Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following items as part of its miscellaneous agenda:
Police Department - The Board discussed and approved an authorization to hire a Public Safety Dispatcher
Pierce Project Early Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Budget - The Board discussed and approved an amendment in the amount of $13,150,019.00 with Consigli Construction for GMP budget related the Pierce School project.
ARPA Reallocation - The Board discussed and provided feedback to a plan that would reallocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
NETA Change of Ownership/Transfer Marijuana Licenses and HCA -
The Board discussed and approved an application for change of ownership for NETA's medical and recreational license and related Host Community Agreement.
School Budget - The Board reviewed and discussed the School Budget.
CIP, Debt & Interest Budgets - The Board reviewed and discussed the Capital Improvement Program and Unclassified Debt & Interest budgets.
Article 11 FY25 CPA Appropriation - The Board reviewed, discussed, and voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on Article 11.
Article 5 FY24 Budget Amendment - The Board reviewed and voted favorable action on amendments to the FY24 budget to address a golf course revenue shortfall (due to wet spring weather) and the hiring of a Director in the Sustainability Division.
Article 10 FY25 Budget - The Board discussed and voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on an amended version of the FY25 budget.
Article 13, Accessory Dwelling Units - The Board had a brief discussion on the Article and will be voting at a later date.
Article 17, Allow Retired Officers Serve on Detail - The Board voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on Article 17.