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May is Older Americans Month

Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2024 theme, Powered by Connection, recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. 

What can individuals do to connect?

  • Invite more connection into your life by finding a new passion, joining a social club, taking a class, or trying new activities in your community.  
  • Stay engaged in your community by giving back through volunteering, working, teaching, or mentoring.
  • Invest time with people to build new relationships and discover deeper connections with your family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin Cancer Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and educate the public about the ways to help prevent skin cancer. UV exposure from the sun is one of the main causes of skin cancer; skin cancer is also one of the most preventable kinds of cancer.

Facts on skin cancer:  

  • It is the most common cancer in the United States and worldwide
  • 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70
  • More than 2 people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour
  • Having 5 or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma
  • When detected early, the 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%

When caught and treated early, skin cancer is highly curable. 

In the early stages of skin cancer development is the best time to check because it's easy to see changes on your skin. Self-exams are a simple way to look at yourself with a new focus that can save your life. That’s why it is recommended that you check your skin, head-to-toe, once a month. If you’re unsure of how to do a skin check, or what to look for, click the button below for help.


May is Healthy Vision Month

Vision loss can have a major impact on every part of life, creating challenges with performing everyday tasks. A visual impairment can make it harder to do everyday activities, like cooking, reading, and getting around.

The stigma around losing vision can be isolating — causing feelings of fear, anxiety, or grief. The good news is that #VisionRehabilitation can make things easier! Resources including training, tools, and technology can help you learn to do tasks safely.  

May is Asthma Awareness Month

May is #AsthmaAwarenessMonth!

Asthma affects the quality of life for over 24 million Americans and their families. Join us this month to help raise awareness by sharing and learning ways to help manage asthma and asthma triggers.  


Breath Better with Asthma, Wherever You Are

If you have asthma, you know that symptoms can come on quickly, then worsen. The things that make them do that are called triggers. An important part of managing asthma is knowing what your triggers are — at home, or while you’re outdoors.

At home 

Because asthma is usually due to allergies, triggers are often allergens, or things that cause allergic reactions. Allergens such as pet dander, dust mites, pests, and smoke can make asthma symptoms worse in some people, and for others, even trigger an asthma attack. People sensitive to dust can clean with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration vacuum and use mattress and pillow covers that prevent exposure to dust mites. If you’re sensitive to pests like cockroaches and rodents, consider integrated pest management, which involves removing and controlling pests through methods such as traps or poison. Avoiding tobacco smoke, including secondhand smoke, can be especially helpful for some people with asthma. 


Everyday weather like cold, dry air can set off breathing problems. Air pollution can affect asthma, too. It may be helpful to avoid some of the worst pollution by adjusting when and where you exercise. Try to avoid exercising near busy roads or industrial areas. Visit airnow.gov to check your local air quality so you can plan to avoid outdoor activities when pollution is highest.

Managing your triggers is just one part of keeping your asthma under control. Work with a healthcare provider to develop an asthma treatment plan that includes taking medicines as prescribed and keeping track of your symptoms and where you are when they occur. That way, you can know what’s making your asthma worse or better.

To learn more about asthma:


Common Asthma Triggers

Below are guides for common asthma triggers. Download the complete set of asthma triggers by clicking the button below and print to refer to this valuable information at home or in the office!


Did you miss National Prescription Take Back Day?

Did you miss National Prescription Take Back Day on April 27th? Luckily, you can still take back unused or outdated medications for safe and responsible disposal!

Click the button for more information on what and how to dispose of medications properly.

Sacramento County: Your Feedback is Requested

You are invited to join Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) for a conversation to discuss the Health & Racial Equity Action Plan.

Healthy Eating = Healthy Aging

Arthritis-Friendly Recipes

May is Arthritis Awareness Month. People with arthritis may wonder which foods and nutrients can be beneficial and which they should avoid. Focus on filling up your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats with an emphasis on fatty fish, beans, as well as healthy fats from nuts/seeds and avocados. Limit intake of processed foods and saturated fat. Consuming a balanced diet may help reduce inflammation and improve joint pain. To read more about arthritis and nutrition benefits click the link below.  


Jamaican Jerk Chicken

When you have arthritis, your joints and sometimes other parts of your body become inflamed, and many spices inhibit certain inflammatory pathways in the body. Some anti-inflammatory spices to consider the next time you are in the kitchen include garlic, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper. Jamaican Jerk Chicken is the perfect spiced dish to try. Click the link below to try the recipe. 


Best Drinks for Arthritis

There’s an old saying – you are what you eat. But what you drink, and how much you drink, can have an enormous effect on your body and health, too. Water, tea, juice, coffee, and smoothies are a great way to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is beneficial for arthritis by flushing toxins out of your body which can help with inflammation. To read more about the benefits of beverages for arthritis click the link below.


Meals on Wheels: Delivering More Than Just a Meal

Attention Yuba and Sutter Counties!

Did you know? Agency on Aging Area 4 oversees Meals on Wheels Yuba Sutter. The home-delivered meal program provides meals to program participants who are homebound, physically or mentally frail, or are in need of meals either because they cannot prepare food for themselves.

Our Meals on Wheels Yuba & Sutter Counties meals are delivered to program participant's doors with the help of team of dedicated staff and volunteers.

Meals are prepared fresh by local restaurants, and delivered cold. All meals are nutritionally balanced, pre-approved by a registered dietitian and designed for older adult's needs. 

Learn more! Click button to visit their website. Subscribe to their newsletter by clicking button below to be the first to hear about news and events — including an upcoming Food Truck Fundraiser happening in happening in Yuba and Sutter counties — and how you can get involved!


Save The Date: May 12 in Yuba City

Get ready for a day of delicious food and giving back!

Mark your calendars for May 12th, as we invite you to join us for a delightful food truck event featuring Drewski's Hot Rod Kitchen! Every purchase contributes directly to our Meals on Wheels program, ensuring our homebound seniors receive the vital support they need. Bring your friends and family for a nice lunch with a great cause. More details coming soon; click button to be the first to get event updates!


Auburn: Walk and Resource Fair Sunday, May 5

Sacramento: Caregiver Event

Friday, May 10

West Sacramento: Senior Resource Fair

Friday, May 17

Woodland: Senior Resource Fair Thursday, May 23

Woodland: Feria de Recursos para Personas Mayores Jueves, 23 de Mayo

Carmichael: Senior Resource Fair Thursday, May 23

Workshops for Healthy Aging

Agency on Aging Area 4 hosts free virtual and in-person workshops for the older adult community in Sacramento, Nevada, Placer, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.

Whether you’re interested in nutrition, health promotion or job readiness we have the classes for you! Our team is currently creating interest lists for each of our workshops. Click on the workshop you're interested in below and fill out the form. A staff member will contact you when new classes are scheduled.


Bingocize is a 10-week, socially engaging group-based program that combines exercise, health education, and the widely popular game of bingo.


A Matter of Balance

A Matter of Balance is an 8-week course that enables participants to reduce the fear of falling by learning to view falls as controllable, setting goals for increasing activity levels, making small changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance.


Live Strong & Safe

Live Strong & Safe Fall Prevention Program is a short one session series that provides a comprehensive overview of fall prevention, including home safety and medication management.


Diabetes Empowerment Education

Diabetes Empowerment Education is a 6-week workshop to help adults with diabetes learn more about diabetes, self-manage their condition, and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.


Cooking Matters

Cooking Matters is a 4-week course that teaches participants to shop smarter, use nutrition information to make healthier choices and cook delicious, affordable meals.


Eat Smart, Live Strong

The Eat Smart, Live Strong is a 4-week course designed to encourage older adults to increase fruit and vegetable consumption to at least 3 1/2 cups and to participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day.


Food Smarts

Food Smarts is a 6-week course designed to support healthy behavior change in the areas of healthy eating, food safety, cooking, food waste reduction and food resource management.


Mature Edge

Mature Edge is a job-readiness program that can help the mature worker update their resume and learn valuable skills to land the job you want.


What is Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)?

An ADRC is a network of organizations that work together to make access to services easier for older adults, people with disabilities, and family care providers. We are here to support you in finding resources and exploring your community options for living independently.

We can help you stay in your home, remain connected to your community, make a smooth transition from hospital to home, and access caregiver resources or respite care.

How can an ADRC help you?

  • By providing in-person, phone, or online information about a wide range of services and resources.
  • By presenting options for long-term services and support so that informed choices can be made about care planning.
  • By offering short-term services to address urgent needs and prevent unnecessary admission to a nursing facility or hospital.
  • By coordinating relocation from hospitals or nursing facilities back to a home or the community and arranging for needed support.

ADRCs are transforming the way people access community resources.

Get help today!

CALL: (800) 211-4545

EMAIL: cm@agencyonaging4.org

WEB: www.adrc4.org

Do you receive SSI? Don’t miss out on food benefits!

Food prices have increased significantly in recent years. It makes it difficult for many of us—especially older adults—to keep eating well.

Fortunately, CalFresh has allocated funds specifically for adults aged 60+. We simplify the application process for them.

Learn more and start your application today. 

Click button below or call us at 



These email newsletters are funded, in part, by CalFresh Healthy Living Program. Learn more here.

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