Yellow Dot Shop & Yellow Dot Designs

This Weekend's Events


Art Mart at Canal Center Plaza
Del Ray Pop-Up Market

To Denizens of Alexandria, Virginia and Beyond:

Come out on Friday to Art Mart Canal Center Plaza! I and my Yellow Dot Shop will be at the Art Mart in North Old Town, evening, 5pm to 9pm. They are having a happy hour, live performance and many vendors. Should be really fun.

Come to Del Ray on Saturday afternoon for our Del Ray Pop-Up Market! We'll have cider, pastries, candles, art, dog treats, and my new printed scarves, mother's day cards, note pads, shirts and more! Good fun at Market Square across from Pork Barrel BBQ.

I started out in Alexandria in 1992 working at Kwik Kopy (which is now AlphaGraphics) at Canal Center Plaza . Here I am again where they are really making that Plaza into a festive and fun place! I hope to see you at one of these events, or on Sunday morning at West End Farmer's Market. A busy weekend, indeed! More info at

Ellen Hamilton,

Yellow Dot Designs and Yellow Dot Shop

Visit Yellow Dot Shop
Note Pads designed at Yellow Dot Designs
New printed shirts made at Yellow Dot Designs
New printed light-weight scarves made at Yellow Dot Designs

Yellow Dot Shop

Yellow Dot Designs

Yellow Dot Publishing
