
Please note that the Select Board will not meet this week due to the annual Town election.

This week's update includes:

  • Jewish American Heritage Month Proclamation
  • Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Day
  • Town elections including where and when to vote and how to check the status of your mail-in ballot
  • Summary of the April 30 Select Board meeting

Best Regards,

Paul Warren

Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.

What's On My Mind

Check Mail-in Ballot Status - You can check to see if your mail-in ballot was received and accepted by the Brookline Town Clerk's office by going to the Secretary of State's website.

When and Where to Vote - The Annual Town Election will be held Tuesday, May 7. Polls are open from 7AM to 8PM. You can lookup your polling location here. The League of Women Voters has information on Town-wide and Precinct-specific Town Meeting candidates.

AAPI Heritage Day - Brookline's 2nd Annual Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Day will be held Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 11am - 3pm at Hunneman Hall, Brookline Main Library. Please visit the Brookline Asian American Family Network for more information. 

Jewish American Heritage Month - The Select Board, at its April 30 meeting, proclaimed May as Jewish American Heritage Month in Brookline. The proclamation was included in the Select Board meeting packet. Later in month the Select Board will also recognize May as Asian American Heritage Month with a similar proclamation.

Last Meeting - Tuesday, April 30

Miscellaneous - The Board approved the following items as part of its miscellaneous agenda:

Police Department - The Board discussed and approved an authorization to hire a Public Safety Dispatcher

Pierce Project Early Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Budget - The Board discussed and approved an amendment in the amount of $13,150,019.00 with Consigli Construction for GMP budget related the Pierce School project.

ARPA Reallocation - The Board discussed and provided feedback to a plan that would reallocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.

NETA Change of Ownership/Transfer Marijuana Licenses and HCA -

The Board discussed and approved an application for change of ownership for NETA's medical and recreational license and related Host Community Agreement.

School Budget - The Board reviewed and discussed the School Budget.

CIP, Debt & Interest Budgets - The Board reviewed and discussed the Capital Improvement Program and Unclassified Debt & Interest budgets.

Article 11 FY25 CPA Appropriation - The Board reviewed, discussed, and voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on Article 11.

Article 5 FY24 Budget Amendment - The Board reviewed and voted favorable action on amendments to the FY24 budget to address a golf course revenue shortfall (due to wet spring weather) and the hiring of a Director in the Sustainability Division.

Article 10 FY25 Budget - The Board discussed and voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on an amended version of the FY25 budget.

Article 13, Accessory Dwelling Units - The Board had a brief discussion on the Article and will be voting at a later date.

Article 17, Allow Retired Officers Serve on Detail - The Board voted to recommend favorable action to Town Meeting on Article 17.

