May 2023

Monthly Scoop!

It's that time again! Summer is officially in full swing here in The Shoals, and we could not be more excited. We hope you stay safe while enjoying all the fun activities. Don't miss our newest blog post featuring some of the events happening in our region!

Check it out here!

Click this picture to see who has participated in the Music Makers program!

Our Shoals Music Makers program has seen much interest! We have had some awesome folks recording here in our community. Click this picture to scroll through some of the acts who are a part of the program!

More information about our Shoals Music Makers program & the application for the recording incentive can always be found at

downtown-florence-historic-district-cropped image

8 Towns in Alabama With the Best Main Streets

Alabama is a state abounding in long-standing traditions and natural allure. Among the many wonders it has to proffer, these gorgeous towns stand out with their individual allure and photogenic principal streets. Each city has its own distinguishing personality, from the delightful stores and eateries to the wild attraction of close-by rivers and mountains.

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America's Music Road | The Saturday Evening Post

The building known as 3614 Jackson Highway isn't much to look at, inside or out. Squat and square, the concrete block structure has all the charm of a coffin showroom - which, in fact, it was back in the day, before the guys with guitars showed up. Then again, "...

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Be sure to check out Sheffield Career Center's Facebook page for more information and additional listings!

Go now!

The Shoals Employment Growth Program is designed to encourage full-time employment growth through a streamlined process that provides assistance to eligible applicants offering new employment opportunities for Shoals citizens. Shoals area for-profit companies that operate under certain business activities listed in the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) can be reimbursed up to $8,000 for each new qualifying full-time employee hired, up to ten new full-time employment positions per year.

Click here for more information on the Shoals Employment Growth Program or contact Rob Jones, Shoals EDA, at (256) 349-5632 or e-mail at

The purpose of the Shoals Manufacturers' Association (SMA) is to foster a working relationship among Shoals area manufacturers and to promote a healthy business climate, making it feasible for existing companies to expand and/or remain in the Shoals area in a working partnership with the Shoals Economic Development Authority. Shoals area companies involved in the manufacture of products and parts for profit are invited to join SMA.​

For more information, including the cost to join, visit our website. To join or for any questions, contact Rob Jones, Shoals EDA, at (256) 349-5632 or e-mail at

Click here for more info!



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