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Each month, we will share with families a Digital Citizenship newsletter. We would like to share with you information around the technology being used in Mentor Schools along with resources to support your child's education. Please reach out with topics you would find helpful in this newsletter.

Summer Access to Devices and Programs

Three years ago, the district decided to allow all of our students to keep their devices (iPad, Chromebook or MacBook) for the summer months. We decided to help support students and families as learning does not have to stop even during the summer months. Summer learning loss is the loss of academic skills and knowledge over the summer. One way to limit summer learning loss is to encourage your child to continue using the programs that they are most familiar with. Here is a list of district programs that are available to all students from the last day of school until July 27th. We use the three weeks before school starts to re-enroll all our students in the 50-plus digital academic programs used in K-12 classrooms.

  • iReady Math and Reading (K-5)
  • Achieve (6-8)
  • NewsELA (3-5 and 9-12)
  • LucidChart (K-12)
  • Canva (K-12)

And so many more! The best way to access all district programs is through your child's Clever account.

Family Resource Corner

Digital Resources to Help Support Caregivers, Kids, and Families at Home

Figuring out how to keep up with structure and learning when our kids are out of school for the summer can be tough. And making sure that their days aren’t filled with screen time and little else can be really tough. Here are some ideas and resources that might make summer tech challenges a little easier:

Does your family have a specific tech need? A resource that you love? Let me know about it!

Contributed by: Tricia Zeedrich, Mentor Schools Parent Mentor & Family Engagement Coordinator   440.974.5359

SENIORS (and parents of seniors) Please READ!

Google Takeout

Google Takeout provides a handy way to download your data or move it to another Google Account. In our case, this should be used when you are graduating or moving from the Mentor Schools district account. 

Here are detailed directions on how to use Google Takeout.


Moving into next school year, all 4th - 10th graders will use Chromebooks. Here are a few resources to help you familiarize yourself with the Chromebook. Also, please take a look at the image to the left that goes over some essential Touchpad Tips that can quickly allow students to navigate around on their Chromebooks. Here are some additional resources:

Mentor Public Schools
6451 Center Street
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Phone 440.255.4444
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