May 22, 2020:  Ascension of the Lord 
Parish Newsletter

The Church of St. Mary :: 201 E. Illinois Lake Forest, IL  60045
Virtual Office:  847-234-0205 :: Email:  [email protected]

From the Desk of Fr. Mark Augustine, Administrator
May 22, 2020

Dear St. Mary Families,

Today I would have been returning home from a wonderful pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul throughout Greece and Turkey. My first time ever going there. The trip obviously was unable to take place, as will several other trips and events I had planned throughout the summer. I know we have all had to experience that loss in our lives. Plans, vacations, sporting events, graduations, and many more things are all victim to the worldwide pandemic. It can be frustrating, annoying, and even a bit depressing at times. It can be, yes, but hopefully we are able to move through these moments and disruptions in our lives guided by our faith.

Throughout the Easter Season we hear readings from the Acts of the Apostles, the time of nascent Church beginning to grow as the message of Jesus Christ spread. I have marveled, particularly this year, of the steadfastness and stoutheartedness of that first generation of disciples. Many of them faced hardships - persecutions, jailing, beatings, shipwrecks and even martyrdom. Yet after nearly ever encounter or difficulty faced we read about the disciples "singing songs and praising God" or they rejoiced in the fact that they suffered for the sake of Christ. While we are not facing a religious persecution from COVID-19, we are dealing with ways it presents challenges to our faith.

Have we taken this time to pray well? Have we entrusted ourselves to God for his strength and guidance? Have we turned to Mary and the Saints to follow their example? My initial reaction as things were canceled or postponed one by one was not one of praise. It was not one of gratitude. But I wish it had been. I mean this not just in the sense of a positive mental attitude, but really one of trust and reliance in God. Earlier this week as I found myself once more at Lake Forest Hospital praying over multiple patients, the hospital chaplain just looked at me and said: "I know many people would see us being here now as a coincidence, but we know that God's hand is always guiding us." He was absolutely right, and, quite honestly, I needed to be reminded of that.

God has been present with and for us before any of this even began. I have stressed that on many many occasions. And as the world continues to move through these very difficult times, as we look forward to reopening, as we try to put plans into action for our own lives as well as that of families, for the coming months, are we guided by God's Providence? Providence is the dispositions by which God guides all his creatures with wisdom and love to their ultimate end. Yes, God is guiding all of us ultimately to a life with him. That is what it is all about. When we begin to see that and cooperate with God's grace working in the world around us, we are led to him. Perhaps we all need to be reminded of this, especially now, that God's desire to draw us all into the mantle of his love has neither dimmed nor been altered since all of this began. Perhaps it has only grown stronger.

I encourage all of us to take some time in reflection this upcoming week. Am I able to see God working through all of this? Have I entrusted my frustrations and loss to him? Do I implore him to help me see his Divine Will in all of this? It is not always easy to do so, and at times we need those little reminders, as I had at the hospital. May we be led by God's Providence through this storm; through reopening and rebuilding; through our entire lives, ultimately to the life of paradise he has promised us.
God bless!

Fr. Mark Augustine, Administrator
The Church of St. Mary Reopening Plan
V olunteers Needed
We will need volunteers to assist with various aspects of our parish reopening plan. Importantly, leadership team members and volunteers must not be part of a "vulnerable population" (that is, not over the age of 65; no underlying medical condition such as diabetes; lung disease; undergoing cancer treatment, etc.). I ask all of you who are younger than 65 and healthy with no underlying health conditions to consider assisting with one of three reopening teams:

Greeter Team:
  • Must be of 18 years old and age 65 or under with no underlying medical conditions or are not in a vulnerable population.
  • Greeters will assist in managing the flow of congregants as they enter the church, participate in the liturgy/sacrament, and exit the church. Team members will combine some of the functions of an usher, such as directing participants to appropriate seating/waiting areas, but will include additional responsibilities, including, but not limited to, making sure attendees use hand sanitizer upon entering, are wearing a mask, and are reminded not to enter if ill. Given the circumstances, greeters will need to be tactful and firm paying careful attention to all people on-site. To support parish greeter teams, rudimentary training tips on handling difficult situations will be provided.  
Set-Up Team:  
  • High School students are welcome, provided they have permission from their parent or guardian, and age 65 or under with no underlying medical conditions or are not in a vulnerable population.
  • Volunteers will ensure that: all supplies needed for each sacramental celebration/gathering are ready for use, entrances and exits are marked and propped physically open prior to attendees' arrival/departure, and windows are opened. They will ensure hand sanitizer is available and that pews are marked off according to social distancing guidelines.  
C leaning/Disinfectant Team:  
  • High School students are welcome, provided they have permission from their parent or guardian, and age 65 or under with no underlying medical conditions or are not in a vulnerable population. 
  • These volunteers will help maintain and sanitize essential and trafficked areas of the church before and after the church has been used. Masks and gloves will be provided, if necessary, in addition to approved cleaning/disinfecting supplies. Per the certification process, parishes will need to develop appropriate schedules and verification methods to ensure cleaning occurs at the proper times relative to when congregants arrive and leave the church building. To support the cleaning team, guidance on proper cleaning procedures will be provided.
The Reopening Leadership Team and I will make sure that all volunteers are properly trained. Please  SIGN UP HERE  to indicate your willingness and ability to volunteer. 

Timing for Our Reopening
The Parish Reopening Leadership Team members and I have completed the required training.  We have been reviewing and completing tasks assigned to all parishes as part of a reopening certification process to be approved by the Archdiocese.  

We are still formulating our plans and schedules for what the reopening will look like and when the Church will be available for the various sacraments and private prayer.  More information will be forthcoming once it is finalized. 

Following our training and certification approval, we will only open our church once the Reopening Leadership Team and I feel confident that we have the right volunteers in place to make it possible to reopen and stay open.  Again, the need for parishioner assistance cannot be overstated.

The guidelines and measures required to reopen are designed to protect our well being and that of our broader community. As Cardinal Cupich has noted, from the first pages of Scripture we learn that we indeed are " our brother's keeper. " Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed, " that they all may be one " (Jn 17:21) and commanded us " love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another " (Jn 13:34). Our collective patience, willingness to help and the care we take to reopen is a demonstration of our unity and love for one another.

May God grant you peace and comfort in this time.  As we continue to plan, you may direct questions to  [email protected] with the subject heading: "Reopening"

P riests and Deacons Ordination Anniversaries

Fr. Mike Nacius:  May 20, 1989 
31 years ago Wednesday, Fr. Mike Nacius was ordained a Diocesan Priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He has served at many parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago and we are blessed to call him our Pastor of the Church of St. Mary. Please help us wish Fr. Nacius a blessed Anniversary on his Priestly Ordination. 

Thank you Father for your strength, your leadership and your love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! 

Thank you and God Bless You Fr. Mike Nacius!

Fr. Mark Augustine:  May 18, 2013
It is with gratitude and humble reverence that the Church of St. Mary Parish Community wish Fr. Mark Augustine, Administrator, a blessed 7th Anniversary on his Priestly Ordination. You have guided us through the thick and away from the snares of the devil and we are grateful for your strength, your leadership and your love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! Thank you and God Bless You Fr. Mark Augustine!

Happy 7th Anniversary of your Priestly Ordination!

Bishop-Elect Fr. Michael McGovern:  May 21, 1994
Deacon Jack Herrmann:  May 25, 2012                                 Deacon Bob Thomas:  May 17, 2015                                                   
(Not pictured)
Deacon Emeritus Joe Krakora:  December 9, 1978

Thank you to all of you for your dedicated service to this community in God's name!
Laudato Si
From Cardinal Blaze Cupich
Office of the Archbishop 
835 North Rush Street 
Chicago, IL 60611-2030
May 13, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
These fifty days of Easter, leading to Pentecost, are marked by unprecedented suffering, as humanity has fallen victim to a perilous contagion. In addition to the threats to our physical well being, we are suffering spiritually as the Covid-19 pandemic has required restrictions of our worship and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Surely, there have been moments in history when governments and rulers have persecuted Christians and banned their public worship. This is not one of them. Rather, the present restrictions come in response to an extreme medical emergency as local, state and federal authorities - specifically public health officials - legitimately fulfil their responsibilities to safeguard human life and the common good. They have based their reasonable guidance on careful consideration of empirical data and the best available disease-mitigation practices as they seek to contain the pandemic's rampage through our communities.
While everyone must exercise good citizenship in observing these restrictions, I call on the Catholic faithful, as advocates for justice and charity, to comply with these regulations. From the first pages of Scripture we learn that we indeed are "our brother's keeper," a truth that must inspire us as we are called to sacrifice. We should also be motivated to cooperate with public safety norms, given our reverence for life and human dignity. This is, at its heart, a moment to proclaim the breadth and depth of what it means to be pro-life, particularly as this virus preys on the most vulnerable in our midst.
The good news is that a plan for a gradual reopening of our churches has now taken shape, as I note below. However, since our movements will be restricted as that plan unfolds in different phases, your pastors and bishops will continue for the present time to offer Mass in private each day and to livestream and broadcast Masses from our parishes and the archdiocese. I am particularly grateful to ABC-TV, Univision and Polvision in Chicago for giving us airtime every Sunday. These celebrations surely are not the same as gathering in our churches for Mass, but I know from hearing from many parishioners that they provide a great deal of solace and support in this time of uncertainty.
We must be honest. We expect this situation to continue for some weeks, and any plan for reopening our Churches for public worship must include every precaution to ensure public  gatherings do not create a second wave of contagion, thus squandering the gains made through our sacrifice in these days.
With those realities in mind, I am heartened to announce that the Catholic Bishops of Illinois have reached an agreement with the Office of the Governor on a multi-phase Plan for re- opening our churches for the celebration of the sacraments, private prayer, adoration and Mass. As I share the Plan with you, both by way of an Executive Summary and the full Plan in the attachment, I want to assure you of my prayers for you and your family's personal, material and spiritual well being. I also express my appreciation to the many people on the archdiocesan staff and in the Office of the Governor for the many hours they have given to designing and fine tuning this agreement. Again, I call on all Catholics to seize this moment to exercise faith-filled citizenship in a way that reflects our deep regard for life, our calling as disciples of Jesus and our love of country.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
  Archbishop of Chicago

Please read the Archdiocese Plan for Reopening.
May 24, 2020:  Ascension of the Lord Gospel Reflection
Both our first reading and the gospel focus on Jesus' ascension into heaven. In the first reading we see that Jesus has gathered the apostles and will commission them to take over his mission and ministry. They still don't fully understand what being the Messiah really means. We can see this because they ask the risen Christ if he is now going to restore the kingdom of Israel. They still are thinking as people of the world where hierarchy, status and power are what is important. Christ knows that it is about inclusivity, equality for all not just one group of people or nation. As Christ commissions the apostles to carry on his mission he is sure to let them know the mission is not just for the people of Israel but for everyone, to the ends of the earth! The love and salvation from God is for each and every one of us! It is hard not to be awestruck at the enormity of God's love for us. In fact, I don't think it even possible to fully comprehend God's love for us. God is amazingly generous indeed!

As Christ ascends into heaven he gives those gathered the Holy Spirit to help guide them. The Holy Spirit is always within us, which is such a comfort. We may be social distancing and some people are doing this alone in their homes, yet we are never really alone. We have the love of God and the Trinity with us at all times. We most easily access that love when we spend time alone in prayer and reflection. What is God showing us today? How can we open up more to allow the Spirit to guide us and work through us?

In the gospel we again see the eleven gathered at the mountain as Christ had commanded of them. Jesus is commissioning them as he does in the first reading, telling them to make disciples of all nations. He then tells the disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Those words are still part of Christian baptism today. When we are baptized, we as individuals die in the waters and rise as part of the community of Christ. We no longer live for ourselves, rather we live to serve God. This Sunday we not only celebrate the Ascension of the Lord into heaven, but the commissioning of the disciples and our own commissioning! It is an exciting time for us all!
Stay Connected
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information and more!  
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts and more can all be found on our webpage.

Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page 
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook page to see regular updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB.  See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry and upcoming events at our parish! 

The Church of St. Mary has a YouTube channel!  Once we have 1000k subscribers, we can stream live!  Look for the black and white image of the Church of St. Mary when searching for the channel or click on either image here to go straight there!  Don't forget to subscribe!

Homilies & Gospel Readings!
Listen to past Gospel Readings and homilies anytime, anywhere!  Click on the podcast image or goto our website.  Click on Multimedia/Podcasts.


Family Resources & Activities
We are here to support your family as you discover new ways to share faith. New content continues to be added to help families dive deeper in their relationship with God and the celebration of our Catholic identity. There are activities for children to better understand the Mass as you attend from home, faith-filled videos to enhance your family's celebration of Easter, as well as various faith activities you can incorporate into your child's day. These resources can be found on the  Religious Education website, under the "Formation at Home" tab.
Highlights Include:
  • Mass Resources: Children's Missalette Videos, Printable Mass Prep Coloring Sheets, Printable Tiny Saints Mass Reflection and more
  • Home Catechesis Links: Strong Catholic Families Materials, Growing Up Catholic, Word on Fire by Bishop Barron
  • Easter Video: A collection of videos that can be shared throughout the season to help celebrate and discuss this blessed time
  • Month of Mary - looking for more ideas to help celebrate Mary during the month of May? See the new resource tab for activities that include: making your own Marian Shrine, Creating or Tending to Your Mary Garden or become detectives and investigate Marian Apparitions.


Religious Education Registration is now open!
  • Religious Education Registration - All families are welcome to register for the 2020-2021 RE year. Please visit the website for class offerings, details for registering, and to register online. We look forward to supporting your family in their growth and knowledge of our rich Catholic faith. 
If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at  [email protected].
Plenary Indulgence in Time of Crisis
Plenary Indulgence
The Apostolic Penitentiary, a branch of the Vatican offices which focuses on mercy and the forgiveness of sins, issued a  decree granting a Plenary Indulgence  during this extraordinary time.  Here are some of the ways we can still participate in the life of grace and the life of the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • As a refresher, here is a brief summary on the Church's teaching on grace, or participation in the divine life:
    • Fundamentally, indulgences (plenary/full or partial) refer to a repairing and healing of the damage inflicted by sin.
    • In the English language, the word "indulgence" carries the connotation of "permission" or "license to do something." In the Church and with regard to sin, this certainly is not the case.
    • In traditional language, this is the "remission of temporal punishment due to sin." That we, through prayer and action recommended by the Church, can engage in this healing and repair is not because of our own efforts, merit, or power.
    • The Church, drawing on the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ and the Communion of Saints speaks of drawing grace from the "treasury of the Church."
    • In this moment of isolation and disconnection, the proposal to seek an indulgence re-affirms our connection in the Body of Christ and with the saints.
  • The Plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful suffering from Coronavirus, who are subject to quarantine by order of the health authority in hospitals or in their own homes if, with a spirit detached from any sin, they: 
    • unite spiritually through the media to the celebration of Holy Mass, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, to the pious practice of the Way of the Cross or other forms of devotion,
      • one way to carry this out would to be pray one of the seven penitential psalms, which are: Psalm 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 138 and 143.
    • or if at least they will recite the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and a pious invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, offering this trial in a spirit of faith in God and charity towards their brothers and sisters, 
    • with the will to fulfill the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the Holy Father's intentions), as soon as possible, when the suspensions are lifted.
    • In addition, health care workers, first responders, family members and all those who, following the example of the Good Samaritan, exposing themselves to the risk of contagion, care for the sick of Coronavirus according to the words of the divine Redeemer: 'Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends' (Jn 15: 13), will obtain the same gift of the Plenary Indulgence under the same conditions.
  • Especially in this challenging moment, seeking an indulgence is a way of doing something spiritually and a way of praying for ourselves and for others.
Volunteer & Assistance

These are the number of families served because of your generosity!

Libertyville Township 
150 families 

A Safe Place 
Transitional Housing in Zion
70 families 

Phoenix Rising Township
50 families 

Gorton Contact person is Pim Alley 312-933-3142  [email protected]

Family Meal Kit Donations-
Thank you for supporting your neighbors in distress! With your help, Roberti Community House has been distributing food to families at risk, providing over 800 meals each week to Waukegan, North Chicago, Highland Park and Highwood. The needs of the high-risk population we serve is growing every week. Please help us sustain this effort.
Roberti Community House (RCH) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has been serving the needs of those residing in a distressed neighborhoods since 2011. The services we provide are considered part of the Essential Critical Infrastructurefor Human Service Operations.


FAMILY MEAL KIT-provide all ingredients for one or more kits and bundle each meal in a brown bag or box

Chicken Noodle Casserole Meal(for 8)                   Rice/Bean Skillet Meal (for 8)
1   pkg noodles or pasta                                                 1 lb bag rice

2  cans cream of chicken soup                                    2 cans beans (kidney, pinto,black)

1 can mixed veggies                                                   1 can diced tomatoes

1  can peas                                                                  1 can tomato sauce

3-12.5 oz ans chicken                                                 1 jar salsa OR hotsauce

Optional: Dried Parmesan Cheese                             3-12.5 oz cans chicken or 2-12 oz cans SPAM

Pasta Meal (for8)
2   boxes pasta (penne, spaghetti,etc) 
2 jars pasta sauce
2 cans vegetable (gr beans, peas, mixed veggies) 
2 cans fruit

SINGLE SERVICE MEALS - there is a growing demand for meal options for those who only have access to a microwave, so we need READY-TO-HEAT options, such as:

Hormel Compleats (9 oz) - asst varieties, microwavable bowl 
Dinty Moore Beef Stew - can or microwavable bowl
Hormel Chili - can
Campbell's Ready Meals (9 oz) Chef Boyardee pasta meals
Marie Callender's Home Style Creations (6.6 oz) 
Velveeta Shells & Cheese
Kraft Easy Mac

Toilet paper 
Bar soap 
Vegetable oil 
Corn tortillas 
Instant coffee
Dried beans - pinto, lentil Bags of rice


WHAT NEXT? Delivery of Donation

Through July 31, please assemble your goods in a bag and drop of at one of these locations:
Home of Kristin Keevins, St. Patrick's Womens Group volunteer
109 Surrey Lane, Lincolnshire, Illinois
(off Route 22 and Riverwoods Road)
questions? Contact  [email protected]
Drop off area will be clearly marked at the house
St. Patrick Church
991 S. Waukegan Rd., Lake Forest, IL
place bags at south-west side doors
questions? Contact  [email protected]
  Home of Lisa and Gary Doyle, Lake Bluff residents and
volunteers at the Roberti Community House
545 East Scranton Avenue,Lake Bluff, Illinois
questions? Contact  [email protected] or  [email protected]
Drop off area will be clearly marked at the house


Like and follow Roberti Community House on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Visit our website:
Sign up for our newsletter (via website)
DONATE: Roberti Community House accepts:
-       Checks, payable to
       Roberti CommunityHouse
-       Venmo(@Roberticommunityhouse)

We sincerely appreciate your support in helping us to provide for this at risk community. In this perilous time, the greatest needs are for emergency housing and food. This critical need for food is driving our efforts DAILY. We are grateful for YOU.
For more information, contact: Pam at  [email protected]
During these uncertain times some of our parishioners have reached out to the Parish Office either wanting to volunteer while others need assistance.  If you would like to volunteer or are in need of assistance, please fill out the appropriate form and someone will be in touch with you.

Community Celebration of Mass via Facebook Live
Mass will be streamed on our  Church Facebook page :  
  • Sunday Mass from the Church of St. Mary via Facebook Live at 10:00am
  • Daily Mass from the Church of St. Mary via Facebook Live at 12:00pm
TV, Radio & Online Mass Offerings
Here is a List of Places You may watch Mass on TV, Radio or Online:
Daily Scripture Readings
To read the Daily Scripture readings you may go to and select that day on the calendar to the right.

You may also go to "Today's Reading" at
Prayers for the Sick and Deceased
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, especially:
Pierre Adam
Renata Adamiec
Peggy Adams
Beny Alvarez
Alexa Anderson
Baby Bower Triplets:
Rose Marie, Adelaide Marie,
and Josephine Marie
Baby Mercer
Baby Peter John O'Rourke
Elvera Baeza
Dolores Beck
Beverly Beinlich-Pasquesi
Jack Brown
Mason Jeffrey Browner
Baby Virginia Bunimovich
Jerry Burns
Francesco Camoletto
Nancy Carani
Nova Carlson
Sember Carlson
Luis and Maria Cardenas 
Michael Carpenter
Jeffrey Chicoine
Carolyn Cimarrusti
Jacqueline Cimarrusti
Marianna Cimarrusti
Charles Cook
Virginia Cordoba
Mary Elizabeth Cran
Greg DeBoer
Louis Degaetano
Mimi Degaetano
Mike Dellefield
Lewis Dilts
Joan Dolan
Annamarie Elfering
Hannah Erickson
Susan Ewert
Abby Furco
Esperanza Galikay
Dorothy Gimbut
Jenny Green
Jeanne Gross
Jesus Guzman
Edward Halle
Elizabeth Hand
Margaret Hartman
Jack Hempstead
John Herbert
Hannah Hodgson
Edward Hoover
Patricia P. Huber
Juan Hurandas
Rafael Ibarra
Shirley Jacksack
Dolores Jansyn
Dick Jaworski
Christian Jenko
Dr. Mickey Jester
Mark Kalbus
Raine Kamm
Oceana Kashul
Mason Kelly
Genevieve Kluza
Patsy Leonard
Caroline Lyczko
Fely Macalalad
Angela Martinez
Carolina Martinez
Ralph Mastro
Will Matthei-Schmidt
Derrick Mathews
Donna Mathews
Kathryn McConnell
Janet McCue
Margaret Mary McIntyre
Mary Anne Minich
Dolores Morrison
Rick Nacius
Barbara Neis
Dana Nelson
David O'Brien
Peter O'Brien
Joaquin Padilla
John Paleczny
Tom Palella
Mary Margaret Pawl
Mary Butterfield Peddle
James Dean Penar
Marie Pfeiffer
Lisa Pommer
Lil Porter
Marianne Powers
Carol Pozdel
Marcia Ries
Mathew Rowley
Susan Schey
Bill Shafer
Colleen Sheerer
Tai (Pascal) Shin
Martin Sobey
Joan Sparrow
Ellen Sreenan
Debbie Sternberg
John Sternberg
Maureen Strassburger
Elzbieta Szymanska
Leonard Teifeld
Richard Thomas
Linda Trueblood-Lambert
Joseph Urso
Amanda Van Vleet
Brittany Van Vleet
Jim Wenzel
Martha Williams
Barbara Wilson
Robert Yale
Please remember in your prayers those who have gone to their eternal rest with Our Lord, especially:

Edward Tobey
(father of Lauren [Mike Pyburn] Tobey and David [Taylor] Tobey)
Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions will be prayed for during a private daily Mass.

May 22, 2020:   Joan P. McKenna; John Gazinski; George Grumley; Special Intention for the 6:05 Rosary Group
May 23, 2020:   Walter Elferingl Malik Mendis; Joseph & George Muzzarelli; Dorina Raganelli
May 24, 2020:   Betty Milite; Gregory Bloom; Peter Gillespie; James Cullen Barr; Han Roderwald;
Richard Biondi; The People of St. Mary's
May 25, 2020:   Joseph Devaney; Rosemary Alice LeVert
May 26, 2020:   George Grumley; Ronald Bielinski; Peter Gillespie; Hazel Backe
May 27, 2020:   Luigi Caringello; Dr. Leo & Mary McCabe
May 28, 2020:   Susan Helbig; Theodore Kuta; Lucy Yoo; Katie Vacala
May 29, 2020:   Kurt Gronau; Wally Bergen; Lily Mizzi; Eleanor Gazinski
May 30, 2020:   Christopher Weier; Mark Poker; Joan McHugh; Eliseo Elisei
May 31, 2020:   Jack & Mildred Kilhoffer; Dan & Catherine Bernish; Ethel Blahunka; Joseph W. Steele; 
Timothy Conant; Stanislaw Stachyra; The People of St. Mary's

If you would like to request a special Mass Intention, please email our Parish Receptionists at:  [email protected] and they will kindly assist you!  
"I am praying for them . . ."  John 17:9

Prayer is the foundation of our Faith and the foundation of Stewardship. Pray in good times and in bad. Prayer is always the first best option in any situation, not just the last resort. Pray for friends and family and for those who don't treat you well. Pray to give praise, to thank, and to ask God for help. Pray to see what God wants you to do with the gifts that He has given you.

Bulletin Posting 5/24/2020

Sunday Collection     Actual            Budgeted         Surplus/(Shortfall)
May 17, 2020            $19,348          $26,000                      ($6,651)

Total Sunday Collections Fiscal 2020 YTD                    

Most Blessed Trinity Sharing Parish Collection

May 2020                       $6891.00

Total Most Blessed Trinity Sharing Parish Collection Fiscal 2020 YTD      $105,123.30

Now, more than ever, the needs of the people served by Most Blessed Trinity are great. They have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Because of this, the numbers of families needing help from the Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen have increased and the parish has also begun delivering food and meals to the home bound who have been affected by the virus. Requests for assistance in paying medical bills have also increased.

Donations to Most Blessed Trinity can be made online via GiveCentral (Church of St. Mary GiveCentral) or return your Sharing Parish offering envelope by mail to the Church of St. Mary, 201 E. Illinois, Lake Forest, IL 60045. If sending a check without the offering envelope, please indicate Most Blessed Trinity in the memo field.

We are grateful for the outpouring of support from parishioners while we navigate financially with no public Masses.  Thank you for continuing to support your parish as well as our sharing parish, Most Blessed Trinity.  Thank you for mailing your contribution to the Parish Office or scheduling your online donation.

Ways To Give
Mail Your Contribution:
Church of St. Mary
c/o Business Office
201 E. Illinois
Lake Forest, IL  60045
Online Giving:
Schedule your recurring donations via our online Giving safe and secure portal, GiveCentral  Go to:   Church of St. Mary GiveCentral or click the image below.

Thank you!  
Quick Links

Donate or Register for Events
Stay Connected
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information and more!  
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts and more can all be found on our webpage. 
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page 
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook page to see regular updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB.  See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry and upcoming events at our parish!    
Homilies & Gospel Readings!
Listen to past Gospel Readings and homilies anytime, anywhere!  Click on the podcast image or goto our website.  Click on Multimedia/Podcasts.