The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly service of the Network for 
Landscape Conservation
May 2019
Dear Network Friends and Partners,

The Gulf Coast Observatory in Texas was an ideal location for our annual leadership retreat last month, where we were inspired by the incredible bird migration outside and by the Network’s leadership development inside! Hearing about the observatory’s bird research and monitoring as well as the landscape conservation initiatives underway in the greater Houston area left us all energized. A big thanks to my co-chair Ernest Cook for organizing.
At the retreat, we welcomed new members of our Coordinating Committee while reviewing progress on our strategic plan. We celebrated the publication of two milestone documents: our report on our landscape conservation survey and Pathways Forward: Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation , as well as the launch of our new Catalyst Fund . The best news was that individual landscape conservation practitioners involved in the Network increased by more than 50% over the last year. Let’s keep it going!  
Julie Regan
Network Co-Chair
Chief, External Affairs/Deputy Director
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
In This Issue
Connectivity and Corridors Policy
Landscape Conservation and Climate Change
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Webinars & Additional Resources
Note: Many partnership leaders have noted how helpful the recent Pathways Forward: Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation report has been to educate and inspire important stakeholders. We can arrange to provide boxes (each box contains 60 copies) of the report for sharing with your collaborators and stakeholders for the cost of printing and shipping— contact us .
Banner photo: Sunrise over the terrain at North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
Featured News
Forward momentum on connectivity and corridors: Policy catching up with the science
Connectivity and corridors are central components to understanding and sustaining ecological integrity at scale. Exciting recent developments illustrate that the importance of these critical themes are making ripples in policy arenas—and opening tremendous potential for accelerating the protection of biodiversity within the United States. 
Nationally, earlier this month the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2019 was introduced with bi-partisan sponsorship in both branches of Congress. This Act lays out an innovative strategy for the creation of a National Wildlife Corridor system— learn more here or read the full Act . At the state level, in late March, the governor of New Mexico signed into law a Wildlife Corridor Act, making the state the first in the nation to adopt a comprehensive program to identify wildlife corridors and begin to address barriers to wildlife movement. Learn more here or read the legislation . With similar legislation moving in other states as well, it is clear that policy makers at all levels are increasingly recognizing the need for new tools to address the impacts of habitat fragmentation.

Featured News
Continuing attention to the intersection of landscape conservation and climate change
Last year we highlighted “natural climate solutions” as a pivotal strategy for climate change mitigation, capable of achieving more than one-third of the emissions reductions needed to meet the Paris Accord climate targets (see the landmark PNAS article on “Natural Climate Solutions”).
Understanding for the intersection of conservation and climate change—especially at the landscape scale—continues to build momentum. Late last year, a Scientific American post highlighted forests as the best “technology” we have for carbon sequestration. Last month, Inside Climate News highlighted a new Science Advances paper calling for a “Global Deal for Nature” that demands the joining of the parallel yet often separate tracks of conservation and climate change mitigation into one unified vision: protecting ecosystems to combat climate change and combating climate change to protect ecosystems. Finally, a recent Land Trust Alliance post highlighted how land trusts across the country are beginning to incorporate climate change into various aspects of their work. The weaving together of climate change and conservation reflects the systems-level approach that characterizes landscape conservation, and is both a highly promising and rapidly growing trend. 
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Additional Landscape Conservation News
Landmark report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warns of 1 million species threatened with extinction and calls for transformative changes in our global responses to conservation.

Recent High Country News article highlights efforts by the Blackfeet Nation in northwestern Montana to re-integrate their story into Glacier National Park and other ancestral lands—including plans to open their own tribal national park.

The LWCF Coalition, the Mountain Pact, and others call attention to the need to ensure permanent dedicated funding to the permanently re-authorized Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Learn more here and here

Recent article in The Guardian highlighted the current administration’s hamstringing of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs).
(Related note: the recently released House Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2020 includes funding for LCCs and would instruct USFWS to reestablish any LCCs that are not functioning—see this Policy Update from the Ecological Society of America).

Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition case study from the Elkhorn Mountains of northeastern Oregon highlights a multi-partner, “all lands” approach to forest resilience

New report on “Managing Climate Risk to Conservation Investments” draws insights from the Climate Resilience Fund and the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Climate Adaptation Fund to provide conservation funders with practical guidance on incorporating climate change impacts into their strategies to achieve long-term and impactful conservation outcomes. 

Recent Partnership and Community Collaboration Academy post explores the concept of “wicked” problems—and suggests that the nonlinear, diverse approaches of collaborative landscape conservation are exactly what is needed in solving such problems. 

Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network post highlights a recent “facilitative leadership” training that offers insights and lessons—with resources—for practitioners tackling complex, collaborative landscape-scale challenges across contexts. 

The economic value of conserving land: a recent report from the Texas Land Trust Council adds to the growing body of research that demonstrates the significant economic benefit of conserved land.

University of Utah Environmental Dispute Resolution program post last month highlights the centrality of trust in collaborative practice, and underscores ways to build trust.

Working together on a common goal across differences: NPR article highlights—with Afghanistan as an example—the potential for conservation that transcends political boundaries to build common ground. 

Connecting Habitat Across New Jersey (CHANJ) releases new mapping tool and guidance document for prioritizing land conservation through the lens of habitat connectivity within the state.

The Nature of Cities post highlights the link between biodiversity and cultural diversity.

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative last month launched a digital guide to co-existing with wildlife, offering the experiences in the Bow Valley of Canada as a long-term experiment in learning solutions to co-existing with wildlife in our landscapes. 

Recent National Geographic article highlights the importance of wildlife bridges in making nature—and humans—safer on our roads and highways. 

New report from the Ecosystem Workforce Program highlights the funding picture of forest collaboratives in Oregon. 
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Upcoming Conferences & Opportunities

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Paris, France

Gulf Shores, AL

June 24-28, 2019 Conservation Finance Bootcamp
Portland, OR

Verona, NY

Point Clear, AL

Raleigh, NC

Amherst, MA

New Orleans, LA

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Webinars & Additional Resources

* * *

An American Rural Opportunities livestream
June 10, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
June 11, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
June 27, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
July 17, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
August 13, 2019
A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

Recordings of past webinars of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the NLC website; a full 2019 will be posted as it becomes available.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact  Emily Bateson , Network Director, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, and resources for future Bulletins are welcomed. We also welcome inquires for future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, P.O. Box 1587, Bozeman, MT 59771

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