May is the month of Mary. For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary, Mother of God and the Church.
“She is that woman who rejoiced in the presence of God, who treasured everything in her heart,
and who let herself be pierced by the sword. Mary is the saint among the saints, blessed above
all others. She teaches us the way of holiness and she walks ever at our side. She does not let us
remain fallen and at times she takes us into her arms without judging us.” —Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, no. 176
Her example teaches us faith, obedience, humility, and most of all, how to love. May is also dedicated to recognizing moms, grandmothers, stepmoms, mothers-to-be and all women who in and through their lives encompass the qualities of motherhood. Last weekend we were able to
celebrate Mother’s Day while having 150 of our parish children encounter Christ by making their
first Eucharist. Our parish community rejoiced with those students and their families.
This week we continue our celebration of Mary with May Crowning. This tradition reenacts
Mary's coronation in heaven. It is also a reminder to strive to imitate our Blessed Mother’s virtue
in our own lives. As the Mother of God, Mary has a unique position, she is exalted, yet still one
of us. Mary, more than anyone, can show us Jesus, lead us to him, and teach us to know and love
What can we do to get closer to Mary? It is simple, take some time to pray the rosary. In all the
apparitions of Mary, she has constantly called us to pray the holy rosary for the salvation of souls.
This is an easy, yet powerful way to honor her this month.
Mary, O Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Sr. Teresa to Retire from St. Brigid of Kildare
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish would like to thank Sister Teresa Tuite, OP, for her over eight years of service to our parish as she retires from her duties here on September 1, 2023.
Sister Teresa has worked as the Director of Adult Faith Formation and the Healing Ministries at our parish since 2015. She has led numerous biblical studies and small group discussions through the School of Adult Faith Formation and Education, covering a wide variety of topics connected to Catholic and inter-religious faith traditions. She also ministered to the sick and bereaved through our Healing Ministries, taking Communion to long-term care and retirement facilities and to our homebound parishioners. She worked very closely with those who lost a loved one to plan funeral Masses and begin to move through grief and loss. Sister Teresa also collaborated with Young Adult Ministry on various projects and oversaw Soup Suppers.
Sister Teresa, OP says, “It has been a privilege and a very special grace being at St. Brigid of Kildare. One of my favorite quotes is ‘Some people come into our lives and quickly go, others leave footprints on our heart.’ The people of St. Brigid of Kildare have left footprints on my heart. Until we meet again, may we all be held in the hollow of God’s hand as we continue to spread the Gospel.”
As Sister Teresa, OP leaves her ministry at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, she will be shifting her energies to itinerant preaching and teaching and will continue to reside in this area. Kim VanHuffel, Pastoral Associate, will continue to train with Sister Teresa as she finishes her time here and will be taking over the Adult Faith Formation program beginning July 1.
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish is grateful for Sister Teresa’s talent and hard work at our parish, and we wish her the best in her future.
Farewell Party for Monsignor Hendricks
Sunday, June 25
Join us as we say thank you and to honor Monsignor Joseph Hendricks for his over 30 years of service to our parish.
We will honor him at the 11 AM Mass, followed by a picnic lunch at Brigid's Green.
Please RSVP by June 17th at the link below.
Religious Education Donation in Memory of Liz Jennison
Liz Jennison passed away on March 14, 2023, after a years-long battle with cancer. She was our friend and coworker, devoted founding member of St. Brigid, and Religious Education catechist for many, many years. Liz was such a champion of our Religious Education program that she requested donations to be made to it in her memory.
We are happy to say that because of the generosity of Liz, her family, and her friends, we are donating adaptive Mass aids for our young and special needs parishioners in her memory. Soon in the cry room of the church we will have “Comfort Rosaries,” “Stations of the Cross” worship aids, and “My Picture Missal” Mass books to help enhance the joy of the Catholic Mass for those of us that do not use the traditional worship materials at Mass.
Liz loved the Catholic Mass, loved children, and loved Religious Education. We hope that providing this gift to the church in her memory is a way for us to continue to honor her legacy of faith, fellowship, and love for our St. Brigid Religious Education family.
The Appeal (previously known as the Bishop’s Annual Appeal) is how we as a parish have an opportunity to bring about a positive change in the lives of many of God’s people in our Diocese. This year’s Appeal is themed “Forward with Jesus.” The Appeal will support Catholic education and faith-formation initiatives for young people, including those on college campuses. Dollars raised will also support concrete outreach to the poor and most vulnerable in our Diocese. The Appeal also supports and sustains two top priorities: evangelization and vocations. We want to share the good news of salvation with everyone, through our parishes and outreach ministries, and to form missionary disciples, religious, and priests, who are heralds of the Gospel.
Your gift matters! All dollars raised to meet the Diocesan Appeal goal of $7,000,000 will fund the needs of identified Diocesan ministries, programs, and services including:
- Evangelization ($2,536,000) Outreach and formation on college campuses, ministering to individuals’ and communities’ spiritual needs, marriage preparation, hospital chaplaincy, and ethnic ministries.
- Vocations ($1,593,000) Priest, deacon, and seminarian education; supporting the cost of formation for the priesthood and diaconate.
- Catholic Education and Tuition Assistance ($1,568,000) Provides financial aid to families seeking Catholic education for their children, as well as funding for the education and advocacy of Catholic social teaching.
- Social Concerns ($1,303,000) Helping each other walk the Christian life of charity, justice, and hope through direct outreach, advocacy, and education through programs like J.O.I.N., Backdoor Ministry, St. Francis Evangelization Center, Respect Life, Urban Plunge-style retreats, and the coordination of prison ministries.
The Appeal supports essential ministries, formation, and outreach under the four pillars of evangelization, vocations, education, and social concerns. Your gift will be reflected in St. Brigid of Kildare’s goal of $314,558 and our parish will be notified of your generosity. Please use the link below to make a pledge or gift to The Appeal. Thank you!
St. Brigid School & Child Care Job Openings for 23-24
Saint Brigid of Kildare School is seeking candidates to hire for the following positions beginning in the 2023-24 school year:
- Paraprofessional (Classroom Aide) – Grade 1 or 2
- Educational Support Aide – K-2 and 3-4
- Intervention Specialist
- Instructional Support Teacher – 7-8
- Cafeteria (part-time)
- After School Child Care (part-time)
Congratulations to our Confirmands and First Communicants
Congratulations to our 127 St. Brigid of Kildare children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, April 29, and to our 158 children who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 13.
To view photos from these Masses, click the album below.
High School Youth Ministry participated in the Habitat for Humanity Faith Blitz 2023 to build a playhouse for a Habitat family!
The Faith Blitz 2023 took place at One Church in Gahanna, OH.
Habitat assigned us a family with four kids, ages 8, 7, 3, and 1 with a love for the jungle, superheroes, and OSU.
We brought a team of students and PGC adults to design and build a Habitat Playhouse in 6 hours!
Princess Tea In Support of Mommies Matter
You’re Invited to A Mother & Daughter Princess Tea in support of Mommies Matter!
Dress up and indulge your innate royalty with an afternoon of memorable fun! This Mother & Daughter Princess Tea is an opportunity to celebrate the special little girl in your life - your daughter, granddaughter, or niece! Affirm and reveal her God-given dignity in her truest identity as a daughter of the King, while teaching her what it means to be a woman living in service for the most vulnerable among us. All proceeds benefit Mommies Matter, a local non-profit that walks with single, pregnant women.
You don’t want to miss it! This event will be held on June 3 from 3-5 PM in Hendricks Hall. Accompanied by an adult female, all girls ages 4-10 are invited to participate!
Tickets are $25 for your first princess and $20 for additional princesses. Adult admission is $25. The deadline to register is May 22.
Congrats High School Seniors!
We celebrated our High School Seniors at and after the 11 AM Mass on May 7, 2023. Congratulations and farewell to them!
High School Youth Ministry: Summer Ministry
Mommies Matter Tea Party Volunteer
St. Brigid will be hosting a "princess tea party" on June 3, 2023 in Hendricks hall to raise money for Mommies Matter. Volunteers will be needed to set up (1:30-3 PM), serve food, and lead activities during the event (3-5 PM), as well as clean up after the event (5-6 PM).
Vacation Bible School Jr. Volunteer
SBK VBS takes place from 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM on June 19-23. Student volunteers are required to be in attendance the entire week of VBS, for the entire time. Scroll to the bottom of the linked webpage for Jr. Volunteer information.
Dublin Giving Garden
Weed and water the Dublin Community Giving Gardens behind Historic Coffman Homestead from 10-10:30 AM on select Tuesdays between June 6- August 15.
Habitat For Humanity Playhouse Priming
Join us from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM at the Habitat for Humanity MidOhio warehouse to prime Playhouse Project house kits on June 29 and July 27.
Ultimate Frisbee + Other Field Games
Join us at SBK Brigid's Green from 7-8 PM on select Tuesdays for Ultimate Frisbee and/ or Kickball and ice cream! Tuesdays: June 13, June 27, July 11, and July 25.
No sign up required. Just show up.
Altar Server Training May 21
All rising Fifth graders and older are invited to become Altar Servers for the Weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Is the Lord calling upon your son or daughter to serve? Have them answer that call by becoming an Altar Server! St. Brigid of Kildare is encouraging all those in (incoming) fifth grade and above to consider becoming an Altar Server. Attend one short training session, study one short section from the Liturgical training manual and they will be ready to serve the Lord as an Altar Server. What a wonderful, rewarding service! Our next training session for Altar Servers is May 21, 2023, Sunday afternoon in the Church from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm. Please register by May 19th so we can be prepared to welcome you. To register online, please click here or the button below. For more information please contact Joe Feehan at
Sunday, May 21, 2023, St. Brigid of Kildare Church
SBAA Sport Registrations for Fall
St. Brigid Athletic Association has opened up the 2023 Fall Sports Registration. Registration will run between now and early August - depending on your sport of choice. We will offer an Early Bird Discount of 10% off if you register before June 1st - and it will automatically be taken off from your shopping cart if you register before June 1st - so register soon at
Please note, some activities like Summer Football Mini-Camp, Girls Tennis, and Golf - all have activities that start before August 1, so sign up soon to stay in the loop for all summer communication and activities.
If you have any questions about each activity, please reach out to the following sport commissioners and coaches:
Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center’s 17th Annual Farm Fresh 5K
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Shepherd’s Corner, Blacklick, Ohio
Race beings at 9:00 am
Race check-in begins at 8:00 am
- $30 for adults (13 years and up)
- $15 for kids (12 years and under)
Please register by May 19th if you want to be guaranteed a t-shirt.
Partner with Shepherd's Corner's mission to care for Earth and to feed the hungry.
Proceeds will benefit Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center’s environmental education programs, land and water conservation projects, and our efforts to provide fresh, naturally grown produce to those in need.
Requirements to Volunteer with Our Children
If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Diocese of Columbus at
The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) sessions:
- 5/22/2023 St Mary Delaware 6:00pm
- 5/25/2023 Holy Spirit (Zoom Session) 6:00pm
- 6/13/2023 St Matthew (Zoom Session) 6:00pm
- 6/17/2023 St Brendan Hilliard 9:00am
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
- Carson Brooks DePeder
- Evelyn Noelle Germann
- Madelyn Lilia Gierut
- Hayes Anthony Hausfeld
- Sebastian David Hoffman
- Vivienne Denni Jipson
- Dominic Thomas Laurenzi
- Severn Thomas Lavisky
- Ava AnneMarie Mozdrzech
- Addison Fox O’Donnell
- Bennett Lee Royalty
- Hadley Lynn Sponseller
- Ivy Loren Ellerbrock
- Caden John Kosanovich
- Logan James Kosanovich
- Jack Patrick Peterson
- Mason Scott Place
- Trevor William Rowley
- Luca Christopher Scala
- Lula Patricia Scala
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:
- Brandon Michael Ponder and Megan Marie Reimer
- Mark Alan Inkrott and Whitney Brianna Hashbarger
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.
Mary Anne Eunice O’Reilly
David C. Buckles
Teresa La Mendola
Donna P. McClure
News from the Diocese of Columbus
Defeat Ohio’s Proposed Abortion Amendment. The dignity of life in its earliest stages is threatened by a proposed Ohio Constitutional amendment to enshrine and expand abortion at the expense of protections for preborn children and women. The Catholic Conference of Ohio has produced resources for Catholics to learn more about and to take action to defeat the proposed amendment. Visit
Night at the Catholic Museum (May 20, 5-9 p.m.): Have you seen the movie Night At The Museum? Come Join us for a fun night of experiencing history come alive. Learn about the Catholic Church throughout the centuries through art and stories. You may be surprised at who you will meet. Located downtown Columbus near St. Joseph Cathedral at 257 E. Broad St., Columbus. We hope to see you there! For more information, contact the Museum at 614-618-4030 or
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017