In This Issue
2021 Multifamily Housing Credit Application Opens May 15, 2020
As a reminder, the Universal Funding Application for the 2021 competitive Housing Credit funding round will be available on Friday, May 15, 2020, with an application due date of noon ET Thursday, August 20, 2020.

Development team members who have not received a capacity approval letter, or whose capacity approval letters have expired, must submit the Development Team Capacity Application no later than 60 days prior to the application submission deadline, or Monday, June 22, 2020.  
If you have any questions, please email
2021 Multifamily Non-Credit Funding Round Postponed
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and concern about available resources, the anticipated funding round for non-credit multifamily projects has been postponed. If additional funding resources become available, Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) will re-evaluate the feasibility of opening a non-credit funding round later in the year.

If you have any questions, please email
2020 SMAL Rent and Income Limits Now Available
KHC has updated the rent and income limits for the Small Multifamily Affordable Loan (SMAL) program, which are based on the 2020 Section 8 income limits.

The updated SMAL rent and income limits are now available on KHC's website, under Development, Multifamily, Underwriting Resources.

If you have any questions, please email
2020 Homebuyer New Construction Closeouts - Update on Recycled Funds
KHC now requires that subgrantee homebuyer development projects funded with Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) or non-CHDO set-aside HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) dollars return all Program Income generated by the sale of individual units, even if the project planned to "recycle" AHTF or HOME Program Income on the construction of future units. All program income generated after unit closeout should be returned to KHC, notating the project number on the accompanying documentation. KHC will then allocate the returned Program Income to the project, which will then be available to the subgrantee to use on future unit set-ups.  Program Income remaining after the completion of the final unit for the project will be retained by KHC.  
Please contact If you have any question, please email Keli Reynolds at

Please Note: The updated policy manuals are on the Housing Contract Administration (HCA) Help Desk.
HUD Office of Inspector General Bulletin for Homeowners on CARES Act Forbearance
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General drafted a bulletin outlining guidance that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has provided for borrowers and servicers to implement the forbearance provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Don't Forget WAP COVID-19 FAQs
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) COVID-19 FAQs continue to be updated as new information is available. Don't forget to check for the latest updates on our HCA Help Desk under the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information header. New FAQs exist on counting income! 
HOME TBRA Competitive Application Now Open!
KHC is now accepting applications for the HOME TBRA program on the Universal Funding Application (UFA). The submission deadline is 8 p.m. ET Monday, May 18, 2020.

The 2020 HOME TBRA Competitive Application Guidelines, which includes specific information about how to apply for this funding round, pertinent dates, required application fees, and sample application scoresheet are available on KHC's website under Development, Single-Family, HOME TBRA.

Applicants must meet minimum thresholds to submit an application. New applicants are welcome.

Minimum Thresholds
  • HOME funds awarded in 2019 (project numbers beginning with TB19) are not eligible to apply for this round of TBRA funds.
  • HOME funds awarded in 2018 (project numbers beginning with TB18):  
    • 70 percent of funds must be expended no later than the application submission to KHC. All draw requests required to meet this threshold must be submitted to and approved by KHC no later than the application submission deadline date of 8 p.m. ET Monday, May 18, 2020.
KHC HOME TBRA Policy Manual
Applicants should refer to the KHC HOME TBRA Policy Manual for more information on eligible TBRA activities and other details regarding the administration of a TBRA program.

If you have any questions, please contact the HCA Help Desk
FHFA Eviction Moratorium Property Lookup Tools
The Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHFA) announced on May 4, 2020, that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have developed online multifamily property lookup tools to help renters find out if they are living in units protected from evictions during the pandemic because the properties have federally-backed loans.   
Request for Proposals (RFPs)
KHC invites response to requests for information, services, or technical assistance from qualified and experienced providers. Below, you will find information about RFPs currently posted by KHC.
REO Realtors
Please respond no later than 5 p.m. ET Wednesday, May 14, 2020.
DO NOT REPLY-This is an unmonitored email address. 
If you are already subscribed to KHC eGrams and need to update your preferences, please click on the "Update Profile" link at the bottom of every eGram.

To sign up for an eGram list, please visit  KHC's website and click on the eGram icon under Quick Links, or click on the "envelope" at the top of each page on KHC's website.