Upcoming Dates & Reminders

May 29 - Memorial Day - No School

May 30 - 5th Grade Celebration

May 31 - Field Day

June 1 - Retirement Party

June 2 - Last Day of School - Minimum Day

August 8 - Welcome Back Carnival 5:30-7:30

Check out May's Donlon Digest for more news and dates.

Donlon PTA Calendar

Donlon PTA Calendar PDF

5th Grade Celebrations

5th Grade parents check out the links below to volunteer with helping out with the 5th grade celebrations.

Set Up and Clean Up

Candy Bar Donations

Field Day

Field Day 2023

May 31 is Field Day 2023! This year, we have two signup sheets for our wonderful parent volunteers. One is for equipment loans for Field Day and the other is for volunteering your precious time to make this a memorable end of the year event for our Donlon Cubs. We still need a few more volunteers for set up and tear down. Take a look to see if you can help.




Donlon Retirement Party

Please join us in honoring and recognizing our beloved Donlon teachers, Mrs. Cindy Vance and Dr. Sharon O’Neal at our Donlon PTA’s Retirement Party. The event will be held on Thursday, June 1, 2023, from 3:00-4:00 pm at Donlon MPR. All are welcome to attend! 

Everyone is welcome. We are collecting RSVPs to help with our planning, but an RSVP is not required to attend.  RSVP here


Yearbook - After School Deadline Orders

Fun Run T-Shirt Winner

Congratulations to Alicia Wong from Ms. O'Connor's class as the 2023 Fun Run Logo/T-shirt Design contest winner. The Fun Run team would like to say thank you to those cubs who participated in this event and we hope to make this a Donlon tradition. ALL students who submitted drawings will receive a small gift for their participation and their artwork will be displayed in the library. Please check them out!

Science Fair Thank You!

Our 2023 Donlon Science Fair was a great success!  We had a wide range of project ideas that demonstrated the scope of our Cubs’s scientific interests.  A special thank you to our wonderful Science teacher, Mrs. Patty Hanafee, for making this year’s event possible. We appreciate Mrs. Hanafee poured in so much work to make the Science Fair such a fun event for Donlon families. 

We would like to thank the following parent volunteers who helped check-in, interview our Cubs and made the Science Fair event go smoothly.  They include: Tran Hill, Clarence & Kendra Mayott, Elizabeth Ogden, ChihLan Chan, Sai Laxmi Gudla, Aashita Chauhan, Manali Khatu, Christine Loya, Hongyun Xu, Divya Rajamani, Shreya Tiwari, Christine Chen, Dina Finan, Rachel Brockett, Beth Douglas, Zaifang Lu, Heidi Zarzycki, Uzma Nadeem, Jieun Kim, Ran He, Bora Han, Wenjia Luo, Tiffany Kim, Lesley Qian, Megha Joshi, Lily Cui, Divya Krishnamurthy, Doris Wang, Priya Khandelwal, and Andrea Wilson. 

We greatly appreciate your help in making our 2023 Donlon Science Fair a huge success. Thanks again! 

PTA Volunteer Hours

As we near the end of the school year, the PTA would like to gather information on the number of hours you have volunteered. This information is crucial for tracking volunteer hours and ensuring we meet our goals for the year. It also helps us to identify areas where we may need more support and to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in their volunteer efforts.

To this end, we have created an Excel sheet to track volunteer hours for the current school year. I kindly ask that you take a few minutes to fill out the sheet and return it to us by May 30th/2023. If you have any questions or concerns about the sheet, please do not hesitate to reach out to our volunteer coordinator, vpmembership.donlonpta@gmail.com

The PTA wants to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of our school. Your volunteer efforts make a real difference in the lives of our students, and we are fortunate to have you as a part of our Donlon community.


2023-2024 PTA Board

Congratulations to our newly elected 2023-2024 School Year PTA Board members:

  • President - Meghan Schweizer
  • Executive Vice President - Isabella Ellgas
  • Secretary - Jaclyn Grant
  • Treasurer - Janelle Knapp
  • Financial Secretary - Shareka Pentony
  • Auditor - Domenica Ginocchio
  • VP of Membership & Volunteers - Cynthia Sandhu
  • VP of Activities and Community Service - Bora Han
  • VP of Fundraising - Nicholas Valenziano
  • VP of Communication - Emily Rampton
  • Historian - Aditi Nair
  • Parliamentarian - Jieun Kim

Thank you to everyone who attended our March 28 PTA election meeting.


It takes a community to grow strong schools and raise leaders of the future. PPIE is looking for your help in growing the community support for Pleasanton schools. We are looking for school-site ambassadors to expand our Ambassador

Program. We ask these volunteers to serve as the liaison from your school to our PPIE Volunteer Outreach Board and help promote the PPIE’s communications and our volunteer program. 

By helping PPIE provide critical staffing support, grants and programs we hope to enable teachers and students to innovate, excel, and serve to the best of their abilities both in the classroom and in the community. 

If you are interested, please reach out to Mindy.Louie@ppie.org, for more information.


Are you involved in a community event and would like to get the word out?

Let us know and we will see if you can be included in the next newsletter.

Contact John Greene at vpcommunications.donlonpta@gmail.com for more information.

Summer Youth Basketball

Register for 2023 Summer season: www.pleasantonfun.com

Phantom Girls Softball

Register for 2023 Summer seasonwww.pleasantonsoftball.org


Keep in touch with other parents on What’s App contact link https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dq4L03iZwE9CmuIYUNKefs

Helpful Links


Volunteering Clearance

If you might be interested in volunteering (includes helping in the classroom, assisting for class parties, help on campus at recesses), please complete this year's volunteer form. Each adult campus volunteer must complete this form each year to receive clearance to be on campus during the day. The volunteer clearance has a new portion, LiveScan, only for those who would be with children unsupervised (coaching, driving on a field trip, for example). The great news is that the livescan, taken now, will be good for the rest of your children's school years - through 12th grade! (The volunteer form will be completed each year, as usual).


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