Member Benefit Alert
Member Benefit! SBCA's Job Board
Looking to hire an industry professional?

Use SBCA’s job board to reach qualified candidates. this service is available to any SBCA member company, for more information contact us at See below for the latest opportunity. 

DIRECTV is looking for a Vendor Management Professional to serve the upper Midwest region.

Below are some of the details regarding to this opportunity.

Job Contribution:
Intermediate level technical professional. Subject matter technical knowledge within a discipline and sound understanding of DIRECTV technologies and services.

Environmental Requirements:
Frequent travel (60%-75%) by automobile, air or other public transportation to vendor and customer locations across a wide geography.

Overall Purpose:
Oversees vendor relationship and performance.
DISH Network Team Summit 2022 - A Recap
DISH Networks' Team Summit event was held for the first time since 2019. There were over 3,000 attendees with retailers, from both the video and Boost Mobile sectors connecting for the first time. Attendees heard from DISH executives on the future of 5G and satellite television along with new products and offerings.

Additionally, DISH offered two days of training courses ranging from sales, installation, advanced technology and customer retention. Brian Neylon - President of DISH summed up that event by stating, “It’s great to be back”.

SBCA looks forward to attending events by all of our satellite partners in the near future.
Agencies Agree to Share Broadband Subsidy Data
Article via SmartBrief

The Federal Communications Commission, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, USDA and Treasury Department have agreed to share and standardize data about broadband deployment. The memorandum of understanding follows a MOU in June 2021 for the agencies "to coordinate the distribution of federal high-speed internet funds."