May You Be Happy - Spring Cleaning
Dear Friends and Art Collectors,
After being chilly and sluggish, May has hit NC with big time warm weather lately, and I write this with the sun streaming through my studio window. I don’t know if you’re like me, with seasons affecting your mood, but I am so happy to be warm and ditch the sweaters; my patio and back yard are full of flowers, and I even started back at the pool last week. I cleaned my studio and rearranged furniture, bought sheets of magnetic surfaces to hang my work on without needing to put more holes in the walls, and dumped stuff I didn’t want or need.
Now, I’m spring cleaning my mind as well. I’m painting for joy again. I do have commissions and commitments which keep me focused and professional, but in between jobs and show submissions, I’m playing again. New surfaces, new mediums, new colors.
Whenever I feel stuck or stagnant, I realize it is because I am about to breakthrough or break free of something, in my work or my life. I may be anxious of what’s up ahead, but stuck in SAFE is not an option. So my advice, try something different, try a new subject to paint, or a new medium to try, and give yourself no expectations but FUN.
I know what I can do. But let’s see what I thought I couldn’t...
Pictured: Three Friends, 8x8", Available