This Week in School and Campus Safety
Good morning,
This Weekly Update by the Illinois School and Campus Safety Program highlights an upcoming session of Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery, promotes upcoming classes, and provides information on requesting classes.
Thank you for your interest in school and campus safety. However, if you wish to no longer receive our emails, just let me know and I will remove you from our contacts list.
Laura Black
Program Coordinator
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program
Registration to Open Soon! - Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program, in collaboration with the National Center for Biomedical Research and Training at Louisiana State University, is pleased to announce a session of the Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery course will be held June 24-25, 2019 in Rockford, IL. During the course, participants will discuss emergency planning considerations, the importance of an integrated response to campus emergencies, and communications and recovery issues that need to be addressed. The course consists of practical, problem-based, integrated group activities that require a coordinated, integrated approach. As they engage in tabletop scenarios, course participants will observe a developing incident and respond in a manner consistent with the currently established campus and jurisdictional emergency operations procedures.
Final Chance to Register: Developing Emergency Operations Plans Classes for K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program, in collaboration with the Readiness and Emergency Management For Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, is pleased to announce sessions of the Developing Emergency Operations Plans Train-the-Trainer classes. Click the K-12 or Higher Ed class links below to view more information.
K-12 - Developing Emergency Operations Plans K-12 101 Train-the-Trainer
Higher Ed -
Developing Emergency Operations Plans IHE 101 Train-the-Trainer
Final Chance to Register: Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team on May 23rd in Ullin
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program is pleased to announce a session of the higher ed course "Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team" is being held in Ullin on May 23, 2019. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
Upcoming Session of Student Behavioral Threat Assessment on May 17th in Aurora
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program is pleased to announce a session of the K-12 course "Student Behavioral Threat Assessment" is being held in Aurora on May 17, 2019. For more information or to register for the course, click
here or call 309-298-2646.
Need Training for your School District, Campus, or Department?
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Program provides awareness and preparedness training through a variety of courses. To learn more about the available courses or to request a course for your area, click
Upcoming May - June Classes - New Classes Added!
K-12 Classes
Student Behavioral Threat Assessment
May 29, 2019 - Robinson, IL
Developing Emergency Operations Plans K-12 101 Train-the-Trainer
Advanced Student Behavioral Threat Assessment
June 11, 2019 - Johnsburg, IL
Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery
June 24-25, 2019 - Rockford
Higher Ed Classes
Forming a Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment Team
Developing Emergency Operations Plans IHE 101 Train-the-Trainer
Advanced Campus Behavioral Threat Assessment
Campus Emergencies Prevention, Response and Recovery
June 24-25, 2019 - Rockford
For more information on these and other upcoming classes, contact Laura Black at [email protected] or at 309-298-2646.
Upcoming Conferences in Illinois
September 25-27, 2019 - Illinois Association of School Administrators Conference- Springfield, IL
November 22-24, 2019 - Joint Annual Conference - Chicago, IL
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program www.ilschoolsafety.org