One Day Training Sessions
Operator Expos Around the Corner!
Have you signed up for our 2022 Operator Expos? They're just around the corner! Earn up to 5 TECHNICAL continuing education hours for both water & wastewater licenses! We always have a great time, learn a lot, and leave full and happy! Plus, we'll have several fun competitions to give you a chance to take home some dough or a cool prize! All for just $95!! (member pricing)
Join us in Huntingburg - May 19, or in Akron - May 26! Registration starts at 8am, and Demos kick off at 9am. Don't forget to BYOC (bring your own chair)!
2022 Regional Water Taste Tests
We have three more "regional" taste tests before the "Best Tasting Water in Indiana" Competition during our conference this fall. The City of Fort Wayne was the proud winner of the first regional taste test held at our Spring Conference. Congratulations to them!
2022 Regional Taste Test Schedule
March 17th - French Lick @ Spring Conference
May 26 - Akron @ Operator Expo
June 16 - Upland @ training
August 24 - Connersville @ training
*Systems may choose to compete in any of the regional competitions. Submissions MUST NOT have any major violations of bacteriological testing or chemical monitoring for two years prior to the Taste Test. Winners from each region will advance to compete in the “Best Tasting Water in Indiana” at our annual Fall Conference, October 26 & 27, 2022 in Fort Wayne, IN.
(Regional winners will receive one free fall conference registration)
Advertise With the Alliance!
Are you looking to put your products or services in front of the members of the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water and key decision-makers of Indiana's rural water and wastewater utilities?
Advertising space is now being reserved for the Summer/Fall 2022 issue of the Alliance’s Hoosier Pipeline magazine. Along with the 1,700 printed copies, your ad will also appear in the digital edition on the Alliance's website giving it even more added exposure online.
To reserve your ad space in the Summer/Fall issue, please contact Dave Gill at 866-985-9791 or by email david@kelman.ca
Below are the ad sizes that you can choose from. If you have purchased advertising space in the past, we thank you. If you have not, we look forward to welcoming you to the Hoosier Pipeline!
Thank you for your support of the AIRW!
Ad Size Price
Full Page $1,775
1/2 Page $1,000
1/3 Page $775
1/4 Page $625
1/6 Page $550
1/8 Page $450
Indiana Finance Authority Regional Water Planning Meetings
Regional Water Planning Meetings for the Indiana Finance Authority dates and locations are now available on the IFA website. Please review the map to find the meeting scheduled for your area and plan to attend.
As a reminder, utilities are required to attend at least one regional meeting a year. If you have questions, please email WaterResources@ifa.in.gov.
Free webinars are typically held on the last Tuesday of the month from 2:00-3:00 pm ET (Optional Q&A session from 3:00-3:30 pm ET). Attendees have the option of receiving a certificate for one contact hour for each live webcast attended.
The next FREE Small System monthly webinar will be on Tuesday, May 24 - Lead Service Lines.
EPA Water Research Webinar Series
A webinar will be offered every other month that will focus on EPA water research. The 2022 schedule is at the link below.
If you attend these webinars, you must submit the certificate and the credit form yourself. If you do not submit the form with the verification document, you will not get the credit.
(EPA Webinars must also be pre-approved to obtain wastewater credit.)
2022 Indiana Legislative Update
The 2022 Legislative session is now over. There will be some Study Committees meeting in the upcoming months. The key pieces that could affect our water/wastewater industry are:
Drinking Water Week (5/1 - 5/7): Drinking Water Week is an annual observance sponsored by the American Water Works Association to recognize the critical role drinking water plays in our daily lives. This year’s theme, “There When You Need It,” highlights the work water professionals do around the clock to ensure high-quality drinking water is always available at your tap, whenever you need it. Fun Fact: In 1908, Jersey City was the first city in the U.S. to start the practice of routine disinfection of community drinking water.
Public Works Week (5/15 - 5/21): The American Public Works Association picked "Ready & Resilient" as the theme for the 2022 National Public Works Week. Superheroes lie within each and every public works professional...always READY to serve their communities, and RESILIENT as ever in their abilities to pick themselves up off the ground after encountering challenges.
Infrastructure Week (5/16-5/20): Join your efforts with others across the country to elevate infrastructure as a critical issue impacting all Americans. Imagine the state our economy, environment, and health would be in without the infrastructure that supplies us with clean water. Encourage your customers and citizens to contact their legislatures to support infrastructure funding.
Water a Flower Day (5/30): This day reminds people to water their flowers, but you can also use it as a day to remind people to get their sprinkler systems ready for the summer months by checking for leaks and installing rain sensors. Better yet, let's promote the use of rain barrels!
In celebration of the "Greatest Spectacle in Racing," the Indy 500, 120Water is hosting a webinar series to help our utitlies "Stay on Track with LCRR Compliance." This three-part series will cover inventory, funding, and compliance.
Training Dates:
- May 11, Inventory Best Practices
- May 17, Funding
- May 24, Tackling LCRR
Affinity Partners/Programs & Services Portfolio
As the only affiliate of National Rural Water Association in the state, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water is proud to offer our members an array of products and services that have been vetted and specifically chosen as partners that work well with and for rural water and wastewater utilities. If you have any questions about any of these programs, please contact our office at 888-937-4992 or ask your circuit rider.
Don't forget to check out the latest version of our membership magazine, the Hoosier Pipeline!
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