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Notice of Reclassification Of Inactive Distributors
Dear LifeWave Family,
In an ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of our member database and optimize member earning, LifeWave will be implementing a new and ongoing policy* regarding inactive distributor accounts in the US, Canada, and Europe. An inactive distributor account can be defined as an account that hasn’t been active at least once within the last 12 months.
On May 9, 2022, a 30-day notice will be sent advising inactive distributors that their account will be reclassified as a Preferred Customer account unless they become active through the following actions within the notice period by:
Placing a Personal Order
Have a personally sponsored Preferred or Retail Customer Place an Order
Enrolling a new Preferred or Retail Customer with Product Purchase
Good To Know
There is a post in our LiveYoungerFB.com group for those that want to share a room in Orlando - posted by Angela Shaughnessy