5879 Wyoming Trail
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Wyoming, MN 55092
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
An Evangelical Lutheran
Church of America

Our mission is to 
Share Christ's Love
with Joy!

Pastor Sarah 

Worship for 
Sunday, May 24

9:00 am Drive In
Worship Service

In This Issue
Quick Links
If your group has an event at church, be sure to communicate with the church office so we have all the details and also so we can advertise in the weekly newsletter or Sunday bulletin. P lease have the  information into the church office by Tuesday.

Friday, May 22, 2020
Beloved of God,

The first verse of Psalm 133 is:  How very good and pleasant it is  when kindred live together in unity! 

I have usually read this verse in a joyful tone. It is wonderful to gather with those we love, especially with fellow congregation members. These days I also read it with some sadness. I miss, as I know you do too, being able to be with you all in person for worship, education, pastoral care and the day-to-day drop-ins at the church building. 

I am excited that we will be able to gather in the parking lot this weekend. You received a letter from me that included information about Drive In Worship and that same information is on the website here. Please remember to bring bread and wine or juice for communion. We know that a good number of you will choose to continue to stay home and we support that choice. Worship will be video recorded and posted on the website after worship. 

Beginning this Sunday we are going to walk through the Book of Acts together, chapter-by-chapter. Acts is the story of the Holy Spirit inspiring the early Christian church. Studying together will help us notice the Holy Spirit in the early church and in our community. 

Beginning in June you are invited to join me in a weekly lively Acts Bible study on Wednesday evenings. More information is to follow. 

Remember you are not alone! We are in this together with our loving God! 

Peace to you, Pastor Sarah 

Readings for Sunday

The readings for Sunday, May 24th are:
  • First Reading: Psalm 47
  • Second Reading: Acts 1:1-11
  • Gospel: Luke 24:44-53 
If you or your family is interested in reading for our Drive In Worship, or providing music for worship, please email Melissa (office admin).

We are excited to announce a new way to listen to Pastor Sarah's sermons!  Call 651.371.5421 and the current week's sermon will be available to you! 
Gustaf Anderson
Sidney Anderson
Keith Bowen
Keith Crist
William Dosh
Ed Heinrich
Edwin Johnson

Zane Jonson
Reuben Lindbloom
LeRoy Korlin
Roy Nelson
Sam Olson
Vernon (Bud) Peterson
Larry Petrey
Bill Rezarch
Clarence Sausen
George Sorenson
Albert Stolzman
Chester Wahlgren
Alfred Wahlgren

We want to hear from you! 

Please take this three-minute  Communications Survey

Our office administrator, Melissa, and Pastor Sarah are temporarily working from home.  

You can leave a message at 651-462-5212, and we will get back to you or call Pastor Sarah at 517-902-3977.  You can email us at or

Please take this time to take care of you and your family, and know we are always here for you. 

During this time of Covid 19, your Church Council has continued to meet virtually via monthly Zoom meetings. The council meets the third Tuesday of the month; this month there was a lot of discussion around how to safely begin to reopen our church. 

Have a question? You can now ask a question directly on the website -- ask the Pastor, ask the Executive Council or ask the Entire Council. 

Click here to ask a question!

If you would like to learn more about our council meeting, click here to read the May's council minutes.
Recognizing our Graduates
Sunday, June 7, 2020 

Congratulations Seniors! We want to honor your achiev ement at the worship service on Sunday, June 7. 
Please email us by Thursday, May 28th the following:
  • a photo of yourself
  • where you are graduating from
  • what are your plans for next year
  • Share Prayers and God Sightings here or by email
Click on  SPLC Zoom Room to join by internet
Or connect via phone by dialing 312 626 6799 
Meeting ID: 528 018 344
Password: 5212

We are blessed to have knowledgeable and caring nurses in our congregation! They have some words of advice for us: 

Every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. has a stroke, and 1 in 4 survivors will go on to have a second event.  To decrease your risk, control your modifiable risk factors.  Keep your blood pressure controlled.  A normal blood pressure is 120/80.  If you have diabetes, keep you Hgb A1C close to 7.  Know your cholesterol levels and aim to keep you LDL less than 100 (or below 70 if you have previously had a stroke).  Stay physically active.  That includes 3-4 sessions per week of 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic physical exercise.  If you are overweight, even a 5-10 pound weight loss can reduce your risk of stroke.  Quit smoking.  Smokers have a 2-4 times increased risk of stroke compared to nonsmokers.  Eat a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, legumes, and nuts.  Limit sodium, sweets, and red meats.  Reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than 2 drinks per day for men or 1 drink per day for women.  Wear a CPAP if you have sleep apnea.  If you have ever been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (Afib), stay on your anticoagulation medication unless told to stop.  Afib increases the risk of stroke by 5 times.  Consult your provider for more assistance if needed.

Remember to pray for these nurses and all those on the front lines fighting the corona virus. 

We are once again looking for volunteers to clean our church as we transition back to "drive in" worship.  If you are able to help, please sign up here.  We would like to limit it to one family unit at a time, and please wear a mask and gloves. 
Additional Church Service Opportunities will resume when we resume church services. 

Due to the pandemic, our VBS for this year has been cancelled to follow our state guidelines.  

Please stay tuned for updates about next year! 

Flat Jesus:  We want to see the adventures of Flat Jesus in your home!  Click here  to download Flat Jesus. 

Check our Flat Jesus' adventures  here.
Flat Jesus is going fishing!

Praise the Lord! It is our hope that you are all fine and you continue well with your daily activities even if CoviD-19 has became a great barrier in some progress achievements. We say very sorry for what is happening in U.S.A. many people have died and others has lost their fellows because of corona disease.Due to occurrence of this disease has caused many things to go down such as family income decreased and others has lost their jobs. But this situation don't let you down just keep on prayers is the only solution to eliminate the corona virus. Also in our  country the disease still present and few people died compared to your country. But the key point in our nation is GOD first then other technique warnings follows. 

In our parish we have period for praying for you and ourselves. Also we made two services during the Sunday in order to keep the distance required or 1 meter between people,also before entering inside the church all people are required to washing their hands with soap or rub with sanitizers. Therefore all warnings from our government should be obeyed even in churches.

Although the situation you are passing through, you still supporting us by providing money to accomplish our goals, we say that is real evangelism. We are all born to help each other, no matter how difficult it is. Life is good when you are happy but much better when others are happy because of you.

Tell them, we love them and we are praying for them until this situation is recovered. 

                              From  Daniel Sallah.
                                Chairperson Mtera Parish.                                             

Questions: Contact Council 
Treasurer, Chris Timmons at

As of 05/21/2020
Over / (under) Budgeted $
Year-to-Date Totals
$   62,684.33
$ 1,108.51 
Sunday, May 24
9:00 am      Drive In Worship
Sunday, May 31
9:00 am      Drive In Worship