May NJSPE Update
NJSPE's Featured Platinum Sponsor
Puharic and Associates, Inc is an insurance and risk management firm based in Monmouth County. For over 16 years, Puharic has been the trusted choice for engineers, architects, environmental scientists and other licensed professionals. As a risk manager, the firm takes a 360-degree view of the insurance needs and risk management practices for each customer. No call centers, no 800 numbers, just trusted, experienced insurance advice.

Join us for a celebration of the accomplishments of our members and the engineering profession in New Jersey. We will be recognizing the achievements of outstanding individuals in the industry and welcoming our new leadership team.

The evening will begin with a cocktail reception, followed by a dinner and awards ceremony. We will also have two incredible speakers who will share their insights and experiences of the engineering profession. Kris Kolluri, the Chief Executive Officer at the Gateway Development Commission and Jerry Keenan, the President at NJ Alliance for Action.

This is a great opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry and celebrate the achievements of our peers. We hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be an enjoyable and inspiring evening.

Dinner tickets are $90 each.
Event Program Advertising and Sponsorships are available.
Legislative Update
The New Jersey legislature is currently in a race to balance the fiscal year 2024 budget by the end of June. Look for committees to be active with various voting sessions leading up to the July 1st deadline to balance the state budget. Once the budget bill is eventually signed by Governor Murphy expect a slow-paced summer and fall as all 120 members of the New Jersey Assembly and Senate are up for election.
Here are a few bills the NJSPE is monitoring:
S-1350 - Establishes procedures and standards regarding public services privatization contracts. The bills intent is to ensure that no public services are privatized without scrutiny and not unless true cost savings – those not based on increased charges, reduced services to the public, or lowered workforce standards -- are demonstrated. The bill would require sustained oversight and public disclosure regarding privatization contracts to provide accountability to the taxpayers and would prohibit any agency of the State or political subdivision from entering a contract of $500,000 or more to purchase from private entities services previously performed by agency employees, except under certain circumstances. The State Auditor would be required to conduct post-audits of contracts subject to the bill, evaluating whether the projected cost savings were obtained without raising charges, cutting services, or lowering workforce standards. If any individual, agency or contractor is found to be in noncompliance they could be subject to penalties or sanctions.
The bill recently passed the Senate Labor committee with amendments, a current version of the bill can be found below.
A-3811 – Requires geotechnical testing and certain monitoring of transportation projects.
As amended and reported, this bill requires a geotechnical engineer to provide expert recommendations concerning the type and frequency of geotechnical tests needed for transportation projects funded in whole or in part by State resources. The recommended testing and frequency of testing is to be included in the construction contracts of the project and are to be completed during the construction phase of the project.
The bill requires a groundwater test to have occurred within 180 days of the date primary construction begins for any transportation project that requires groundwater testing at the project site. Thereafter, the bill also requires ongoing groundwater monitoring if the site conditions warrant more frequent testing, as determined by the geotechnical engineer.
Under the bill, data is to be collected concerning the shifting and settling of the transportation project. The shifting and settling is to be monitored and compared against the levels of shifting and settling deemed acceptable by the project’s design documents. If the shifting and settling is greater than that deemed acceptable by the design documents, advanced monitoring is to be completed, as determined by the Commissioner of Transportation.
The bill requires the Department of Transportation to comply with all internal standards, manuals, procedures, and design documents and the department is prohibited from waiving any of the standards and procedures provided in these documents.
2023 Yearlong Sponsorships
2023 Yearlong Sponsorships is available. This is great chance for your company to get in front of hundreds of Professional Engineers. Based on community feedback, we have improved the benefits associated with each Sponsorship level to increase your brand exposure and engagement with the NJSPE Community.
NJSPE Would Like to Welcome Its New Members. Thank you for your membership!
Felipe S. Contreras, PE
Remington, Vernick and Vena Engineers

Darren R. Ferlazzo, PE
T&M Associates

Giuseppe Maria Gennarini (Student)

Nicholas Frank Loberto, PE
Urban Engineers, Inc

Takudzwa Mugabe, EI/EIT

Luis Manuel Pichardo, PE
Naik Consulting Group

Alex H. Rodriguez, PE
Catania Engineering Assoc Inc

Jillian Stanton (Student)
The College of New Jersey

Ksenia Tretiakova, PE
Vitruvian GC
Tejal Patel, P.E.
Jeffrey Laux, P.E.
Carolyn Feigin, P.E., P.P.
Erica Vigliorolo, P.E.
Gregory Stolowski P.E.
Brian Van Nortwick, P.E.
Matt Lunemann, P.E., P.M.P, ENV SP.
William P. Delisky, P.E.
Lawrence Powers
Patrick Stewart
Vice President
NJSPE Director at Large
NSPE Delegate
Immediate Past President
Executive Director