
Here's the Latest News about the Regnart Trail

Vote Postponed
The Regnart Creek Trail vote at the City Council has been rescheduled to a future meeting date, likely on July 16th. In the meantime, City Staff are continuing their work to completing the design to a 65% design level. This does not indicate a direction for the vote by the City Council, merely that they have other city business that they are working on in May.
Thank you to everyone who had planned to attend the May 21st meeting. It's important that the Council doesn't miss hearing from you, so please let us know if you can come speak at City Council in May, June or July.
Upcoming meeting dates for Cupertino City Council:
May 21 (regular meeting),
June 18 (regular meeting) or
July 16 (likely the Regnart Trail vote).

Meeting with Councilmember Jon Willey May 4
A large group of residents met with Councilmember Jon Willey last Saturday to express their reasons and personal stories why they support the trail. Jon listened carefully and said that he learned some new things, including that the Trail was a top tier project on the City's Pedestrian Plan. As Councilmember Willey has consistently voted with Liang Chao on every issue to date, we don't feel confident that he supports the trail at this time.

Regnart Trail Public Meeting on April 24
Almost 2.5 times more residents put in a comment that they were in favor of the trail than against! The City Staff presented the latest designs for the trail, answered questions, and allowed a public comment period. Current designs for the trail can be found on the City's website. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend the meeting on April 24th, and/or put in a comment card that night!

Get the facts!
Trail opponents have been making a lot of misleading claims about the trail, including that "many miles of on street bike lanes" could be had for the same price (they are comparing the cost to biking mixing with cars and painted 'sharrows'), that there are "blind" corners at the crossing at Blaney (the trail has much better crossings than the current streets, with no blind areas) and more. Click below to read the truth about their factually misleading claims.

We are getting very close to 1000 signatures, but we need your help to get all the way! Please encourage family and friends to sign.

Keep up with the latest information on the trail and get answers to your questions at .

Happy walking and biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino
Working to make it safer and easier to walk and bike