle Pennington
Wed May 11 - E Juan de Fuca Strait
10:51 - [gray] Still a gray at West Beach [Whidbey]. When I was there he/she was between the north parking area and the south parking area(wall).
Sarah Geist
Wed, May 11 - N Saratoga Passage
20:00 - Gray feeding at Mariners' Cove, southbound 20:00 5/11/22
It’s been a quiet day here whale-wise, but finally tonight we had a gray come by. This was a repeat customer, the same one we’ve seen several times this week/year. It showed up at 8pm and was feeding as it went by, sticking its fin further up out of the water than I’m used to seeing, so that was fun. No stealth whale this time – lol! Photos are attached – it was kind enough to show off that enormous pec from both sides.
Marianne Parry
Gray whale CRC2356 feeding
ID: Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Photos by Marianne Parry, May 11, 2022
Wed May 11 - Possession Sound
08:39 - [gray] Happy Wedneswhaleday!!! I spotted a gray whale at the southeast corner of Gedney Island traveling northwest.
Danielle Pennington
Tue, May 10 - Birch Bay
Name: Elissa Potvin
Date of Sighting: 5/10/2022
Time of Sighting: 6:15:20 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Birch Bay
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I'm sorry I can't provide more information. I don't have a proper pair of binoculars. Neighbors reported they saw two grays on May 9th about the same time. Around 6pm.
Photos available?: No
Date of Sighting: 5/10/2022
Time of Sighting: 2:0:0 PM
Species seen: gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: shallow water 10-15' feeding birch bay
Direction of travel : along 15' contour, approximately
Behaviors observed: feeding, probably
Photos available?: No
Tue, May 10 – North Saratoga Passage
18:00 - Gray feeding at Mariners' Cove, southbound 18:00 5/10/22 - Second gray of the day. This gray came by Mariners’ Cove around 6pm Tuesday and parked in front of our place feeding for what seemed like about half an hour before finally moving off to the south. My husband took a few photos – not great but hopefully enough to ID…
Marianne Parry
photos by Mr Parry, May 10, 2022
14:25 - Gray feeding at Mariners' Cove, southbound 14:25 5/10/22
One Gray went by around 2:25pm, feeding a bit but heading steadily south toward Polnell. This one has been here several times before, so just including a few photos:
Marianne Parry
Gray whale CRC2356
ID: Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
Photos by Marianne Parry, May 10, 2022
15:23 - Gray is feeding in Polnell Shores.
Terra Parham
We had a visitor today in our neighborhood cove! Just when we thought that “whale walking” season had ended, this one showed up. Any idea who it might be? Thank you as always! [2356 by Alisa Lemire Brooks, ON]
Greg Parham
Gray whale 2356 feeding in North Saratoga Passage.
ID: Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
photos by Greg Parham, May 10, 2022
11:40 - MV Saratoga is with CRC21 Shackleton off of Rocky Point quickly southbound near the Camano shore.
Justine Buckmaster
Tue, May 10 - South Saratoga Passage
12:20 MV Saratoga is now with CRC2259 northbound slowly into Saratoga Passage from Camano Head.
Justine Buckmaster
Tue, May 10 - Port Susan
13:08 - Gray in the north end of Port Susan feeding along Livingston Bay. Viewing through binoculars from Kayak Point Park, so no ID or close-up photos. Been feeding there for over an hour.
Linda Rains Tyner
Mon, May 9 - Birch Bay
19:30 - My husband Kevin and I saw some whale activity at Birch Bay Dr. around 7:30 pm this evening. [probable gray whale]
Wendy McPherson
18:50 - [gray] Taken from the berm in Birch Bay this evening.
photo by Allison Jinnette Doughty, May 09, 2022
18:48 - [gray] At least one gray in Birch Bay
Aaron Urist
Mon, May 9 - Baynes Channel
16:06 - Gray whale filmed in Baynes Channel off of Victoria. Here is a link to another clip of the same whale (possibly CRC 766), offering a somewhat closer view: [video]
Gerald Graham
Mon, May 9 - West Beach
11:25 - A couple grays off West Beach, Whidbey Island. There are two out there for sure.
Sarah Geist
Gray whale off West Whidbey.
photo (and crop of) by Sarah Geist, May 9, 2022
13:03 - One gray in north Port Susan feeding along the Stillaguamish delta closer to Warm Beach at noon.
John C Storbeck
Mon, May 9 - Possession Sound
12:40 - Three gray whales circling off the southeast corner of Hat Island. Crc22, 531, and 2362
Bart Rulon, PSE
Cold day on the water with Puget Sound Express but so pretty! We caught up to 3 orcas, the T124A2's in Port Susan! They were in travel mode with long down times, We checked another lead in Port Susan on gray whales but they too far away in the shallows feeding. We then found 3 grays near the SE tip of Gedney Island #22, #531 and #2362! CRC#22 went one way and the other two were closer to us so we stuck with them and got spyhops from both whales! Thanks Captain Trevor for a fun day!
Janine Harles
Gray whales 531 & 2362
ID & photo by Janine Harles, May 9, 2022
Sat, May 14 - South Puget Sound
1:12 pm - Large gray just cruised by Sandy Shores on Vashon headed south towards Browns Point. Heard him before I saw him or her.
(Reported as gray, but Marlin was uncertain if gray or humpback. Others report humpback who has been keeping a presence- alb)
Marlin Black
Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.
Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and shorelines.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website) and social media pages. Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and while we do our best to obtain accurate species and individual IDs, Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.
Report Sightings to Orca Network:
- Call 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2639)
- Email
- Post to our Facebook page
- Please include: Date/Time - Species (describe if unknown) - # of Animals - Location of Cetacean(s) - Direction of Travel - Behaviors
Visit Orca Network's Langley Whale Center - Whidbey Island:
- Location: 105 Anthes Ave, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone: 1-360-221-7505
- Hours: Please call for weekly days/hours during the pandemic.
- Museum: Exhibits - Specimens - Educational Materials - Lending Library - Movies to view
- Gift Shop: Books - DVDs & CDs - Field Guides - Clothing - Jewelry & more
Be Whale Wise:
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Killer whales have special protection in Canadian and U.S. waters. Be sure to educate yourself about current protections, including regulations with specific distances and recommendations for viewing killer whales. The rules apply to all types of watercraft, including motor boats, sail boats, kayaks, and paddle boards in Washington State.
Report Harassment of Whales:
- In WA/US waters call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964
- In CANADIAN waters call DFO Violations Hotline: 1-800-465-4336
(Include watercraft name, registration #, description, and photos/video when possible)