Fairs Year-Round Information                                                                           May 2018  
The fyi newsletter is now monthly! Watch for your copy each month in your email or read the latest issue on CFSA's website, www.cfsa.org

In this issue of fyi:
In the Know: 
When Vendors Ask About AB 1499 Tax Reporting, Does Your Fair Staff Have the Information to Help Them Out?

No? Sort of? Hmmmm, maybe? The good news is, the experts at Fairs & Expositions and at Western Fairs Association have assembled a number of easy-access online resources that explain not only the benefits of Assembly Bill 1499, but also the bill's new reporting requirement (Hint: it's easy!). 
Catch Us Up:  Beginning July 1, 2018, retailers who make sales of tangible personal property at a California state-designated fairground must separately report the sales amount on their Sales and Use Tax Return. This includes sales that take place at real estate/facilities leased out by your fair to another entity or that are rented by your fair to conduct events. Other examples include sales made at RV shows, home and garden shows, and festivals held throughout the year or at a retailer's permanent business located on a state-designated fairground. 

According to the  Tax Guide for Reporting Requirement for Sales on State-Designated Fairgrounds , " The information reported will be used for allocation purposes only. There is no additional tax or fee due on these sales. " AB 1499 does not  affect the amount of taxes vendors pay or how they pay them. 
AB 1499 provides a formula that determines how much money the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)  sends to the California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) to give to the fairgrounds to support fair operational and infrastructure needs. This funding means updated fairground facilities to help vendors grow their businesses!  (The actual sales tax dollars will be distributed according to existing law.) This is the same as when a retailer does business off of a fairgrounds. The city in which the retailer does business receives a percentage of the retailer's Sales and Use Tax back from the state. Now fairgrounds do too!

Tell Us More:  To learn more about AB 1499, Fairs & Expositions recommends reading this special notice from the CDTFA:  and the bill itself on the  California Legislative Information websiteThese are also great resources to share with your fair's board of directors.   
In addition, Western Fairs Association has produced a series of videos on AB 1499 available from the Association's website. The videos, directed towards fairground vendors and all less than a minute long, answer specific questions your vendors may ask about AB 1499: What is it? How Do I Report it? How Does it Work? and What is a State-Designated Fair? Share these videos with your vendors, too! WFA also has a one-page breakdown of the Tax Guide for Reporting Requirement for Sales on State-Designated Fairgrounds
Questions? Please contact Fairs & Expositions at 916/999-3000 or Chris Pickering at Western Fairs Association, 916/927-3100, chris@fairsnet.org. Vendors may also contact CDTFA's Customer Service Center at 1-800/400-7115 (TTY 711). Representatives are available Monday through Friday (except state holidays) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PT)


May is California Fairgrounds Appreciation Month!

For the fourth year in a row, the California Fairs Alliance hosted an exhibit outside the Governor's office at the state Capitol. The exhibit, on display through Friday, May 18, was the perfect backdrop for fair CEOs, fair board members, CFA and WFA representatives, and fair supporters to smile for the camera on Capitol Fairgrounds Day (May 15), dedicated to bringing  fair CEOs and board members together with their legislators.

Excellent Job, CFA!  

Interested in Participating in the 2018/2019 Alliant Property Insurance Program? (Yes, No, Even if Maybe), Contact CFSA by May 25

The 2018/2019 Alliant Property Insurance Program provided by CFSA is currently out to bid. CFSA's broker is working hard to secure the best quote possible at a time when catastrophic fires, hurricanes, floods and other property-damaging events are challenging the property market world-wide.

Please note: This is a commercial insurance program and participation is not a requirement; it's your choice. 

If your fair is interested in participating or if you have questions about the property program, please contact Tom Amberson, CFSA's risk department manager, by Friday, May 25. (The property program renews on July 1.) You can r each him at 916/263-6180, tamberson@cfsa.org.

Your CFSA Pool-Member Benefits at Work: Certificates of Insurance Reviews

As a responsible risk-sharing pool administrator, CFSA is always on the lookout for ways to protect pool-member fairs and the fairs' pool programs from preventable losses and expenses.  
One of the ways CFSA does this is with a pool-member benefit that requires General Liability Pool Program member fairs to submit copies of all non-hazardous rental agreements/standard contracts over $15,000, and all contracts (regardless of dollar amount or type) with indemnification language changes to CFSA for a certificate of insurance review. There's no charge to General Liability Pool members for this review service - it's a value-added benefit covered by your annual pool fee!

Tell Us More:
 Mistakes happen and when a mistake means a certificate of insurance doesn't meet CFSA's insurance requirements (including liability limits and specified additional insured language), Lianne Lewellen, CFSA's risk analyst, will work on your behalf to correct any issues found during her second-set-of-eyes review. Then, should an incident occur on your fairgrounds during the covered event, the liability can shift to the event's/renter's insurance and away from your fair and the General Liability Pool. (Note: CFSA also reviews all hazardous contracts for district agricultural association fairs - pool members and nonmembers - through a contract with the California Department of Food & Agriculture's Fairs & Expositions Branch.)
In 2017, CFSA reviewed 3,657 fair contracts (up from 3,564 in 2016) submitted to California's fairs by vendors, contractors and others wishing to use a fair's facilities for hazardous and non-hazardous  activities and events. Of these, approximately 25% contained errors that CFSA caught and corrected. The most frequent error? Missing additional insured language.  
CFSA's certificate of insurance review  is just one of the many ways CFSA is working with pool-member fairs to keep General Liability annual pool fees as low as prudently possible. 
Want to know more? Visit CFSA's website to read about all  General Liability Pool Program member benefits  or contact Lianne at 916/263-6145, llewellen@cfsa.org.

Your CFSA Pool-Member Benefits at Work: 
A Well-Trained Employee is a Safer Employee! Online Risk Control Training for CFSA Pool-Member Fairs is Just a Click Away

Did you know that as a CFSA pool member your fair staff - permanent and temporary staff as well as fair volunteers - have 24/7 access to Internet-based workplace safety training at no cost to you?

This time- and money-saving benefit comes your way through CFSA's partnership with CSAC-EIA - CFSA's excess insurance provider - and gives you instant access to more than 1,000 online risk management-themed training modules! In addition, you'll also find continuing education courses on technology, management and customer service. 

To get started with Target Solutions online training, please contact Tom Amberson, CFSA's risk department manager, to set up your fair's account. From here you can schedule staff training and keep track of courses taken and completed. CFSA's risk control specialists can even develop online training programs to meet the specialized needs of your fair's employees. You can reach Tom at 916/263-6180, tamberson @cfsa.org

Share and Tell...
Picture Your Fair's Community Project in the 
Fair Dealer Magazine's All Access Report 
Western Fairs Association's Fair Dealer magazine in partnership with the Blue Ribbon Foundation, WFA's charitable arm, produces an annual All Access report highlighting fairground activities that bring communities together in inspiring ways. Past reports have included veterans' projects, fairgrounds serving in response to natural disasters, and unique fundraisers.  
Does your fair have a project or event to share with the industry? WFA wants to hear from you! Please email a one-paragraph description of your project/event to WFA Communications Director Chris Pickering at chris@fairsnet.org. If your project/event is selected for the magazine, you will be asked to provide high-resolution photographs of the project/event for your article. 
Questions? Please contact Chris at 916/927-3100 or by email (above).  

Ever Wonder How the Minnesota State Fair Welcomed Nearly 2 million Guests in 2017? Find Out During the 2018 WFA Feature Fair Tour, Tuesday - Thursday, August 28 - 30   

Registration forms and tour details are available on the Western Fairs Association website. 

If you have any questions about the Feature Fair Tour, please contact Liz Waxstein at WFA, 916/927-3100.

Thank you for reading the  fyi newsletter. If there is something we can do to make  fyi more valuable to you, please  let us know: mthurber@cfsa.org.