May 29, 2015
Table of Contents:

Call for Papers: Pan-African Colloquium in Barbados
University of the West Indies/Barbados, January 12-15, 2016

The  Department  of  History  and  Philosophy,  The  University  of  the  West  Indies,  Cave  HillCampus, Barbados and PANAFSTRAG are pleased to issue a call for papers for this inauguralinternational Pan African Colloquium to be held at The University of the West Indies, Cave HillCampus,  Barbados over the period January 12-15, 2016. The broad theme for this inauguralcolloquium will  be "Heroes and heroines of the back to Africa movements,  Pan Africanism,African nationalism and global Africanism: Their philosophies, activities and legacies."

This international conference hopes to brings together scholars/researchers, activists and policymakers  to  interrogate  the  philosophical,  political,  socio-cultural  and  economic  thoughts  andlegacies  of  these  Africanists.  Since  the  nineteenth  century  these  persons  have  agitated  andprotested against imperialism, emancipation, racism, violation of human rights and inequality ofeconomic opportunity, conditions that still characterize our reality. This conference provides aplatform for the exploration of such issues and the questions related to the viability of Africanistmovements.  Interrelated  issues  of  solidarity,  self-determination,  self-awareness,  blackconsciousness, economic empowerment, spiritual enlightenment and cultural awareness will alsobe discussed. The conference is further intended to build synergies and forge dialogue on howthe movement in Africa and the African diaspora can improve its position in a globalizing worldand aid in shaping consciousness of Africans worldwide building on the efforts of these heroesand heroines.

Please  visit  the  link  provided  for  more  information  

Pilot Fund
Small-scale grants for civil society to advocate for the well-being and protection of migrants and communities in Cambodia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Morocco, Senegal and Sri Lanka
Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE)
Application deadline: 10 June 2015
Dear M4D Net members,
We hope this email finds you well.
We are delighted to bring to your attention the call for proposals for  the Pilot Fund ???Small-scale grants for civil society to advocate for the well-being and protection of migrants and communities in Cambodia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Morocco, Senegal and Sri Lanka " opened by the Migration and Development Civil Society Network ( MADE ) and closing on 10th June, 2015.
Call for proposals
The Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE) has opened a call for proposals to fund small-scale national advocacy actions to be implemented between July 2015 and June 2016 in six target countries in Africa (Morocco and Senegal), Central America (Costa Rica and Honduras) and Asia (Cambodia and Sri Lanka)
The MADE pilot fund offers small grants of up to 7,500 EUR to migrants and civil society organizations to engage directly with national or city governments to promote policies for the well-being and protection of migrants and communities. Advocacy activities to be funded should advance civil society's migration and development Agenda for Change, as reflected in  the 5-year 8-point plan , in particular with regards to decent labour migration and recruitment, and the protection of migrants on the move, in transit and distress.
In order to be eligible, applicants should be non-profit organisations based in one of the six target countries, and work on the human rights of migrants, migration and development.
To understand the specific requirements for each country, download the Country Call for Proposals and the corresponding application from the  MADE website .
Coordinating Partners
This 2015 - 2016 Pilot Fund is coordinated by the  International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)   , acting as MADE Global Coordinating Office, and MADE regional coordinators  Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) , Fundaci??n Scalabrini  and the  Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)  and  Caritas Senegal .
10th June 2015.
For more information or any general query please contact: .
Please also share with potentially interested parties!
The JMDI Team

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