MAY 2019
Meet Christopher Bwayo, a well-loved businessman in Butiiru trading center. Christopher's shop, shop which sells general merchandise, is the closest thing to a supermarket in his village. Yet 42 year-old Christopher does not know how to write his own name. Keeping even the most basic business records is simply not possible. Christopher is ambitious and has always worked hard at his businesses, even as he has struggled to get ahead. 

Illiteracy has forced this budding businessman to entrust his monies in the hands of different people, often with disastrous consequences. “I have employed 8 people to help me handle my business account records over the years, but one by one they have run off with my money.” He had plans to close the business and seek lessons . But now he sees hope with DCI’s literacy class. He is very anxious to start learning and applying his lessons right away with our practical approach as he continues with his business.

DCI’s Arithmetic Curriculum

It’s hard to imagine that many people don’t understand numbers and basic arithmetic, but this is also a big part of illiteracy. The inability to work with numbers and math results in poor planning, poor business outcomes, unfair cheating, and confusion in managing farming inputs, and even medical treatment. 

Our arithmetic curriculum includes arithmetic from adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing, all the way through fractions and percentages. These are all essential for economic development. The material is introduced with practical exercises relating to students’ real lives, and then on into the business they develop as a class. And for people like Christopher, who are instinctively drawn to business, our lessons provide immediate practical solutions.

Christopher Bwayo is one of the lucky ones. He has been able to enroll in a fully funded DCI literacy class, and should be seeing dramatic changes within a few months. But right now, hundreds of others are waiting for such an opportunity.
Prospective students near Amudat asked very good questions about what to expect with our program
Jonathan Beggs and the DCI team with a group in Katabok in the Pokot region who have been calling each month for us to begin their class
Our new adult literacy education (ALE) classes are beginning! We are excited for them, but sad at the same time because only 9 classes are sponsored so far, so another 13 classes are still waiting for funding. These classes will directly serve nearly 500 families.

Each of these new classes costs about $300 per month which is only about $9 per student. This includes continuous teacher training, regular class monitoring, and teaching and learning materials. This is a bargain price for a program that so radically improves the lives of people and their communities. You can help by becoming a sustaining donor making a one-time contribution, or gather a group of friends and sponsor and entire a full class.

Funding these 13 classes is our main funding focus right now, even as we continue the work in Uganda. Please consider how you can join in this effort and move these people from waiting, to actively learning and growing.

Development Companions International
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