Here's What's Happening May 25, 2022
Weekly Chamber E-News
Your Source For Everything Local
Just a reminder, our offices will be closed Monday, May 30 In Observance of Memorial Day.
Welcome Everything Exterior, LLC
Welcoming Everything Exterior, LLC and Cody Loatman to Chamber Membership.
This business is also located in Salem Main Street/Stand Up for Salem's Business Incubator.
Special thanks to Tim Gregory for encouraging Cody's participation.
Welcome Studio B Video Productions
Welcoming Ed Masker, Owner of Studio B Video Productions
Best of Salem County Contest & Event Survey - Seeking Your Valued Feedback
The Event Planning Committee is seeking your valued feedback on the 2022 Best of Salem County Contest and Celebration Event.
Please take a moment to let us know what you think, we'll use your input to plan next year's Contest and Event.
All feedback from our Members and their Staff are welcome and appreciated.
We'll keep the feedback link open until June 5, 2022.
Location, Location, Location
Retail space available, perfect location to continue with antique and gift items or add your own spin.
Amazon Drop In Interviews
What’s new?
Drop-Ins are welcome during our Office Hours! What’s a drop-in? Think “walk-ins” but more inclusive! If a job seeker needs help applying to a position, we are here Monday through Friday,10am to 5pm. See below & flyer attached.
Current opportunities!
Job seekers can search jobs near them by their zip code! Applicants should start at one of these websites based on these categories:
May American Red Cross Blood Drive Locations
Friday May 27 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. at the Penns Grove Masonic Lodge, 330 Georgetown Road, Carneys Point 08069
Thursday June 9 2 - 7 p.m. at Salem Community College Donaghay Hall, 460 Hollywood Avenue, Carneys Point 08069
Tuesday June 14 12 - 5 p.m. at The Grove at Centerton, 1022 Almond Road, Pittsgrove Township 08318
To sign up to donate blood, go to: and enter the location's zip code in the box in the upper right hand corner, choose the blood drive you want, then click on "See Times" to begin making your appointment.
Exelon Foundation Racial Equity Capital Fund
Last fall, our parent company Exelon, in partnership with the Exelon Foundation, established the $36 million Racial Equity Capital Fund. The fund is managed by RockCreek, one of the world’s largest diverse owned global investment firms and will help minority-owned businesses in our service areas to grow, create additional jobs and reinvest in their communities. This initiative is part of Atlantic City Electric’s ongoing, extensive efforts to promote equity and economic opportunity in the diverse communities we serve.
Applications for the fund are now open. Can you help us get the word out by passing this information on to any diverse-owned business that may benefit from this program or by posting on your social media platforms? Interested businesses can access the application here or contact RockCreek at for more information about the program.
More information is also available in the attached news release and fact sheet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
ShayLa Salter | External Affairs Manager
Atlantic City Electric | Government & External Affairs
5100 Harding Highway | Mays Landing, NJ 08330
o: 609-625-5565
June 3, 4pm - 8pm Historic Salem City's Annual Block Party
Stand Up for Salem is hosting the annual Community Block Party in on Market Street in beautiful, Historic Salem City, NJ.
Great fun for the whole family.
Games, Food, Fun!
Come out & let's celebrate our community!
We'll have bounce houses, rock climbing, games, concession food vendors, a DJ, & so much more!
To sponsor or vend, reach out to!
Be sure to visit our shops downtown while you're enjoying the festivities!
June 4 Bethel's Big Fish Tournament at Riverview Park
Bethel’s Big Fish Tournament will be on Saturday, June 4th, at Riverview Park in Pennsville. It will begin at 11:00 AM and end with an award ceremony at 3:30 PM. It is a free event, and there will be hamburgers, hot dogs, and bottled water provided.
You must register by May 31st. The rules for the tournament and the fishing regulations in New Jersey are on our website (
It is a fun family event, and we would encourage you to come out and enjoy the day together with us.
Salem Junior Rams Fundraiser
Dear Business Owner:
Let me take this opportunity to introduce you to the newly established Salem Junior Rams Youth Football (SJRYF) team and Junior Rams Cheer Squad, supporting the growth and development of our youth’s athletic skills and providing opportunities for positive involvement with our community.
SJRYF team relies on the generosity of individual donations and local business sponsorships to offset equipment costs. Running youth sports teams can be expensive to operate and not all families can afford the full cost. We want all youth to have access to join us, regardless of their ability to pay.
We are asking your business to contribute $1,000 to help defray the cost of youth equipment, travel, registration, and associated fees. We are a newly established team, and the season is approaching fast. Help us make sure our youth have access to participate.
Your contribution is also a form of advertising your business; your business name will be included on the sponsorship page of our website We applaud the effort of businesses that continue to support this local community.
Our organization is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations and sponsorships are tax-deductible.
On behalf of SJRYF team, we thank you,
Timothy Gregory
Director of Operations
Sponsorship Levels:
Gold – $1,500.00
Silver - $1,000.00
Bronze - $500.00
Individual - $150.00
Salem Community College Seeks Employer/Business Owner Feedback
Salem Community College is interested in your feedback regarding our career and technical education programs. This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will help us serve both student and employer needs.
This survey will be open until Friday, 5/27/2022 at 12am.
Ron Burkhardt
American Pickers Seeking Salem County Locations for TV Show
American Pickers is coming to our area in August and currently seeking locations for the show. Collectors interested in being considered for the show should reach out to us by phone at (646) 493-2184 or email at Be sure to have them include their full name, city/state, contact information, and a brief description of their collection.
Also, please note that the Pickers only pick private collections, so NO stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, businesses, or anything open to the public.
SJ Technical Training Summer Camp
June 14 - Inspira Hypertension 360 Event
Woodstown Locals on the Lake LakeFest - June 12
Submitted by Tom Barney, Barney Loves Books
The second event is LOCALS ON THE LAKE LAKEFEST. Sunday June 12 from 1-4. I do have a flyer for it attached. We are looking for vendors.
People interested can call me at the store 856-624-4723. The cost for a space is $15.00. Money we collect from the sale of space will all go to THE DISCIPLE'S PANTRY
SSB Stimulus Program
As I continue to share the federal stimulus program supporting New Jersey’s contractors, businesses, property managers, and organizations, I so appreciate your partnership in promoting the stimulus as well!
The SSB Stimulus Program offers you up to 75% to cover the cost of these projects. These energy efficient and water-conserving projects will improve the air quality and ventilation, energy performance and water conservation of your facility.
Are you or someone you know in need of:
- A new, upgraded or replaced heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC)?
- Plumbing fixtures & appliances (showerheads, faucet aerators, toilets, commercial dishwashers, clothes washers or icemakers) that should be upgraded to conserve water?
Are you or someone you know a small business that is:
- Certified by the State of New Jersey as a women or minority-owned small business that is independently owned and operated?
- Operate your for-profit business out of a commercial space (regardless of leasing or ownership)?
- Employing no more than 100 full-time employees; and
- Grossing no more than $12 million annually?
I am available to schedule a brief call or a convenient time to meet with you to discuss this grant as well as other New Jersey Clean Energy Program’s. I’m happy to assist anyone in the application and approval process. Thank you for sharing this valuable, energy and money saving Stimulus Program!
Respectfully, Lori
Lori Carlin
Community Outreach Account Manager
TRC on behalf of New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program
317 George Street, Suite 520, New Brunswick NJ 08901
C 732-259-4938
June 7 Rowan Hosts Corporate/Business Innovation Forum
Rohrer College of Business Rowan University at Rowan University on June 7th from 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Please feel free to extend this invitation to the members of the Salem County Chamber of Commerce and anyone you think would be interested in attending. The event is free, but registration is required by June 3rd as breakfast is served at this event. Below is the link to register for the event.
June 16 Salem County Opiod Summit 2022
Rohrer College of Business Rowan University at Rowan University on June 7th from 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Please feel free to extend this invitation to the members of the Salem County Chamber of Commerce and anyone you think would be interested in attending. The event is free, but registration is required by June 3rd as breakfast is served at this event. Below is the link to register for the event.
June 17 at 10am Woodstown Central Railroad Ribbon Cutting & Networking
Join us and help celebrate a brand new tourism industry. Woodstown Central Rail Road has partnered with Revolution Rail to bring Rail Bike exercise and entertainment to Salem County.
The ceremony takes place between East & West Wilson Avenues Woodstown NJ 08098
Refreshmemts served
Interested in booking your rail bike excursion on Woodstown? Click on the link below.
June Teenth Celebration at Mt Zion
Big Brothers Big Sisters Recognizing Big Brother and Big Sister of the Year
Big Brother of the Year
“If I never had a Big like Matt in my life, I would never have done and experienced so many new things. Mr. Matt is a dedicated hard worker. I have learned from him how to work hard for what I want.”
As an only child, Stjepen spent a lot of time alone before his mom decided to enroll him in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. This is where he was matched with Matt, a constant friend that Stjepen can trust, be an example for, and show Steepen what it means to set goals and go after your dreams.
When Matt and Stjepen hang out, they go to sports games, museums, car and motorcycle shows, and have lunch together. Matt goes out of his way to make sure each experience creates a memory that Stjepen will remember fondly. With Matt, Stjepen watched a 76ers game courtside, sat in fighter jets and watched them perform in the air, helped build homes for hard-working families, tried new and exciting foods, and played countless arcade and video games.
While the last couple of years have impacted the world in countless ways, Matt made sure not to let the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impact their bond. He has tried hard to make sure Stjepen continues to thrive in his teenage years. Matt celebrates Stjepen’s successes with him while addressing challenges as they come. When Stjepen turned 16, Matt rallied his friends, family, and the community to give Stjepen an amazing birthday party. He taught Stjepen the basics of how to drive a car and arranged for Stjepen to have lessons with a local driving school to make sure he was ready to get his drivers’ license at age 17. He even took him to the driver’s test, and Stjepen passed!
Stjepen is currently enrolled in the automotive program at his high school and hopes to become a mechanic one day. He knows he must work hard and be disciplined in order to find success. Matt’s support and advice have been transformative and their bond is now more like family.
Stjepen’s Mom shared, “since Mr. Matt became his Big Brother, Stjepen has had more to look forward to. Mr. Matt has been a blessing to my son as well as to me. He has been there for my son for birthdays, holidays, and school functions like choir and band concerts. I see Mr. Matt as part of our family. Most notably, he was there for my son the day my mom died, and without his support, I do not think my son and I would have survived that day. I fell apart and was not able to be there for my son the way he needed me to be. Mr. Matt was there for Stjepen and stayed with us the whole time. Mr. Matt continues to help my son as he grows into adulthood. He has shown my son the importance of working for something that he wants. He has also taught my son that volunteering in the community and giving back is rewarding.”
Big Sister of the Year
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem Counties names Arlene Maggioncalda as the 2022 Big Sister of the Year. Just over ten years ago, Arlene was matched with Trinity in the school-based program, and they have been friends ever since. Arlene has continued to offer guidance and support through the years and is looking forward to many years of friendship and growth to come.
The first year, Arlene and Trinity met first thing in the morning at school and at lunchtime, developing a tight bond. By the next summer, Arlene and Trinity expanded their match to include visits outside of school so they could do more together. She taught Trinity how to establish boundaries and how to appropriately interact with classmates and friends, leading to a spike in self-confidence. As Trinity changed schools and moved around, Arlene continued to take her to lunches and dinners. They spent days at the beach and went shopping together. By December 2016, Arlene and Trinity’s match moved to Community Based Mentoring since they could no longer meet at school. Arlene continued to support Trinity in her academics and offered advice as she navigated middle school and began the transition to high school. Trinity has become more confident and maintains an after-school job.
Trinity shared, “She [Arlene] has taught me how to handle the things that are out of my control. I have learned to take a step back to think about my situation and control my emotions in a positive way. Arlene encourages me to go and be myself around people. My future is still uncertain, but I do know one thing: Arlene will be there, and she will support me through it all.”
Trinity’s mother has always encouraged Trinity’s friendship with Arlene. She is happy that Trinity could get out of the house to do fun things. “She [Trinity] continues to weigh her options for her future, and Arlene helps point her in the right direction. She supports what I am trying to teach Trinity and pushes Trinity in a good way. Trinity can talk to her about things she does not want to talk to me about, and I am glad Trinity has her.”
Arlene believes that she has made a difference in Trinity’s life and shares that Trinity has had a positive impact on her life as well. “We have had many conversations about asking for help when she needs it. Arlene has shared that Trinity is resilient, kind, and caring, she will always be a part of our family.”
Meals on Wheels of Salem County Seeks Sponsors, Vendors & Food Trucks for 2022 Giant Pumpkin Carve Event
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cumberland & Salem Counties is Hiring
We Are Hiring!
Enrollment & Matching Specialist
Join our team and help youth in Cumberland and Salem counties achieve their full potential!
The Enrollment and Matching Specialist engages interested youth, parents/guardians, and volunteers and initiates the enrollment process, while providing a high level of customer service. The Specialist assesses youth and volunteers for eligibility and suitability for the program and places them in an appropriate match.
Responsibilities for this job include:
· Providing a high level of customer service throughout the volunteer and youth enrollment and matching process.
· Conducting the recruitment of volunteers and youth for programs.
· Assessing volunteer applicants through extensive screening and enrollment process including individual orientations, interviews, home assessments and any other enrollment processes.
· Conducting parent/child enrollments including orientations, interviews, home assessments and child safety education.
· Ensuring a youth centered approach from inquiry to match support.
This is a full-time role with benefits. To learn more about the job and/or would like to apply, please use the button titled, "Learn more and Apply Now."
The Auto Body Shop, Carneys Point
475 Harding Highway, Carneys Point NJ 08069
Member of the Salem County Chamber of Commerce.
Open Mon-Thur 8:00-12:00 & 1:00-5:00, Fri 8-12 & 1-4.
FREE ESTIMATES - We use the latest state-of-the-art computerized estimating programs to give you an estimate of the cost to repair your vehicle. We work with all insurance companies. Check, cash or credit accepted.
AUTO DETAILING - Interior and exterior detailing from wash, wax, vacuum, window cleaning, shampooing to touch up. Ask to speak to Mario or Nick for an estimate and to schedule an appointment.
NOTARY SERVICES - We are certified by Salem County and the State of New Jersey to provide you with stamp and seal to notarize certain documents. Hours are by appointment only. Please call the shop office to schedule.
Call 856-299-5535 to schedule your appointment today! Find us on Facebook
New From Norman's Hallmark in Pilesgrove's Town Center Shopping Center
A perfect gift for those who love entertaining! One of Buzzfeed's "Best Cookbooks of the Year" Batch Cocktails includes over 60 recipes of make ahead drinks. Pair it with our brand new offering of garnishes & add ins, you will start all sorts of spirited fun!
Stop in and see us! "Pilesgrove Town Center"
#normanshallmark #tillenfarms #Saturdaynightentertaining #hostesswiththemostest #shoplocalpa #shoplocalphilly #shoplocalnj #shoplocalde #shoplocalmd #mixologygift
Labor Day Weekend - 50th Anniversary of the Salem County Bluegrass Festival
At the Salem County Fairgrounds
September 10 & 11 South Jersey Apple Fest
Presented by B & K Enterprises at the Salem County Fairgrounds
Salem County, NJ; The South Jersey Apple Fest, a fourth annual apple theme event, is coming to the Salem County Fairgrounds, 735 Harding Hwy,
Pilesgrove/Woodstown, NJ on September 10-11, 2022. Families invited to show up from 10am to 5pm to kick-off the apple harvest season.
Apples, Apples & more: Visitors to the show will enjoy delicious treats from Apple Pie by the Slice, Candy Apples, Apple Bread, Apple Butter, Apple Sauce, and of course Apple Cider. Bakers invited to enter their best apple dessert in our “Everything Apple Dessert Contest” on Saturday at 2pm. After judging, families visiting the festival will have the opportunity to sample the entries for free. The Apple Mascot will make an appearance both days and be available for photos.
The Craft Show: Over 100 talented artists and crafters will offer amazing works from clothing to ceramics, paintings, pottery, glasswork, soaps, candles, quilting, woodworking, wreaths to handcrafted jewelry.
Happenings: There will be a Fall Home Show, offering savings on hundreds of products and services, wine samples, apple toss for adults, live bands, Vendor Fair, free hayrides, delicious festival food court, apple by the bags, , farm produce, free craft making for kids, face painting, Apple Pie Eating Contest for kids under 12, pony rides, free hayrides and pet friendly.
Apple Pageant: The Little Miss Apple Pageant for girls ages 4-8 from South Jersey are invited to sign up. The Pageant starts on Sunday at 2pm. This pageant is free to join, and all contestants receive prizes for taking part. One Queen and first to fourth runners selected. Tiaras, sashes, and gifts awarded to winners. This is a semi-formal to formal pageant with a theme of apple colors.
Other Details: Everything about the event has Family Fun at the core! This is a pet friendly event, free admission and parking is $5.00 a carload. Free apples for kids. All contests are free to enter. Vendors and Sponsors needed. Kathy Wright organizes this event, of B & K Enterprise, Millville NJ. Promoting family friendly, affordable events in South Jersey. Visit our website for event schedule, contest forms and general details at or call 856-765-0118. Part of the parking proceeds donated to local nonprofit.
October 8 & 9 19th Annual South Jersey Pumpkin Show
Presented by B & K Enterprises at the Salem County Fairgrounds
The 19th annual South Jersey Pumpkin festival returns to the Salem County Fairgrounds on October 8-9, 2022, 735 Harding Hwy, New Jersey. Families are invited to attend in support of small and local businesses.
The South Jersey Pumpkin Show has become one of the best ways to welcome the autumn harvest with kids and parents alike. Festival goers visiting will enjoy pumpkin desserts, over 150 vendor booths, Fall Home Show, fun contests, give-a-ways, wine sampling, food court, Amusement Rides, Fun Haunted Barn, pony rides and hayrides around the fairgrounds. The festival will host a variety of live musical acts daily. The giant Pumpkin Pyramid, filled with pumpkins, and mums, represents everything beautiful about the fall harvest. Each year dozens of the participating vendors compete for prizes for the best Fall Scarecrows. Visiting festival goers are invited to help pick the winners.
Saturday activities includes the Adults Pumpkin Toss and the Pumpkin Dessert Contest with free sampling. Saturday will showcase a reading of the legend of Sleepy Hollow and the arrival of the Headless Horsemen at the graveyard. The Halloween Costume Contest & Trick or Treat Stroll for kids ages 4-10 begins at 6pm.
Sunday events will start with the All-Breed Fun Dog Show at noon & Little Miss Pumpkin Show Queen Pageant at 2pm. Come search for one of our Halloween Painted Rocks and win amazing prizes. The Salem County Fairgrounds is located just a few miles from Delaware Memorial Bridge. Admissions is free, parking $5.00 a carload. Portion of proceeds to benefit a Salem County nonprofit group.
Event runs rain or shine. Visit the website for details and updates at Vendors and sponsors being sought. All NJ State & CDC COVID 19 regulations will be in place. Call 856-765-0118 with questions
October 28 - Salem City's Annual Walking Ghost Tour
Save the Date - Chamber Annual Distinguished Citizen of the Year Banquet
December 7, 2022
5:30 pm
The Grove at Centerton
We are currently in the process of planning the Annual Distinguished Citizen of the Year Banquet.
We've booked The Grove at Centerton.
More detail to follow including pricing, Citizen Nomination form, etc.