Volume 1 | May, 2018
Monthly News & Updates
It's all happening here! EFAC is on the move and, in the words of the famous song, we've only just begun. We're connecting with people throughout the world via this email, Facebook, LinkedIn, and our website (which is a work in progress). EFAC representatives visited EFAC-USA in Florida early in April and EFAC-Wales at the end of April. We connected with like-minded people at a conference in Oxford and met with theological college principals. We will hold meetings in Israel in June. And, that's only part of the story--read on here, and in future emails, to stay informed.
Biblicism : obedience to the Bible as the supreme authority.
Crucicentrism : a focus on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the salvation of mankind.
Conversionism : the belief that lives need to be transformed in a life long process of following Jesus which may involve a “born-again” experience. 
Activism : the practical living out of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts.”

“We have considered … the three essentials to which evangelical people are determined to bear witness. They concern the gracious initiative of God the Father in revealing himself to us, in redeeming us through Christ crucified and in transforming us through the indwelling Spirit. For the evangelical faith is the trinitarian faith. This is why evangelical Christians place such emphasis on the Word, the cross, and the Spirit.”

Isn't "Evangelical" a Bad Word?
by Rev. Richard Crocker, General Secretary

As we begin this new series of newsletters, it seems important to explain how we understand the terms in the title of our organization—especially one as controversial as “evangelical”. The quest for identity is a key concern in our day, and an organization’s purpose and activity may be hampered by neglecting to address the question. Therefore, in the next few issues, I will attempt to define what EFAC means by “Evangelical”, “Fellowship”, and “The Anglican Communion”.
Evangelical . Some have suggested that EFAC should abandon the word. They hold that it is too toxic due its entanglement with some contemporary political movements. However, it is difficult to find an alternative that will serve adequately. Others suggest hyphenating it, so that some evangelicals may be distinguished from others. This itself indicates that the word, evangelical, is in demand, while its exact content is subject to differing appropriation by an assortment of constituencies.
I was present at the National Evangelical Anglican Congress (NEAC) in England in 1977, when such undercurrents of varied evangelical identity emerged. “What is the irreducible minimum of Anglican evangelicalism?” was the question raised. John Stott, in the final address, gave his Chairman’s response. “Minimally, we are Bible people, and we are Gospel people,” he declared, but then added, “but who wants irreducible minima? We want the fullness of the Gospel, and all that God in Jesus has given us!”

Historian David Bebbington has attempted a definition of “evangelical”, identifying four primary characteristics of evangelicalism: Biblicism, Crucicentrism, Conversionism, and Activism (shown on left).

Similarly, the 2003 NEAC in Blackpool was subtitled and organized around these three headings: Bible, Cross, Mission. It is these themes that get at the heart of evangelical distinctives. EFAC founder John Stott put forward a  rationale for this approach, offering a trinitarian frame, as shown on the left. 

We understand that God is one who speaks, and that his words are intentionally recorded so that we may understand His actions, by the work of his Spirit. This activity reaches its pinnacle in the life and ministry of Jesus, by whose death on the cross we are saved. His resurrection victory, and the growth of the disciples’ witness to the world, is through the work of the Spirit. Note the combination of triumph and invitation in these words from the Gospel of John:
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:30-31)
An evangelical is one who takes God at his word in the scriptures, has received salvation at the foot of the cross of Jesus, and with other disciples is about the mission of Spirit in the world the Father has made and loves. I believe the world needs a church inspired by these distinctives. 
The role of EFAC is to serve the increase of this biblical vision worldwide.
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No doubt, you are wondering how you can join with EFAC in achieving the goal of encouraging and developing biblically faithful teaching and mission. Here are some suggestions:
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In June, many members of EFAC chapters around the world, as well as people who are interested in forming chapters where they do not yet exist, will meet before GAFCON. Pray for good attendance and helpful interactions.

EFAC is currently planning a two- part meeting of the International Council. The first will be in Jerusalem and the second in Nairobi. Pray for all the organization, the funding, and the attendees.


EFAC is helping the Kenyan delegation to see something of Israel while they are in Jerusalem for GAFCON. Please give generously to this opportunity, which combines teaching with rest and fellowship.

EFAC is seeking financial support for our many exciting projects . Please help us balance the budget by giving us what you won't miss every month . It won't hurt you, but it will help spread the gospel throughout the world.

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