Join us for an evening of American sailing history with John Rousmaniere at the home of a New York Yacht Club founder.
John's 30 books range over a world of topics, but he is best known for writing about sailing in all its facets – including seamanship, storms, sailing safety, the America’s Cup, and stories of America’s yacht clubs, including the New York Yacht Club, where he is club historian.
His illustrated talk is about what he calls
The Golden Pastime
– the great sweep of sailing that stimulates dreams in us all, whether to sail across the Gulf Stream in a big ocean racing yacht (as he has done many times) or to cross Long Island Sound in a small family boat (that, too).
Read more here!
Doors open at 6:30pm. Program is at the Jay Mansion.
Tickets $10 JHC Members; $15 Non-Members
Email Barbara Specht at to reserve your seat or buy your tickets online here.