The card sharks will once again be out in full force putting their best poker hand together to win prizes and support our local business community. The fourth annual Biddeford & Saco Business Poker Crawl will take place from May 17th-May 19th.
Over 40 downtown businesses in Biddeford & Saco will be participating this year. The game is simple: spend $10 or more at one of the participating locations, and pull a card from a deck. Over the 3-day Poker Crawl period, players are encouraged to shop at as many participating locations as possible to build their best 5-card poker hand.
On Sunday the 19th all the players return their poker hand to Common Roots Studio on Washington St. in Biddeford, and the top 5 hands will win valuable gift baskets made up of specialty items and gift cards donated by the 40+ local businesses.
All of the participating businesses will have a Poker Crawl poster in their window and a map of all the other participants, and a complete list of all the participating businesses and rules will be available at: ... ante up that weekend and have fun!