Remember, your EOB is NOT a bill. If your EOB shows that you are responsible for some of the cost, your provider will bill you separately. When you receive your EOB it is important to review your statement to make sure that you are getting the most value out of your health care spending. Here are three tips that could help you reduce the amount you pay out-of-pocket.


Select an in-network provider.

Use the Find a Provider or Doctor tool online or through the blueprint app to find an in-network provider, so you can get the best savings from your health plan.


Compare charges.

If you receive a bill from your provider, compare charges on your EOB to charges listed on the provider bill to confirm services and charges listed are correct.


Register for Blueprint.

Review your health plan information online or through the blueprint app so you are familiar with your plan and make the most of your coverage.

Click here to learn how to read your EOB

May is here and that means all things sunshine and time outdoors multiplies exponentially. Remember to wear sunscreen and a protective hat to help reduce your risk of skin cancer and encourage friends and family to do the same!

Click on the image on the right to learn more about skin cancer prevention and detection.

May is also a great time to focus on self-care during mental health awareness month! Find time to do something for yourself- pick up a new hobby, visit a friend, buy a new pair of shoes, or plant new flowers!

Click on the image on the left to learn more about mental health awareness month.