May 2020 Eureka Chamber Membership News
Dear Friends,

As we continue to confront COVID-19 and the daily changes to our “new normal” lives, I am reflecting on what truly matters most.

The answer to that question can be so many things and different for each of us, especially in times such as these. But what matters most, as I think about our region’s position in the global community, can be described by words like support, camaraderie, shared experience and teamwork. These are the keys to weathering any crisis.

As we’ve spent the past weeks talking to our members and community partners, we are hearing that you want to help. You are all looking to support your teams, your peers, your community and, of course, your families and loved ones during these unprecedented times.

I am proud to be a part of the COVID Economic Resilience Consortium. A group of County leaders representing our cities, county and business partners. There is a real sense of teamwork and motivation to support our businesses during this worldwide crisis, pooling our resources and working for one common goal! YOU, our families and friends.

At the Chamber, we have chosen to pivot in two main directions. Advocating for our members at a local, state and federal level. And Promotion. Getting your message out via social media. Reaching the largest audience possible to share who you are, what your businesses are doing and how to support you.

I have to thank our staff who have worked tirelessly in this regard to bring you our “Families and Faces Behind the Business” and “Getting Back to Business” campaigns. These were created to bring awareness of all that our member businesses are doing during times when people are searching more on-line.

Please keep your information and stories coming. We are currently receiving more than 50,000 views per month across our social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and seen an increase in traffic to our website, which hopefully will result in guiding people toward choosing local options first!

I would also like to thank our committees of Government Affairs, Business and Industry, Business and Education, Ambassadors and Organization. These committees are made up of our our board members and peers. They are working hard to bring the needs of the community forward and action those needs.

Please remember that we are here for you. Call me at any time! There is no 9-5 right now. Its all COVID19 time. We are a resource for you and we would love to have feedback or recommendations. Together we are stronger and we are all in this together.

Dear Members:

We were asked to distribute the following communication from the City of Eureka and the County of Humboldt OES. It's important to review the information provided in the links below and complete the process for Reopening Certification. The certification applies to businesses located in the County of Humboldt.


Donna Wright

From: Pam Powell, City of Eureka; and the County of Humboldt OES
Subject: Eureka Business Reopening Certification

The County of Humboldt is working diligently to receive a county wide variance from the State to allow an increased pace through Stage 2 as outlined by the Governor. The variance request for Humboldt County will include various benchmarks that must be met prior to the State’s approval. Once this attestation is received, local retail businesses and restaurants will be able to expand their operations from curbside to an interior model of service delivery. In order for businesses to achieve this goal, they must submit to the County of Humboldt, their plan to protect the public and workers from COVID-19. The County of Humboldt has developed a form for businesses to use as a template for submission. This form (plan) will be reviewed for compliance and once approved each business will be issued a compliance certificate. Please click on the link to visit the Humboldt County Business Resource page and access the necessary information and form:

To expedite this process, four Eureka City staff members will be working with County of Humboldt OES to assist with the certification of Eureka retail businesses and restaurant owners. Eureka staff will be reviewing COVID-19 compliance plans (County provided form). Businesses owners are encouraged to submit the forms as soon as possible for review and attestation.

City of Eureka restaurants who would like to offer outdoor dining on City sidewalks in order to meet social distancing requirements may obtain a short term encroachment permit from the Engineering division. These permits are offered at no cost to business owners to help with compliance. (Insurance is still required) Please contact Engineering at 441-4194 if interested.

Any business that would like assistance completing the information necessary to obtain compliance are encouraged to contact the City of Eureka’s Economic Development Manager at 268-1830.

We look forward to this next phase and wish everyone good health and success.
City of Eureka

For the Business Certification form along with information on how to fill it out please go here:
As we are preparing to get back to business and the new normal, we also want to feel safe.

We would love to share how you have adjusted to this pandemic - online shopping, delivery options, etc. We would also like to share with the community how you are working to protect them and your staff when you open your doors again.

Send us a photo, a screenshot or post and tell us a little bit about how you and your business have adjusted and how you are preparing to keep everyone safe in the future - whether you have taken extraordinary steps for hygiene or are maintaining guidelines for social distancing - we are interested and we know your customers are too!

If you haven't submitted yet please send the following to
*Your Business
*Between 1-5 photos that demonstrate some of the adjustments you are making - you wearing a mask, setting up your business for social distancing, graphics regarding online stores, websites, delivery options, etc!
*A short explanation of some of the adjustments you and your business are making
*Business Information 
*Business Logo/Store/Website recognizable photo

Thank You, Brittany

Here are some examples of submissions we have received so far:
Dear members,

 My name's Sierra Jenkins and I'm the Business HQ's co-work coordinator, and manage various campaigns we develop to promote and advocate for your businesses.

Our Families and Faces Behind the Businesses campaign has been extremely successful and well-praised; it's still going strong. This campaign is meant to humanize your brand and your business, by letting the community learn & see what you're all about. We've shared the photographs and stories behind these businesses across our social media platforms. Through this campaign and other recent ones we've created, we've had significant increases in post & page engagement, page views & previews, page likes & follows, and post reach - reaching 50K people per month across the platforms.

We've also been promoting this campaign in every other way possible, to ensure you and your business are out there being recognized! Our Families and Faces Behind the Businesses has been in Redwood News "Redwood Strong" video series, Lost Coast Communications "Redwood Heroes" - online and radio, and is now being featured as a full page spotlight in the Times Standard Sunday newspaper - three Sundays remaining. Thank you to our co-sponsors on this effort: Real Property Management, Redwood Capital Bank, and Recology. We will be incorporating this campaign into our annual 2020 membership directory, so look forward to seeing your story in print!

I want to say thank you to those who have submitted your photos, biography, business story, and beyond. I have been profoundly moved by your participation in the Families and Faces Behind the Businesses campaign. This effort relies on member participation, and sometimes that can be a challenge, but our members rose to the occasion! Reading through your submissions, I laughed, I cried, I wondered in awe, and I fell in love with you; your stories and photos evoked emotions.. and endorphins flowed.. Emotions that made me think “Hey, ya know what, I'm going to make sure I support them the next time I can, because now... I feel like I know them!" It's unbelievable how something, as simple as a paragraph and a photograph, can have such a profound psychological effect on people. Associating a business with a person, a family, a pet, a love story, a story of perseverance, and so on - shows people you are real. People like real ❤

You can find that folder here:  Families and Faces Behind the Businesses

If you haven't submitted yet please send the following to  
*Your Full Name, Business, Business Affiliation
*Between 1-5 photos of you, your family, and/or your staff
*A Bio of you and your business story, family if so, and/or some information about your staff
*Business Information
*Business Logo/Store/Website recognizable photo

Thank You, Sierra
This is the Chamber’s Co-Work Coordinator, Sierra Jenkins, and her fiance Westin Dillon. She hails from Texas and is a graduate from the University of Texas at Arlington with a degree in broadcast journalism. Westin is a Eureka native, master creative design carpenter, and graduated from College of the Redwoods.

She was an all-star and school cheerleader, gymnast, and dancer her entire youth and into college. She worked for the National Cheerleaders Association for many years, and has been a coach, choreographer, sales and marketing executive in Las Vegas, multimedia journalist, environmental representative and youth council coordinator for the city of Eureka, and more.

Her and Westin met back in 2011, and have lived together in Eureka for six years. They're art, music, and animal lovers with two dogs, Ember and Lyza. They enjoy DIY projects, the outdoors, hiking local trails, gardening, taking the dogs to the beach, water recreation, dancing, and being with friends and family.

Jenkins is invested in the future of Eureka, and cares about being an involved community member and positive role model.
Say see you later to Isaiah! Although Isiah's internship is complete and he is graduating HSU, we hope to see you around!

Isaiah has a bright future ahead of him - at a solar company locally! ☀️
We want to thank Isaiah for all of his hard work working to set up our new CRM, Hubspot, this will help us to grow without compromise, streamline our workflow and provide better service to businesses in our community. We will also now be able to chat via Facebook & our website!

We can't thank you enough, Isaiah, for what your have done to assist the greater Eureka Community, and how you will be working towards creating a more sustainable future. Congratulations on your International Business Administration Degree, and we will see you later! ❤️
The Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services asks for the participation of every Humboldt business to complete its COVID-19 Economic Impact Survey.

The purpose of this survey is to capture current, ongoing, and cumulative data on the total amount of economic loss for businesses in Humboldt County due to COVID-19. This survey is an electronic version of the Disaster Economic Impact worksheet for businesses and is meant to be taken on a bi-weekly basis. Completing this survey will provide data that will be used in the total claim submitted by Humboldt County for disaster relief. Please note that your information will be confidential and not be made public.
Reduced Work Hours

Employers experiencing a slowdown in their businesses or services as a result of the coronavirus impact on the economy may apply for the UI Work Sharing Program. This program allows employers to seek an alternative to layoffs. Visit Work Sharing Program to learn more about its benefits for employers and employees, and how to apply.
APP Imprints 3M N95 Mask Program

Our 3M Mask program has just launched. I want to be sure you have the opportunity to purchase these essential PPE items at the best prices possible now. Take a look at the attached flier and contact me as soon as possible if you want to submit an order. We want to help keep you safe and this is just one way we can help.
Coast Central Announces $100,000 in Grants & COVID Community Care Fund Established
Coast Central Credit Union President/CEO James T. Sessa announced that its Board of Directors has approved $100,000 in grants through its Community Investment Program to 10 local organizations for its spring 2020 round of giving. Coast Central also supports its communities through sponsorship, college scholarship, and employee volunteer programs.
Community Choice Energy Turns Three

The Redwood Coast Energy Authority Celebrates Humboldt County’s Recent Energy Program Accomplishments and Future Objectives
When the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) launched its Community Choice Energy (CCE) program May 1, 2017, it was based on a community vision that Humboldt County would have greater control over its electricity generation options, the electricity would have a higher renewable content, and it would cost a little less.
Redwood Capital Bancorp First Quarter Earnings Release
SBA Paycheck Protection Program Success - Dividend Continued
 Redwood Capital Bancorp, the only locally owned and operated community bank holding company in Humboldt County, announced unaudited financial results for the three month period ended March 31, 2020.
Tips for Reopening Your Workplace
In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank, and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw offer tips and insights on how employers can prepare to bring teleworkers back into the office once COVID-19 stay-at-home orders are lifted. ink
COVID-19 and Form I-9 Requirements
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provided much-needed guidance on the issue of employees hired and working remotely in a March 20, 2020 announcement related to COVID-19 and the national emergency. k