The Lord Has Blessed Me & You
A life-time has passed since the last Christmas message.I was in the hospital with sepsis [an infection in the blood] for two months. It is now cured. But during that time I was beside-myself because it appeared that I could not do the Lord's work there.
As usual, when there is a misunderstanding between God and myself, I turn out to be wrong. I never realized how poorly hospital personnel are treated by patients. The Lord lifted my spirits and soon I was blessing almost everyone. "Almost" because there were a few workers who rubbed me the wrong way, no matter what, and the natural reaction is to "rub" right back at-ya. So, I had to humble myself and apologize for my response.
I am blessed to be out of the system of hospitals. I was also blessed to be hospitalized and forced to make some life-changing decisions.
What about you? Are you just on auto-pilot, navigating the holiday season? We went to the Michigan City Messiah for the first time, last week --- it was spectacular! The Bible says that God causes blessing to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. Look around for those blessings and spread the wealth of blessings to all around you, whether they deserve it or not.
I can personally attest to you God's blessings have helped me, even though I did not deserve the blessings.
Give it a try. Try on some of God's blessings and spread them around to others.