Conflict Resolution Clinics @ Community Boards
With Crystal Mason & Jason Wyman
May 3, 5:30-7:30pm PDT Online Via Zoom
Come sign up for a different kind of journey, where you can open your heart and mind and learn more deeply about manifesting your dreams!
We hold Space & Time for comrades to come practice communal dreaming. We'll seed our dreams with the question, "What does it feel like/look like to Open our hearts?" We will then hold space to dream & time to reflect. We'll bring everyone together in circle and those who desire to share with each other can. As we close, comrades will be invited to share ways they can open their hearts in their own life, practice, and community/communities.
Queering Dreams creates spaces of intimacy, vulnerability, and Belonging. We know as mediators/facilitators you are often called into difficult and highly emotional situations that make it tough to practice loving-kindness with ourselves and others, we also know love and kindness begins with our ability to be and remain openhearted. Please bring paper and something to write and /or draw with.
Highlights of Crystal's and Jason's clinic include:
  • Learning new tools to de-stress your mind before a mediation session
  • Coming together with your community to do heartfelt work
  • Tapping into creativity and branching it into your work life
  • Honing in on your true aspirations

Crystal Mason
Crystal is an activist, artist, mediator and cultural worker who works to create space for imagining, conjuring and sharing our dreams of a better world. They have over 25 years experience in Arts Administration and programming. They are a co-founder, along with Jason Wyman of Queering Dreams, a new art, care and community-expanding network that's collectively dreaming & creating our liberation (from capitalism & White Supremacy & patriarchy & ableism & colonialism & all oppression & tyranny.) Until recently they were a proud member of Bakers Dozen, and intergenerational, multiracial,queer centered affordable housing Co-op. They are currently living in Richmond, Virginia, which belongs to the Powhatan Tribe.
Jason Wyman
Jason is Queerly Complex, an anti-binary social practice artist living & creating on Yelamu, unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land or what colonizers named San Francisco. A mystical convener, Wyman creates spaces for comrades to explore & discover who they be individually & collectively. They work with dreams, value(s), structures, & equity to conjure forms of liberation & healing. Wyman's art-making centers the messy, intangible, emotive, & esoteric bits that make us human. It's resulted in a large-scale, participatory sticker mural with artists Celi Tamayo-Lee & Mary-Claire Amable for the Asian Art Museum, a national Youth Media Network co-produced with Myah Overstreet, a fully immersive installation at Black & White Projects called Be Jason, & numerous zines, site-speciic performances, social interventions, and intergenerational programs.
  • Date: May 3, Tuesday
  • Time: 5:30-7:30pm PDT
  • Cost: CB Members, $25 | Public, $45
  • Location: Online via Zoom