Serving credit professionals everywhere...since 1899
Welcome Message from our President & CEO, Jon Flora
Upcoming Events
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and beyond
Industry Groups
NOTE: All Group meetings are being online until the Coronavirus subsides
Puget Sound
Thursday, 5/14
11:30 Floor -- ONLINE
Tuesday, 5/19
11:30 a.m. HVAC -- ONLINE
Wednesday, 5/20
11:00 Tacoma Construction -- ONLINE
1:00 Food -- ONLINE
Thursday, 5/21
11:00 Wholesale Electric -- ONLINE
1:00 Eastside Construction -- ONLINE
Wednesday, 5/21
1:00 (AKDT) Alaska Suppliers -- ONLINE
Tuesday, 5/19
11:30 (HST) Hawaii Hospitality -- ONLINE
Friday, 5/22
11:30 (HST) Hawaii Building -- ONLINE
Education and Events
Microsoft Office: Lean Outlook (Online Training)
May 6th - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT
Dun & Bradstreet: Can you quantify the amount of risk in your portfolio?
May 19, 11:00 PDT, 2:00 EST
April 16-17,
Tempe, AZ
July 16-17
June 14-17
. Las Vegas -
Click below for further information about online offerings.
September 23, Las Vegas
Highlights of 1983, Linda's first year
- IBM released the PC/XT
- Mario Bros. game debut
- US unemployment reaches 12 million
- Dow Jones year-end: 1258
- Interest rates: 11%
- US inflation rate: 3.2%
- Ford Mustang: $6,572
- Milk per gallon: $1.35
- Men's leather shoes: $39.99
- Average monthly rent in US: $350
- First mobile phones by Motorola
Linda McPherson to retire
37 years with NACM BCS
We congratulate Linda McPherson as she prepares to enter retirement at the end of the month (although she'll still be helping us in June). In her role as Data Contribution Manager, she has guided your contributed A/R data to selected partners for use in commercial credit reports. As the longest serving current employee, Linda has seen much change over nearly four decades and provided a guiding hand to the technology side of our business. Linda was also a Groups facilitator for most of the years she has been with NACM BCS.
John Woods, who has worked for and with Linda for __ years will be leading our Data Collection Department beginning June 1. Welcome, John, to your new role.
Best wishes, Linda, for a terrific new chapter and thank you for your service.
Pulitzers highlight democracy’s need for a free and robust press
NACM Business Credit Services is pleased to recognize two of our members for winning the 2020 Pulitzer Prize.
Congratulations to The Seattle Times and the Anchorage Daily News. The pre-imminent award for achievements in journalism was established in 1917 by the will of newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer.
In a time when local news coverage is under constant threat of extinction, the work of these papers and their colleagues across America (including our member the Honolulu Star-Advertiser) is needed now more than ever. We urge you to do your part in supporting your community's daily and weekly newspapers and other locally-owned news sources. They are critically important to our culture, democracy, and overall way of life.
We are honored to share this success of our NACM BCS members. Well done.
Seattle Times wins Pulitzer for Boeing Max coverage
The top journalism accolade is the newspaper’s
11th Pulitzer Prize
and third win in the National Reporting category. It is also The Times’
third Pulitzer for coverage of Boeing
. For more click below:
Anchorage Daily News wins its third Pulitzer Prize
The Anchorage Daily News was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service on Monday for “
,” a yearlong examination of the failures of the criminal-justice system in communities across Alaska. The series was reported in partnership with ProPublica.
It’s the third Pulitzer Prize for the Daily News in the newspaper’s history — all in the public service category. Click below for more:
Covid Updates from region's Governors
Click the links below for the latest Covid news
Look Ahead 2020: Consumer Insights
Experian conducted a consumer research study with 1,005 consumers to better understand how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting spending, credit and financial well-being. The survey was conducted March 27 – April 3, 2020, using a third-party online consumer panel..
Thriving from home during COVID-19
Achieving balance in our lives while being confined to our home environment can be overwhelming, but amid COVID19, many individuals are finding ways to thrive within a new normal. International meeting planner Helms-Briscoe offers a few tips from Hilton for brightening your days and staying productive at home.
Time to Re-examine Corporate Computer Access Policies
Last week the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal from a defendant who had been convicted of a felony charge under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”), the federal computer crime statute. The Supreme Court will resolve the issue of whether the CFAA applies to employees who use their authorized access to employers’ computer systems to misuse those systems, including to steal data. The courts of appeals have been divided on this question for the past 8 years. It is an issue of high significance to business because this statute allows individuals or companies victimized by violations of the CFAA to bring a civil action against perpetrators for damages and injunctive relief.
Read more from international law firm Dorsey-Whitney.
Can you quantify the amount of risk in your portfolio?
May 19, 11:00 PDT, 2:00 EST
As global economic conditions evolve, finance teams are expected to do more than ever – including keeping up with higher credit application volumes from some industries, while still ensuring that there is no increase in risk to their organization. There are tools available to help you during these uncertain times.
Gratitude Survival Course:
Overcoming the COVID-19 Tidal Wave
Did you know that increasing your focus on gratitude can lead to better communication with friends, family and co-workers? Or that it can increase your happiness, attitude and self-esteem?
With all of the uncertainty COVID-19 has brought
or us, better communication and happiness are needed more than ever. By embracing the incredible power of gratitude, and by using simple exercises to break old habits and beliefs, you are able to re-program and re-energize your outlook to an extremely positive mindset that you can use for the rest of your life.
Our good friend, David Brooke who was a guest at the 2016 Western Credit Conference in Seattle and the 2017 Hawaii Credit Forum, is offering
a full-length 18 part course designed for someone who wants to refocus and re-frame their life based in gratitude.
Click below for more information and to see if it's something that's right for you.
COVID-19 U.S. Business Risk Index
was developed by
Experian Business Information Services
to help businesses better understand the impact COVID-19 may have on their commercial operation based on several key factors. This methodology combines business risk, anticipated impact on business industries and real-time COVID-19 case data to help businesses better simulate various impact scenarios down to the state level to help develop enterprise strategies.
If you would like more information about how your company can use this tool, please call NACM Business Credit Services at 800-423-5710
Starbucks will reopen 85% of its coffee shops, but with new protocols
NACM BCS member, Starbucks plans to reopen 85% of its U.S. coffee shops by the end of this week, with an emphasis on mobile ordering, contactless pickup and cashless payments, as more cities and states ease lockdown restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.
Can Hawaii rise from the Ashes of COVID as a Smart Destination
Although the economic pain of tourism’s collapse is excruciating, the COVID crisis has given us an opportunity to think about what Hawai‘i should look like as it recovers. Which visitors do we miss now? Which ones were creating frustration? What sites are benefitting from a respite from the crush of visitors? In short, what should Hawai‘i tourism look like when it recovers and how can we do a better job of managing the destination in the future?
The University of Hawaii proposes options for the post-COVID future.
aska -
Pandemic toll on Alaska economy drags on with continued high unemployment and oil industry layoffs
Notices that companies must file with the state in the event of mass layoffs provide an indication of the severe toll the COVID-19 pandemic has had on many Alaska businesses, including the high-paying oil and gas sector.
Innovative Technology - Lower Cost
As part of its ongoing commitment to serving valued companies like yours, UTA is offering new incentives and solutions.
Leverage UTA’s partnership with WorldPay, the largest credit card processor in the world and take advantage of the following promotion.
- NO Monthly Minimums
- NO Annual Fees
- Guaranteed reduction of processing fees
- WorldPay’s Mobile App provides a strong No-Contact solution for today’s customer environment
Find out how much you can save using UTA's new Mobil App and Web Portal. Just call us at NACM Business Credit Services for more information.
Looking for a job or trying to fill a position in your company?
Take advantage of the
Job Center at You will
find current listings as well the opportunity to
post your openings. It's a free service that comes with membership in NACM BCS.
Making the best of Stay Home - Stay Healthy
Deep thoughts from your association staff
Over the last 7 weeks, our NACM BCS staff members have been staying active as we strive to get through this pandemic in one piece. While serving members has been our top priority, a few of us have learned (or at least tried) some new things to pass the time and maybe add a new skill. Here’s a partial list for your reading pleasure and inspiration:
John Woods, Data Department
Learned that the trick to cooking fajitas is using an old-fashioned cast-iron skillet. Uniformly and very hot.
Jon Flora, President & CEO
Taught himself how to use a router. Mangled some scrap wood but ultimately built a nice garden gate. And still has 10 fully functioning fingers.
Steve Shaw, Collections
Returned to daily meditation – 20 minutes every morning has brought him peace and tranquility. And his golf game is the best it’s been in 15 years.
Connie Ticeson, Executive Assistant
Has found new joy with her husband trying “dance aerobics” and new, entertaining dance steps – all from the comfort of their home. Look for them in some future season of
Dancing with the Stars
Sheila Humphries, Customer Care
Has been studying the behavior of pets during the quarantine. Specifically, how cats and dogs react to their owners being home all the time. Treats seem to be key to building loyalty and getting along.
Kelley Thomas, Finance
Has learned that home printer cartridges actually have expiration dates. It’s best not to wait to replace them until the entire world shuts down. Even more exciting, her research has shown that cats have a special way to walk across a keyboard and change computer settings to some language entirely unknown to humankind.
Ben Cox, Account Executive
Enthusiastically writing new jokes about the University of Washington Husky football team.
Jan Minniti, Senior Account Executive
Looking for new ways to brutalize Ben and his Washington State Cougars no matter what happens to this year’s football season.
It would seem we're ready to get back to the office soon. Take care and be safe, everyone!
NACM Business Credit Services
Serving commercial credit professionals.
Since 1899