The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly publication of the Network   for 
Landscape Conservation
May 2018
Dear Network Friends and Partners,

In April, the NLC coordinating committee convened in Charleston for our annual strategic retreat. We celebrated the many successes of the past year, and carefully considered how best to continue to serve you, our community of practitioners, as we craft our new strategic plan. 

We also celebrated Bob Bendick, who so ably served as co-chair of the Network since its inception in 2011, and has now stepped down from that position (although thankfully he’ll continue to engage as a member of the leadership team). It is my pleasure to step up, joining Julie Regan of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as co-chair. 

We look forward to continuing to work with you all to harness the momentum from the 2017 National Forum and the inspiration you provide every day from the field to help support and advance landscape conservation at this pivotal time. 
Ernest Cook
Senior Vice President and Director of Conservation Strategies, The Trust for Public Land
Co-Chair, Network for Landscape Conservation 
In This Issue
AFWA White Paper
NLC Survey Report
Perspectives: We succeed together
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Webinars & Additional Resources
Heading photo: High Country at Dusk, Colorado. Credit: Brian Erickson on Unsplash
Featured News
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies develops white paper on landscape conservation collaboration
In late March, a working group of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, which represents North America's state fish and wildlife agencies, developed a white paper on landscape conservation collaboration. The white paper identifies key challenges and lessons learned for landscape conservation, and emerged from the AFWA working group that was convened to examine existing landscape partnerships and their governance structures, commonalities of success, approaches, partner roles and other attributes. Beginning first at a regional level, the white paper reviews efforts in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, and Western regions to understand key drivers, challenges, and successes for collaboration in each region. A broader discussion across regional contexts follows, and the white paper concludes by identifying opportunities and next steps. One of the recommendations is to host a forum to gather input from broader audiences, including NGOs -- the Network for Landscape Conservation has been in discussions with the AFWA working group chair to convene this type of forum later this summer. Another recommendation that is now being worked on is to expand a set of best practices that were developed by the Northeast states and included in the white paper.  
Featured News
NLC publishes summary report of its 2017 survey of North American landscape conservation initiatives
The Network for Landscape Conservation has published a new report, Assessing the State of Landscape Conservation Initiatives in North America. The summary report builds upon the collective data that emerged from the 130 landscape conservation initiatives that responded to the 2017 NLC survey. The report highlights key insights on the current state of landscape conservation, while also providing a summary of the results and analysis of the collective body of data. 
Perspectives: Landscape Conservation in Action
Delivering results for sage-grouse, industry, and western culture: a case study of compensatory mitigation and the Nevada Conservation Credit System
From 2012 to 2015, western states faced uncertainty around the greater sage-grouse: would the sage-grouse listed as an endangered species? Would mitigation be required even if it was not listed? And how would potential mitigation requirements impact local economies and culture? Eoin Doherty of Environmental Incentives shares the story of Nevada's bold and proactive response to this uncertainty in this month's Perspectives article. With the development of a state sage-grouse conservation plan, Nevada put compensatory mitigation principles to work in crafting a Conservation Credit System. Work at the landscape scale increasingly requires practitioners to identify ways to balance community resilience, human development, and conservation, and compensatory mitigation is one tool to help navigate that balancing process. The article explores some of the innovations utilized in Nevada, with the hope that the learning that's happened in Nevada may be applicable and valuable in a host of different contexts.
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Additional Landscape Conservation News
Defenders of Wildlife release two-part report entitled “In the Shadow of the Wall: Borderlands Wildlife, Habitat, and Collaborative Conservation at Risk.”

New report highlights landscape restoration through collaboration in Pacific Northwest National Forests.

The Trust for Public Lands launches interactive national data platform that maps park access across America. 

This month marks the 56th anniversary of the launching of the National Natural Landmarks program, and a new video highlights this program.

New online community launched to connect, educate, and empower park advocates.

PLoS-ONE paper looks at the potential climate adaptation benefit of boundary-spanning conservation partnerships. 

The “One Water” movement: Ensia article highlights growing interest in communities and cities around the world to think about water management holistically and at the watershed scale.

Reflection piece explores keys insights and takeaways on land conservation in metropolitan America.

Ensia articles explores the lack of diversity in environmental sector, and considers pathways for systemic change around diversity and inclusion.

Living Landscape Observer reflection piece highlights a "culture-history" divide, and questions whether the significance of historical protected areas can be temporally bounded.

Legislation introduced in Mexico to require wildlife crossings on all federal highways in the country.

Paper in Landscape and Urban Planning underscores principles of and proposes a framework for landscape conservation design.

Meeting of the Minds article highlights environmental impact bonds as a new financing model for cities investing in green infrastructure and similar resiliency-oriented projects.

Colorado Lottery reauthorized for another 25 years, securing an estimated $4.4 billion for parks, trails, open spaces, wildlife and land and water conservation in the state.
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Upcoming Conferences & Opportunities

The journal Land is currently accepting submissions for a special issue on "Biodiversity and Protected Areas." Submissions deadline is June 30, 2018; more information .

Job opportunities for landscape conservation practitioners: the Adirondack Council is hiring an Adirondack Vision Program Director and the Wildlands Network is hiring a Mountain Wildlife Conservationist .

* * *

St. Petersburg, FL 

Fort Collins, CO

Monterey, CA

Amherst, MA

September 12-14, 2018 -- Global Climate Action Summit
San Francisco, CA

Pittsburgh, PA

San Francisco CA

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Webinars & Additional Resources

A recording of the Wallace Stegner Center's 23rd Annual Symposium, Public lands in a Changing West , is available here

The Conservation Finance Network has added two new topic to its Conservation Finance Toolkit :

A Nature’s Returns: Investing in Ecosystem Services webinar
May 29, 2018

A Connected Conservation webinar
June 20, 2018

A Connected Conservation Webinar
June 25, 2018 

A Connected Conservation webinar
July 10, 2018

A Connected Conservation Webinar
August 29, 2018

A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

Recordings of past webinars and the full upcoming 2018 schedule of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the NLC website.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact  Emily Bateson , Network Coordinator, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, and resources for future Bulletins are welcomed. We welcome too inquires for future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.
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