May 9, 2023

In this edition of ENews:

  • Stewardship for All Workshop — Registration is now open
  • Diocese hosts Grant Writing Workshop
  • Diocesan Daughters of the King Gather for Service Project

Office of the Bishop

Stewardship for All Registration is Now Open

Come learn about stewardship resources from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS), ECF360 (a subscription-based service that includes customizable resources for annual giving campaigns, planned giving, and capital campaigns) and others. We will also have the chance to hear some success stories from other congregations around the diocese.

Saturday, June 10 | 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Attendance is by Zoom Only, Cost is $10

Click Here to Register:

Canon to the Ordinary

Top, left to right: Rania Ahmed, The Rev. Christy Laborda Harris

Middle: Betty Harrison-Smith and Alexandra Stephens. Bottom: The Rev. Mack Olson

Grant-making resources presented to Diocese

On Wednesday, May 3, over two dozen people from around the diocese joined a zoom call to learn more about becoming successful grant writers.

Panelists—The Rev. Christy Laborda Harris, Ms. Alex Stephens, and Ms. Betty Harrison-Smith—answered questions posed by The Rev. Mack Olson, Missioner for Church Life, participants also heard from Ms. Rania Ahmed, a seasoned professional grant writer from the Urban Institute in Oakland. 

Among the information shared was a new resource on the diocesan website, found here:

You can watch the video of the session here:

Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Expanding Opportunities at National VOAD

The diocese and several local churches are members of an organization known as Voluntary (or Community) Organizations Active in Disaster, or VOAD (COAD). This week, I am in St. Louis, MO at the National VOAD conference learning more efficient and effective ways for our church to be a part of disaster readiness, response, and recovery.

I've had a chance to meet people with whom I work, regularly, face to face for the first time, and I'm looking forward to training in best practices for emotional and spiritual wellbeing in times of disaster. This training will help to build a robust program in support of the needs of disaster survivors, and your help will be needed to make it a success both in time of disaster and in support of a healthy community. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to serve.

The Mission for Disaster Resilience is in motion and we look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events:

May 12-13 | Chico Arts Festival

St. John's, Chico | Learn more here

May 20 | Mill Fire Resource Fair

Weed High School, Weed

May 20 | Smokechasers Fair

Amador County Fairgrounds, Jackson

Learn more here

The number one lesson that I've learned so far at this conference is that desperation is reduced when people are prepared. 

Let me know how I can help you or your congregation prepare for disaster - and please support the Bishop's Disaster Fund by clicking here.


Mark Dibelka | Missioner for Disaster Resilience

Mark Dibelka with Ministry Partners at the National VOAD Conference in St. Louis.

Top: Valerie Brown (United Policyholders) and Kevin Cox (Hope Crisis Resource Network)

Bottom: Jacqueline Chadwick (FEMA)

Around the Diocese

Bishop Megan Visits Grace Church in St. Helena

Left to Right: Erika Mueller, Braulio Muñoz, Sue Cottrell, Genevieve Schlangen, Zoe Schelhorn, Penelope Capri Williams, Savion Gray Allen, Bishop Megan, Charles Levine, Reverend Amy, Reverend Marcia Hansen. 

On Sunday, May 7, Bishop Traquair visited Grace Episcopal Church in St. Helena. Assisted by the rector of Grace – the Rev. Amy Denney Zuniga – and Deacon Marcia Hansen, Bishop Megan preached, celebrated the Eucharist, Baptized, Confirmed, and Received members from Grace Church and Good Shepherd, Cloverdale.

During services, Bishop Megan also recognized the accomplishments of Children and Youth Ministry Director, Erika Mueller, who is moving to Kentucky. Godspeed on your move, Erika, and many thanks to the folks of Grace for their spirit and hospitality.

Baptized, Confirmed, and Received from Grace Episcopal Church:

  • Penelope Capri
  • Braulio Munoz 
  • Genevieve Rorick Schlangen 
  • Savion Gray Allen 
  • Zoe Lael Schelhom
  • Penelope Capri Williams 

Confirmed and Received from Church of the Good Shepherd, Cloverdale:

  • Charles Levine
  • Paul Cowden

Daughters of the King Gather for Service Project

The Daughters of the King of the Diocese of Northern California met May 6 at St. John's Roseville. Our service project was to make 100 first aid kits to be distributed in the Arden Arcade Area of Sacramento. The Phoenix Chapter at St. Matthew's, Sacramento, will be spearheading the distribution. 

The Daughters also had a business meeting, electing new officers for the triennium, lunch, and painted rocks that can be distributed with lunches and first aid kits. Father Cliff Hagenjoss celebrated Eucharist with the Daughters.


— Cookie Clark | Deacon, Church of the Epiphany

President, Episcopal Community Services

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

$100,000 Foundation Grant Fund – Now Accepting Applications!

The Episcopal Foundation of Northern California has joyfully committed to continue our $100,000 Foundation Grant program available to churches and missions throughout our Diocese in 2023. Grants range from a few thousand dollars to over $10K. Size and number of grants awarded depends on the number of qualified applications.

Click here for application instructions!


2023 Women’s Retreat: Being Embodied Beings

May 19-21 | Mercy Center, Auburn


Please contact Susan Hotchkiss if you wish to be put on the waiting list.

Sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and Diocesan Partners in Ministries of Health.

$40.00 for Saturday attendance which includes lunch.

Scholarships are available.

Click here to Register

Healing Prayer Bible Study and Fellowship | Order of St. Luke

First Saturday of the Month | 10:00 am on Zoom

We pray, study and learn together. The group is currently studying The Grace Outpouring by Roy Goodwin.

Zoom link:

For more information call Elba White at 916 684 4015.

*In Case You Missed it…

Job Opportunities in The Diocese

Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here.

Clergy Openings in The Diocese

Trinity Episcopal Church | Folsom seeks a full-time Interim Rector. Trinity Folsom is an open and inclusive parish that cherishes traditional liturgy and classical Anglican music. We are Jesus-centered with fidelity to the Book of Common Prayer while maintaining inclusivity in our ministries. We anticipate this being a roughly 12-month position, ideally beginning late spring 2023.

Click here to read the full description. 

Church of the Epiphany | Vacaville seeks a 3/4 time Priest-in-charge.

View job description here. View the Epiphany Parish Profile here.

St. Clement's | Rancho Cordova is seeking a 3/4 time Priest-in-charge.

View the job description here. View St. Clement’s Parish Profile


For job descriptions or questions, please contact or call Cn. Julie at 916.442.6918 x 214

The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
To submit news/events, please email by Wednesday of the prior week
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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