The Board of Supervisors met yesterday, May 24. You can watch the meeting here or review the Board package here. A few highlights for Hunter Mill District residents:
Reston Town Center North Public Facilities Community Task Force: The Board approved my Board Matter to authorize a master plan study for the county owned land in Reston Town Center North. I will be establishing a task force of nearby community members to provide input so that we can move forward with this master plan with locations for critically needed community facilities in Reston Town Center North. Most pressing is a new Embry Rucker Shelter, facilities for related services and permanent supportive housing, and a new Reston Regional Library. Former Chairman of the Board and Reston Town Center resident Kate Hanley will be chairing the task force. Learn more.
Homelessness: Review of County Programs: I collaborated with and was a co-sponsor of Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust's Board Matter requesting a review of county programs addressing the challenges of homelessness. According to the most recent Point in Time Count, as of Jan. 26, 2022, there were 1,191 people experiencing homelessness in the Fairfax area. Yesterday's approved Board Matter extends the scope of my April 12 Board Matter to review current operational performance of county and nonprofit service providers. Among other directions, the Board is requesting a review of current zoning requirements and allowances for emergency shelter in commercial and industrial districts where vacant and underutilized properties might be used by private entities to provide sheltering and transitional services to the homeless population and add this to the Zoning Ordinance work program for the Board’s consideration. Watch the discussion here.
Voting Precinct Changes in North Point: Voting Precinct Changes in North Point: The Board approved advertisement of a public hearing to consider moving the North Point #1 voting precinct to Aldrin Elementary School, 11375 Center Harbor Road, Reston, and renaming the precinct “North Point.” North Point #2 will continue to vote at St. Thomas á Becket and to avoid voter confusion, the precinct be renamed “Piney Run.” Learn more (page 63). If approved by the board on June 7, voters in these precincts will be notified by the Office of Elections.