Volunteers Are Still Fulfilling Our Mission
Literacy Connections continues its mission of providing student-centered tutoring as we work remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our staff are on duty from home, ready to provide resources to adult students, and continue to provide online orientations and tutor training to new volunteers.

With the support of volunteer tutors willing to explore new ways to continue tutoring their students, literacy has gone virtual. In April, a virtual curriculum was developed and classes for adult students started using different online platforms. In our service areas, over 150 adult students are actively learning remotely during this crisis. We are so proud of our staff for their hard work and dedication, reaching out to adult students and volunteers and implementing an online program within weeks. Now, more than ever, low-level and non-English speaking students need our help as they struggle to adapt and navigate the changes brought on by the pandemic.

As we continue to adapt and change to provide uninterrupted literacy programs to those most in need during social distancing and drained resources, we ask you to consider becoming a literacy volunteer and to donate. Your generosity will ensure our doors, though physically closed, remain open to everyone who wants to read, write, and reach their potential.
Stories from Home
Some of our staff and volunteers have shared stories about their experiences so far during these months of staying at home. Click the links to read the full stories.

Heather, Columbia / Greene Coordinator
" While the COVID-19 pandemic brought our regular activities to a sudden halt, we have been actively adapting and devising ways of staying connected to our student and volunteer community. Our volunteers and staff have been reaching out to students to provide referrals to resources available in our community. " Read more from Heather

Jenny, Dutchess Volunteer
"Facing the prospect of not seeing my students for an indefinite period was very disappointing. Using Zoom to continue classes with both my sets of students has been wonderful." Read more from Jenny

Laura, Poughkeepsie Coordinator
"When I was a kid, anytime you weren't in the mood to talk on the telephone with anyone, you took the phone off the cradle and put it on hold. That's what life feels like right now - a dial tone, a half-caught breath, a non-defined pause." Read more from Laura

Marian, Southern/Rural Dutchess Coordinator
"Students who do use the video-conferencing platforms are enjoying learning from tutors and visiting with distant family and friends." Read more from Marian

Rachel, Program Assistant for Orange County
"I really appreciate that our tutors have been able to keep things running so smoothly and that they are so understanding." Read more from Rachel
Louis Higuera and new acquaintances at a Book Buddies celebration in June 2019
Louis Higuera Receives Fulbright Scholarship
We are absolutely thrilled for our friend Louis Higuera, who spent time last summer in our office as a Marist College Tarver Intern. Louis helped us with outreach to the Latinx community, and was recently awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Grant for an English Teaching Assistantship in Lithuania. He will begin his work there in January. Congratulations, Louis!
Ultimate Discount Cards Still Available
The Discount Card offers one year of discounts for only $12. It can be used for take-out at some of your favorite restaurants! The card pays for itself in discounts after just a few uses. Carry the card in your wallet for easy use. This year we are offering both the  Poughkeepsie  and the  Wappingers  versions of the card. Check out the card flyers to see all the discounts. If you would like to order a card, mail in the completed  order form , along with your check, to our Poughkeepsie office. Please allow two weeks for delivery.
Literacy Connections | 845-452-8670 |